My CompanionMy companion is with me
Wherever I go, it goes too
My companion is with me
No matter what I do
When I ride my horse
I take my companion too, of course
When I go to the beach and run in the sand
My CutieТри сестренки-самоучки со,
скажем так, ограниченным музыкальным талантом, которых отец заставлял
петь песни ради исполнения пророчества психически нездоровой бабушки.
Результат... странный / ужасающий / отличний / плохой / хороший. То ли
худшая группа в мире, то ли источник бесконечного вдохновения. Эту песню
The Shaggs записывали для своего второго альбома, который так и не
вышел — вмешалась судьба, отец девочек умер, и они в ту же секунду
сложили инструменты.
My pal foot footMy Pal Foot Foot
My pal's name is Foot Foot (Foot Foot)
He always likes to roam
My pal's name is Foot Foot (Foot Foot)
I never find him home
I go to his house
Painful MemoriesHere I am lying down in my bed
My pillow feels soft underneath my head
You're here in my thoughts, always on my mind
But still you've left me somewhere behind
I close my eyes and all I can see
Are the times you spent alone with me
I'll always cherish these sweet memories
Philosophy of the WorldOh, the rich people want what the poor people's got
And the poor people want what the rich people's got
And the skinny people want what the fat people's got
And the fat people want what the skinny people's got
You can never please anybody in this world
The short people want what the tall people's got
Who are ParentsSome kids do as they please
They don't know what life really means
They don't listen to what the ones who really care have to say
They just go and do things their own way
Who are parents?
Parents are the ones who really care
Who are parents?