BajaI didn't do it
So you'll let me leave, won't you?
Out of towners and their children
Watched us when we went to kill some
Wolverines who tried to hide
Their babies but the puppies cried
Betty's BodyI could be the lover
Of anybody but her
I see her every morning
And watch her fingers forming
Shapes that are as graceful
As a baby's face full
Of hope until it turns to
Blue RosebudsI love you and 'cause I do
My sky has changed
>From grey to blue
But blue's not just
A color of the rainbow
It's shade is not a hazy hue
But pure and hard
My blue sky blue
BossySat upon an empty box of Cheerios and settled
Through the cracks of wooden floors
Forming little cone mountains
Fertile soil on which to rest
My dirty little white stone
With dimples to keep it from
Rolling down the dusty trail
Brought such straight rows
Boxes of ArmageddonBoxes full of Armageddon, boxes full of death
Boxes sitting in my doorway, boxes someone left
For me to see
Boxes full of Armageddon, boxes full of death
For me to see
Boxes full of Armageddon, boxes full of death
For me to see
CaringOnce there were brothers who said that they loved her
Once there were brothers who worked at the zoo
Once there were brothers who said that they loved her
Once they petted her poodle named Pooh
Once there were two With claws unretracted
A lion reacted
Once there were two With claws unretracted
ConstantinopleHere I come Constantinople
Here I come coConstantinople
I am coming Constantinople
Here I come
All the leaves are off of the oak and
All of the sheep have followed the spoken
Word. I'm coming Constantinople
Demons Dance AloneYou can know a needle's eye
Or a hungry baby's cry
But no one knows that demons dance alone
Silver linings came and went
When I was an innocent
Never knowing demons dance alone
Elvis and His BossOh, I'm gonna be my baby, baby
Baby, but you see
My momma said
My momma said
My momma said to me
"My son I see the sunset lies
About a baby bee."
So if you see me
Final ConfrontationWe don't want your arm, we don't want your hand,
All we really want is for you to leave our land;
We don't want your foot, we don't want your toe,
All we really want is for you to pack and go;
We don't want your necks, we don't want your backs,
All we really want is for you to hit the tracks;
We don't want your nose, we don't want your lip,
All we really want is for you to take a trip;
Forty-four No MoreOnce I lived on a dead end street
With a little bitty woman with big ol' feet
It was always dark, we was always poor
The number outside was forty-four
One day bad blood creeped in my mind
Sucked on my soul and made me blind
I thought she lied, so I opened the drawer
Ginger's LamentThere once was a woman who once was a man
Who thought that he did but did not understand.
There once was a hermit who held in his hand
The heart of a lonely and unattached man.
There once was a soldier who stood in the sand
Saluting the sun when he wanted to dance.
There once was a butcher come back from the dead
GodsongGod never really did like man anyway
At least not after they started walking around
On their hind leg(s)
And talking on the telephone
Of course poor God's point of view wasn't easy now (to) understand
He had invented man from dead things
At that time there were no grave yards to rob
So He had been forced to use dead worms, some sea weed
Harry the HeadThe Head was hardly human
The head is finally dead
"I can live forever
In formaldehyde", he said.
Once he made me so mad
I knocked him on the floor;
He rolled around and found a
Little paint brush
Hello SkinnySkinny was born in a bathtub
And he grew so incredibly
Even the end of an eyedropper
sucked him in
Skinny never knew any questiong
Skinny never looked at the lights
But Skinny sold something
I Hate HeavenSong of Solomon
I hate heaven! I hate it! I hate it!
I hate heaven! I hate it! I hate it!
My lover calls my teeth an invitation to my soul
But he does not understand the depth of my black hole
Fed by brothers basking in the season of the sick
My love is like a deadly poison lying on my lips
Kick a PicnicAfterwards, it's like a dream
You can't remember but it seems
To stay alive inside your mind
And pray upon your leisure time
It happens in an open spot
The air is sticky and it's hot
First they take away our clothes
Lizard LadyWhat's a woman going to do but throw away her bread
Her feet are feeling funny as she lies beneath the bed
She reminisces of the pungent Adriatic Sea
And then she crawls and counts her cans and twitches like a flea
What she really likes to do is sit upon a pew
And make believe that time has stopped and motionless is new
Planes are stranded in the sky and drains are stopping, too
Loss of a Loved OneI told them how my wife had fallen into sickness and to calling out her
name with questions on her tongue. We had always been so happy that at
first I wasn't sad because I thought my love could keep her strong. But I
never thought so wrongly for the fever fought too strongly and it seemed
she never fought at all. Soon she died, and I despaired upon the love seat
we had shared so many times on pleasant afternoons. I tried and tried to
understand why love itself could not command my true love fromhe comas of
her mind. Now, empty, open and foreboding, stretching out like darkened
Make me mooTheir eyes are big and sweet
When they eat
I don't know why
Why can't I be a cow, anyhow?
Cows never cry
My heart was broken, broken
My WindowSteven said little Ted was dead
I read in a letter today
The same for Monica's monkey he said
Quietly it passed away
Mister Coo Coo has fallen asleep
His eyes were black and his beak was brown
Mister Coo Coo has fallen asleep
Never Known QuestionsChorus:
The cloud continues and the spot
Diminishes without even the
Hint of a glow.
