1-15-96Let me start this from the day we met.
You looked so beautiful, I never will forget.
Then you opened up your eyes, looked at me and kinda smiled.
I was scared, but still happy at the same time.
I never wanted us to be a superficial family.
But in the end it was the only thing we could be.
Angie, I'm sorry I wasn't right for you
All You Can Ever Learn is What You Already KnowIs this how it was intended?
The sunrise over smoke stacks in the Midwest, the beauty of this abandoned factory.
Christmas lights blinking on and off all out of time
in what used to be, your pink house dreams of a middle class America.
I'm trying to believe in you, but all these satellites and shattered dreams are blocking out my view.
Please don't forget who you really are, because nothing really matters when we're gone.
Fell in love with his keno waitress.
Connections Are More Dangerous Than LiesElectric windmill skyline
The cracking soil beneath my feet
It's pearls drenched with lust
This empty bed, the sweat soaked sheets
It's like they empty out the ocean
Bodies mending this scorched earth
It's like they empty out the ocean
Bodies mending this scorched earth
Far From The Last, Last CallHere's a long evasive story
Of failed hopes and glories
Old chandeliers and scratched out 45's
Some hands for my procession
And a couple drunk confessions
I'm soaked in rapture tonight
No lie, no lie, no lie...
Four Chord Wonder
How many bands have wrote this song before?
I can name at least fifty...
I bet you could name a hundred more.
There's over a couple thousand
Chord progressions around.
Whill someone tell me who decided
They'd run this one into the ground?!
In This DiaryHere in this diary,
I write you visions of my summer.
It was the best I ever had.
There were choruses and sing-alongs,
and that unspoken feeling
of knowing that right now is all that matters.
All the nights we stayed up talking
Life Makes No SenseEverything is turning grey, but I won't hold my breath today
Cause' I'm not scared and to tell the truth I just don't care.
Are you looking for an answer? When you still don't know the question.
It's like lighting candles in the rain-
Sometimes life can be a pain,
But don't give up without a fight.
My Replygot your letter and the poetry you sent me
postmarked in december of last year
i really hope you're doing better
all your friends close by your side
one step closer to recovery
i wish there was something i could say
to erase each and every page
Not Capable Of LoveBeneath the glow of this hanging moon
Lies a city still and cold
Our silhouettes walk hand in hand
The drunken jukebox serenade
We pretend we're so innocent
Cause no one ever likes to hurt
Girl,take off that silver dress
So Long, AstoriaIt was the first snow of the season,
I can almost see you breathing
In the middle of that empty street
Sometimes i still see myself
In that lonesome bedroom
Playing my guitar and singing songs of hope
For a better future
Song For a Mix Tapetoday I made you a mix tape
and I decorated it with lots of stars.
it had all my favorite songs.
there was jawbreaker and armchair martian
built to spill and the descendents.
hell I even put one of ours on it.
falling for you was the easy thing to do.
Takeoffs and LandingsOn this coldest of January nights
We drive out past the runway and watch the planes go flying by
The runway lights are the deepest blue like the colors of your eyes
So close them tight and kiss me one last timeIf you could go anywhere right now
Where would you go?
And would you miss me when you get there?
There's no place that I would rather be
Please don't let me go falling from the sky
The Boys of SummerНикого на дороге
Никого на берегу
Я чувствую это в воздухе
Лето вне досягаемости
Пустое озеро, пустые улицы
Солнце заходит в одиночестве
Я катаюсь рядом с твоим домом
Хотя я знаю, что тебя там нет
The Cheyenne LineIn silence, I like to think aloud.
You say this is the end.
I know it's not the end.
I took a picture of heaven when we broke down
Across the Cheyenne Line.
I never will forget
The color of that sky and all the lights.
The saddest songOnly two more days
Until your birthday
Yesterday was mine
You'll be turning five
I know what its like
Growing up without
Your father in your life.
Up, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Startokay
today was a good day.
I didn't even have to use my ak
at least I didn't get my heart broken anyway
wasting time in east new jersey.
guess I could tell you 'bout
the snow covered rooftops,
sunsets, shooting stars and picturesque backdrops.
You Need A Hugmaybe you should work for "sick of it all"
or get a job with the l.a.p.d.
did someone switch your ritalin with ephedrine?
Just don`t take your fucking problems out on me.
I`d buy you a little fuzzy bunny
I`d put you on my x-mas card list
if you`d promise not to take your job so seriously