A Humble Servant HorrifiedStanding in the freezing snow
There’s a lovely girl I know
She’s been slaving all day long for him
She can’t even feel her skin
Hypothermia sets in
Out there freezing while he sips his gin
AimeeA girl sweet and pure like no other
With dreams just as big as the sea
You left for exploring the ocean
But I wish you would come back to me
Aimee, please come home
You're out there all alone
Submarines are just machines
Another Cog in the Machine4 AM, I'm on my way
Working on the railroad to earn my pay
All day long I strike and pound
As I DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE those stakes into the ground
Every day the same old thing
Same old heavy hammer that I go swing
Massive throbbing in my brain
Blood, Sweat And TearsSome time ago in the city run solely on steam
The power plant workers would rise and stick to routine
Breakin' their backs 'til their work shirts were dirty and brown
As year after year, they'd work for the good of the town
As parts would get old, these men would make the repairs
Changing out axles and belts with meticulous care
Working their hands to the bone and slaving away
Burn It DownDown in a village where most residents were poor
And old man had a factory that folks called "The Killing Floor"
He was a surly master and though his workers all wives
He'd push them within inches of their lives!
They all were sick and tired of this stuff
The men decided that they'd had enough
Doctor FranklynOur town had a scientist
Who promised us he could assist
With all our little everyday affairs
He bult assistant robot men
Who towered 25 foot ten
And said that they would meet our every care
Freak ShowA child was born in this world
With a tragic mandible flaw
The doctors did what they could
Giving him a mechanical jaw
Rejected by society
Abandoned and alone
He'd nearly given up hope
I Want Only YouListen up, now
Little lady I see you sitting there in your flower garden
You looking so pretty reading underneath that chestnut tree (So fine)
I think your goggles and parasol are quite a combination
Why don't you let me come over and keep you company
I want you to know
You're the kind of girl for me
Let Me Be Your ManHoney, I've known you for quite a while
My heart gets all aflutter every time I see you smile
Darlin', won't you let me hold your hand
And say that I can be your man
Baby, what you see is what you get
I don't have any secrets though I've got a few regrets
But, if you give me half a chance
LoverboyOh, Loverboy!
That woman's heart is not a toy
Don't play with her affections
Or falsify her joy
Just settle down
You better stop running around
Or soon you're gonna wind up down six feet underground
Mechanical MenagerieMechanical Menagerie
There's a place
You've got to go
It's better than
A West End show
A brilliant man
Has built machines
Michael Byrd the Flying ManI got a feeling ‘bout today
‘Cause things are OK
It feels like everything is going my way
I’ got the wind in my sails
My feathers straight in my tail
I’m setting out on that open skyway
Miss SprocketThere she was
And my heart just wasn't
Prepared for her
I'll admit I was a little bit
Scared of her
As she walked across the room
She said "hi"
My Metal BoyIt took me years to build your heart
With a myriad of tiny moving parts
But every piece was one piece closer to my goal
Working til the day that you were whole
I wound your key
And you came to be
So much more than just a wind-up toy
My metal boy
Oil on the FloorWhen I met you I gave you my heart
'Cause I knew you'd need it more
And though I'm glad you've got this new part,
Still it leaves me very sore
I'm glad that you will be alright
There's nothing else I could ask for
So go enjoy your brand new life
Savior Of The SkiesThere she flies
The Savior of the skies
Down below
Her city's lights aglow
Her duty clear
Command, protect and serve
But in the air
Sorrow On the RailsThe air is cold and biting, the sky is bleak and white
A prison train goes traveling swiftly through the night
40 men in bondage, off to meet their fate
They're wrongfully convicted, but now it seems it's MUCH TOO LATE!