Is glowing a continuous process
Or does the spot find its
Way out where it needs to be?
Spot the rot, oh spot the rot,
Nobody Laughs When They LeaveEveryone comes to the Freak Show
To laugh at the Freaks and the Geeks
Everyone comes to the Freak Show
But nobody laughs when they leave.
We are only equal in the grave and in the dark
Said a man whose head was halfway eaten by a shark
Now if you ask me why I would continue on like this
I doubt that I would know so I could only make a guess
Picnic in the JungleAfterwards, it's like a dream
You can't remember but it seems
To stay alive inside your mind
And prey upon your leisure time
It happens in an open spot
The air is sticky and it's hot
First they take away our clothes
Then they lay us down in rows
Ship's A'Going DownCatbird:
Why not live?
The catbird shrilled!
And give a guy a chance!
Six More MilesOh, the rain is slowly fallin'
And my heart is so sore
Six more miles, i leave my darlin'
Never on this earth to meet no more
Six more miles to the graveyard
Six more miles, long and sad
Six more miles. I leave my darlin'
Tent Peg in the TempleHe's dead and naked
I'm naked too
He's dead and naked
At least I'm, I'm still wearing shoes
Once there was an ugly woman
Who was told to tell the truth
And so she said we needed fighters
The ButcherRun, run, fast as you can you can
You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man
Run, run, fast as you can you can
You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man
Buddy didn't say I'm sorry
Buddy didn't ask to be excused
Buddy didn't beg your pardon
The Dying OilmanI couldn't be good
Maybe I'm crazy
I couldn't be good
Maybe I'm mad
I couldn't be good
Don't get in my way because
I couldn't be good
But I'm bad
The ElectrocutionerI wouldn't mind if I could find
A little electrocution.
Sometimes I feel I need it here,
A little electrocution.
The wire's hot, lights are red
A sparkle straight to my heart
I'm still livin' in the dark
The Making of a SoulChorus:
Edweena went to calumet and left from there to college;
She took along a porcupine whose name was known as knowledge;
Now their relationship was fraught with pangs of loving hunger.
The Porcupine could question all, but all she knew was slumber.
A huge easy cozy wants our kiss to triumph,
The Old SoldierShe used to call me Daddy
But she was so glad she
Left me for someone he was
Rich but not too funny
Why do I come to these things?
It always makes me think of Marion
Come to these places and talk about commies
The Sold-Out ArtistOut in the street and under the sun
I kissed his feet and loaded his gun
Sooner or later everyone does
Everybody feeds the fat boy
Everybody feeds the fat boy
They just don't get it
Vampires - vampires
The Thing About ThemNow there ws this thing about them that caused me at times to doubt them,
or created conflict in my mind. Usually there was a he one, and there
also was a she one, but somehow they came out differently. And one of
them, when she was she, would smile and burn a hole in me; a hole that was
too hard for me to hide. Once I had a dream bout her, in a filed, alone
outside a tiny little cottage made of sticks. It was much to small to use
it, so she bumped her head and bruised it trying to get through the tiny
door. Afterwards, I went to tell her, but it was he I felt who nodded at
The Walrus HuntWalrus hunting in kayaks among the floating ice must sometimeproceed in the winter darkness or in a condition known as "whiteout" when atmospheric conditons turn the sky into a virtual mirror of the snow and ice below and orientation becomes difficult. At these times, women on shore blow a large horn made from a giant narwhal's hollowed tusk and chant to give directional orientation to the hunters.
Winter had almost arrived, for the wind had a more pronounced bite in itsinsistence. The noonday sun sat momentarily on the horizon before hastening back into the icy waters. Floating on the rising winds, the sounds of the narwhal horn and chanting combined to give assurance to the Eskimo hunters. The paddling of the kayak was smooth and steady. Not much light was left and a sleeping walrus could easily hide in the deep shadowed recesses of the floating icebergs.
But wait! There, on the ice... yes, a walrus! A happy but silentdiscovery. The sling-like harpoon was removed from its leather container and spun rapidly around over the hunter's head until sufficient speed was reached to send it zooming toward its unsuspecting prey. The walrus was hit. Cheers rang out from the men as they all paddled toward the animal which had plunged into the icy sea; but the water offered no protection as the Eskimo men reached for their whale bone clubs and bludgeoned the creature. The walrus floated quietly in the water and the kayaks moved on in search of other sleeping prey.
The WeaverRun, run, as fast as you can
You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man
You can look, look, hard as you can
You can't see me, I'm the Gingerbread Man
Poor old family of man
Never mind me, I'm just a Gingerbread Man
Only hours away could be a man with a million dollars
Only minutes away could be a guy with a gun
Their Early YearsOnce when we were on a bus between some cities we discussed the things
That happened in their early years. Their youngest time was spent alone
While living with an uncle only half remaining from a foreign war. His
Upper half was well enough, but in the pants between his cuffs where his
Zipper stopped, his legs were gone. And so he rolled around on wheels,
Self sufficient in a peeling little house he could not paint again. But it
Was spotless to the point of two feet above the floor and warmth was in
His laugh and in his smiling face. The people that they met were few and
Two LipsOh, we have to buy a tulip
Yes, we have to buy a tulip
Oh, we have to buy a tulip
So we'll sell our home
We will sell our clothes
And we'll sell our shoes
Everything we own
We'll sell to you