After the RainWhen the sky-full of tears
Is threatening to fall
Don't stand in the way
Come inside, close the door
The sky will clear again
After the rain...
When the clouds overhead
Carried AwayWhen all the lights are out
And it's hard to sleep
Then I start to dream
Of a place, very far from here
Where there's more to life
Than trying to make ends meet
And like a ship out on the ocean
Sometimes I just wish we could be carried away
Dark ParadeHe looks up
Straight ahead
Theres something there
Now it'’s gone
Is it a bird
Or an aeroplane
Just like a thought
It'’s there
Eye of the LensI'm walking down a street where children play
When they see me they run away
She will not look at me, she won't say why
And when I ask her she just cries
No-one will talk to me, they turn to go
Their faces say there's something I should know
Could I be a victim of the games of all my friends
Gone Так быстро, так устала
Что случилось с тобой
Что случилось с тобой?
Ты Потеряна
где-то посреди
Между «там» и «здесь»
Где-то посреди
То ли близко, то ли далеко
Independence DayA declaration
Of the intention
To stop extension into my airspace
I'll put the flags up
Pull up the anchor
And then you'll know you're in a different place
And I can't stand up and I can't sit down
'cause a great big problem stop me in my tracks
Independence Day '80A declaration
Of the intention
To stop extension into my airspace
I'll put the flags up
Pull up the anchor
And then you'll know you're in a different place
And I can't stand up and I can't sit down
'cause a great big problem stop me in my tracks
Island HeartGenie in a light brown bottle a little bitter in asides
She's fishing where the coast is not so clear
A ship in the night is putting out to sea
And it could be coming -
- could be coming -
- could be coming here
It's not her maiden voyage but she floats across the floor
Doesn't want to wait and see what gets washed ashore
Lost ContinentDon't say you've seen and heard it all before
That all of this is nothing new
Don't try and tell me that I am off couse
I'm looking for the same thing as you
The lost continent of love
the lost continent of love
so near; but it's so hard to touch
Nature TrailsWhat it is, heaven knows.
Where the trail leads, well who can say?
Pick up the scent, it's stuck to your skin
Before you know it the chase begins
Nature trails, where she leads
Like a pet at her feet
Don't be sad, you'll be set free tomorrow