Broken WingsLyrics
The time is nigh (time is nigh),
My spirit is not lost though my hands are stained,
I'll take you down,
I'll be in the jungle or top lane
I'm not OP,
Insta-Lock TryndamereTryndamere
Oh, it was like every other day,
Things were going my way,
Until we got into the game
Who's first pick?
It Was KI bought my glove
It was the best glove I've ever seen
Stacking up that early crit chance
It only cost me 400g
I heard a rustle in the brush
And in that moment everything fell hushed
And then I realized I got ganked
KennenReady? Steady. Let's do it!
In the land of order, chaos, light and darkness,
All things must exist in harmony,
There's only one who has the power to save us,
His name is Kennen and he fights for me
He's a ninja,
Marked I walk through the forest
A chill down my spine
I can't shake the thought
Of me losing my mind
I'm running away
From our greatest fear
The shadow that looms
Overhead's drawing near
Smooth JunglerAs he came into the bot lane,
She was faced with Sona and Vayne
Talon flashed into a Cutthroat,
He left the bloodstains, then he popped ult
She was pushing to the tower
The crescendo, her final hour
So she flashed into the river,
She was shutdown, where was Tibbers?
Snowdown's HereSnowdown's come again,
Time to celebrate,
Grab your closest friends,
Mystery Gifts and cake,
Dressing up Maokai,
With ribbons and bright lights,
The time is nigh to sing and write,
A Snowdown song tonight, OHH
Teemo ShroomFrom the land of Bandle City
All across the Summoner's Rift
The yordle known as Teemo
A scout who's small and swift
Camouflaged in top lane
Or perhaps he's creeping mid
Armed and ready with his blowgun
And escape he will forbid
The LegendLegend tells, of a myth of a tale,
of a story fabled narrative,
Shrouded in darkness (darkness)
Of a man, of a man who with,
one strike could move a mountain,
and the heartless
The Moonsun Saga Part IThe sun is now upon us
Can’t let the darkness take hold
Someday the time may arise
Where we must fight for our homes
We must not fall
The sun always rises
Rally to me