Dances With SatanDances with Satan into the pentagram,
Drink the blood of virgins,
Rape a nun on the altar,
Your mine out of control!!
Enchanted from this macabre atmosphere...
Body in the cell!
Mind in other dimension!
DominionPower of the Dark. age of eternal fear
We pray the moons and the dark lord... Against the light
We are the sons of the dark we are the sons of an unknown mother
Revelation from the underground! Sensations of supreme pleasure!
Power of the darkage of eternal pleasure
We pray his majesty the King Belial...Oath of blood blood for life
Dracole WaideIohannis Dragulae immanis atque nefanda crudelitas eiusque In regem Hungariae deprehensa perfidia et tandem captivitas... Aex tremandae maiestatis, qui salvandos salvas gratis Salva me, fons pietatis, Rex tremandae maiestatis "Hie faght sic hangar ein graussemliche erschrockenliche hyrstorien, von dem wilden wutrich Dracole weyde wie er die leut gespist hot epraten un<i>[d]</i> mit den haubtern yn eine kesel gesotten" "Item er lies allen petlern ein gut mol geben Noch dem mol likes er sie in dem stadel dorynnen sy gessen hetten alle verbrennen Er meynt sy essen den luten das yr umb suns tab und kunden das nit verdiene(n)" My hands cut off the heads and bring the law! My law! Violence...this is the greatest freedom! Violence! John the Baptist uses water to baptize...I will baptise you with BLOOD! Utrum tentare sit proprium diaboli! Rex tremandae maiestis, qui salvandos salvas gratis, Salva me, fons pietatis, Rex tremandae maistatis! "I am Dracula. And I bid you welcome to my house, come in the night air is chill, and you must need to eat and rest." Hail Dracul! Rex Mortis! Imperator Mundi! Sic transit Gloria mundi! I will kill you in the name of my justice! Only my justice! Empty! Desert! An empty desert, a desert empty! Diabolus, daemon, inimicus, tyrannus, spiritus fornicationis! After me the devil will be named! Dracul! Dracul!
Kingdom of VampiresDark is around me
All is wrapped from the fog
A sensation of an universal void
Like an omen of death and decay
The funeral bells are ringing...
In the churches
In this night without light
Suicide VampireВ тот день когда я дам тебе обещание,
Обещание бессмертия,
Другого зрения, другой жизни без боли,
Прольется больше крови... но зачем?
Бессмертие купленное ценой других жизней,
Другие глаза, чтобы видеть, другие уши – слышать, но что?
Печальное путешествие по долинам смерти,
Печальное путешествие в моем сознании.
Throne Of Dark ImmortalsResignedly beneath a dark sky
the melancholy waters lie
so blend the turrets and shadow there
while froma proud tower in the death looks down!
There open fanes and gaping grave the death has reared himself a throne
in a strange city lying alone far down within the dim forest...