In Siberia there's sorrow on the rails
These prisoners have done no wrong but now they're off to jail
Curse the wicked man who led their cruel attack
The Ballad of Stuart the Sailor16 вступления
7 проведений
в финале вальс до конца мелодии
Испанский вальс (16 тт вступления. 7 проведений, 8 тт просто вальса до конца. Обрезать с 3:15 (или оставить слова до 3:25)
1-2 2 pas de valse: вперед с правой ноги и назад с левой
3-4 дама проходит направо, на первый шаг вальсового променада оказывается лицом к правому кавалеру, на второй шаг – на месте следующей дамы. Кавалеры при этом делают 1 pas de valse назад, пропуская даму, и 1 pas de valse вперед, возвращаясь на своё место.
5-16 Повтор предыдущих 4-х тактов еще три раза. В заключение - когда дама доходит до 4-го кавалера, этот кавалер и дама встают в пару – кавалер лицом по линии танца, дама – спиной.
The Copper WarVerdigris Patina was a peaceful little town
The home of Wilbur Redpot, finest coppersmith around
He was famous for his products, as they sold extremely well
Competitors were livid as their business income fell
Now, Alexander Copperplate, a man from out of town,
Declared his gang was coming soon to shoot poor Wilbur down
The town was in a panic, they knew something should be done
And they had till morning sun!
The Death Of The CogOh, Mr. Hamilton, what have you done?
Look at this terrible trend you've begun!
You make me sick, you contemptible dog,
I blame you for the death of the cog.
Clocks used to be such magnificent things
Beautiful sprockets and dazzling springs
But you gave the people your digital beast
The Depths BelowThere's an ancient legend
An oceanic tale
An underwater monster not a fish and not a whale
It isn't quite a creature
It isn't quite machine
And you won't know what hit you 'til you hear you hear your crewmen scream!
Down below the ocean
The Girl and the Clockwork DragonIn a kingdom high upon a hill
In a land of long ago
Lived a woeful king, waiting for the sting
Of death's impending blow
For a clockwork dragon to the west,
Burned a village all away
Breathing fire and steam, it had now been seen
The Greatest Team That Never WasYou’ve got that spark in your big blue eyes
Every time you’ve got a new idea and you hypothesize
And when you make – a brand new breakthrough
Well you get so darn excited that your glasses go askew
But I wish you’d work with me, too
Oh CC you’re such a brainy genius
The Gumbo SongThere's a lady on the bayou that I know
And she always makes the tastiest gumbo
They say it's good for foggy brains
It takes away your aches and pains
You just gotta know which way to go
Now this lady's fixing folks like you and me
Her stew could make a blind man start to see
The Incredible Jelly Donut JuicerJOHN
From the time that he was only three
A bright young boy named Timothy
Had big ambitions, out to change the world
A genius and philanthropist
He'd made quite an extensive list
Of new designs waiting to be unfurled
The Iron HorsemanIn this world there is evil
Murderers and thieves
Reprehensible scoundrels
Doing anything they please
But though these villains are heartless
And they show no remorse
Out to the west is a hero
The Space CowboyWatch him as he sails out across the stars
He's got a bottle full of whiskey and a big cigar
You know there ain't nowhere that he calls home
Space is the only place he'll roam
He looks across the sky
Knows he'll be out there until the day he dies
The hunt is his only joy
The Walking TacoThere's something lurking in the grocery store
They say its been there for a year or more
Then lightning struck that building and it sprang to life
Now that tortilla's got a knife! Yikes! Run for your life!
The Walking Taco's coming after you tonight!
A hard shell horror filled with beans and rice
The Walking Taco's only looking for a bite
Time MachineIt isn't easy watching you fade away
To see you growing weaker day by day
Your face is so pale
And your energy's drained
It's hard to admit that soon your life won't remain
I won't accept that there isn't a cure
It must be somewhere and I'll find it I'm sure
Time Waits for No OneWe've got a long way to go before we get there
And though we're all exhausted from the ride
Just remember that our prize is waiting somewhere
And time is never on our side
It creeps in like a thief and slowly drains you
You can't escape its clutches though you try
So we must hurry up to see our plan through
We All Have FearsOnce in a quiet little town
in just a couple hours once the sun went down
a crew began assembling a thrilling new attraction
more exciting than a merry-go-round
This was the first one of its kind
a thrilling new attraction called a roller coaster ride
but the people wouldn't ride it