- Desolatio
Awakening winter
Petal even in its bereavement
Grief even in its root
Cumbersome soil
Appearing into tower
Standing fast
- Jura
Ólom az égbolt,
vasmag a föld,
vörös korongban
meredő fák.
Állat vagyok,
száj és bél,
éhségem nő,
mint belül a halál.
- Neath Waters
And as the spirit's grained to sack
Of shining flesh by mills of time
And as the flaming's drowned to mud
All whisper me mortality...
By window slumbering deeply
Soulsilence, rainpainting of thee
Ships of time sail me home this night
- Panta Rhei
It is as if lines have to be drawn in a continually
Flowing stream, figures drawn which hold fast.
Between this reality of life and the scientific
Intellect there appears to be no possibility of
Comprehension, for the concept sunders what is
To be unified in the flow of life. The concept
Represents something which is universally and eternally valid, independent of the mind which
Propounds it. But the flow of life is at all points
- Szervetlen
Hatszöges rendszer, lüktet a dolomit -
szilárd rácsban szemcsés szövet,
tömeget alkot, gyûrõ, taposó
lassú anyag, szervetlen erõ.
Kavarog a táj, belekiabál,
belekalapál, hogy karikaesõben lenne
katicabogár, fekete madár,