- Ruby Through The Looking Glassfeel a little hand turning inside me
don't you think she feels us fighting
strike me at the root
i won't let you
put her through
what you put me through
when i said --- i wanted it all,
'97 Bonnie And ClydeBaby your da-da loves you
And I'm always gonna be here for you
No matter what happened
You're all I got in this world
I'd never give you up for nothin'
Nobody in this world is ever gonna keep you from me
I love you
1000 OceansThese tears Ive cried
Ive cried 1000 oceans
And if it seems Im floating
In the darkness
Well I cant believe that I would kep
Keep you from flying
And I would cry 1000 more if thats
What it takes to sail you home
16 Shades of Blueare you telling me it's over disintegrating lost and there's nothing I can do
before you drop another verbal bomb, can I arm myself
with Cezanne's 16 shades of blue
as my heart is slowly ripping into pieces
disconnecting from the circuits of my mind
"you'll get over it" you say "in time"
in time?
A Silent Night With YouThe radio plays my holiday faves
It takes me back to when our love was new
Young lovers pass me by with their glow
That used to be us not so long ago
You said then "I just want to spend
a silent night with you, with you, a silent night with you"
Joy to the world
A Sort of FairytaleOn my way up north
Up on the ventura
I pulled back the hood
And I was talking to you
And I knew then it would be
A life long thing
But I didn't know that we
We could break a silver lining
A sorta fairy tale"A Sorta Fairytale"
on my way up north
up on the ventura
i pulled back the hood
and i was talking to you
and i knew then it would be
a life long thing
A Sorta FairytailOn my way up north
По дороге на север
Up on the Ventura
По направлению к Вентуре*
I pulled back the hood
Я откинула капюшон
And I was talking to you
И заговорила с тобой.
A Sorta Fairytaleon my way up north
up on the ventura
i pulled back the hood
and i was talking to you
and i knew then it would be
a life long thing
but i didn't know that we
we could break a silver lining
A Sorta Fairytale With YouOn my way up north
Up on the ventura
I pulled back the hood
And I was talking to you
And I knew then it would be
A life long thing
But I didn't know that we
We could break a silver lining
Abnormally Attracted To SinImpeccable peccadillo
You are off your guard
Pussy willow calls there by the church
"Don't go in if you are abnormally attracted to sin"
Abnormally attracted to sin
She may be dead to you
But her hips sway a natural kind of faith
That could give your lost heart
Abnormally Attracted To Sin - 16 - OpheliaOphelia, your secret is safe
Ophelia, you must break the chain
Some girls will get their way
Some fathers will control from the grave
Ophelia, you must remember
Veronica's America is not like, is not like Charlotte's
One to savor cosmic flavor
After Allplease trip them gently, they don't like to fall, oh by jingo
there's no room for anger, we're all very small, oh by jingo
we're painting our faces and dressing in thoughts from the skies, from paradise
but they think that we're holding a secretive ball
won't someone invite them, they're just taller children
that's all, after all
man is an obstacle, sad as the clown, oh by jingo
Heard all about your fandango
Banged on my knees on your back door
Only to wake you to blues on the way
Blues on the way
Blues on the way
Almost RoseyPOSSE: Isabel
Just a minute of your time
Yes I've been known to delude myself
so let me put those rose
colored glasses to the test
Now is this real enough for you
'cause blondes here don't jump out of cakes
Americathe other America
you can find her Sunday
sitting by a stream
on her own
all alone
the other America
might show up on Tuesday
And I lie some other day You do And you say girlAnd you know you're gonna lie to you
In your own way
And you know you're gonna lie to you
In your own way
And I lie some other day
You do
And you say girl
Baker Bakerbaker baker baking a cake
make me a day
make me whole again
and i wonder what's in a day
what's in your cake this time
i guess you heard he's gone to l.a.
he says that behind my eyes i'm hiding
Beauty of SpeedWe climbed through the canopy
only to find a crack in our gauge
The last thing a look you gave
and then we tumbled out of control
I tried to strike a deal with
the universe me and my
deals with the universe
Bells For Herand through the life force and there goes her friend
on her nishiki it's out of time
and through the portal they can make amends
hey would you say whatever we're blanket friends
can't stop what's coming
can't stop what's on its way
Big WheelI've been on the other side
Got my lips smacked now they're dry
Then you call me call me in
You think I am your possession
Messing with a southern girl
But my recipe is on
With your
Birthday BabyThis year
You survived through it all
A cosmic apocalypse
A stab to the heart
You say
"What is life worth living for?"
Now he's in perfect step
On her new dance floor
Black SwanBlack swan
Ride on, ride on friends of the black swan
ride on, ride on
do you know where she’s gone
gumdrops and Saturdays
did Eric call by the way
he knew, he knew, and he knew where the pillow goes
BlissFather, I killed my monkey
I let it out to
Taste the sweet of spring
Wonder if I will wander out
Test my tether to
See if I'm still free
From you
Blood RosesBlood roses
Blood roses
Back on the street now
Can't forget the things you never said
On days like these gets me thinking
When chickens get a taste of your meat
Chickens get a taste of your meat
Body And SoulSweet Communion
Sweet Communion
I have waited all my life
You say you are bonafide
To be my judge
Lay your law down on me love
Boise - 30.11.2007 - 17 - Black doveshe was a january girl
she never let on how insane it was
in that tiny kinda scary house by the woods
by the woods
by the woods
black-dove black-dove
you don't need a space ship
they don't know you've already lived
Boston - 19.10.2007 - 06 - Girl disappearing7 am
So it begings again
1-0 (zip) favoring familiar silhouettes
Left whips and chains
behind I’m boycotting trends
it’s my new look this season
Riding on backs of palominos
Boston - 21.08.2005 - 06 - PancakeI'm not sure who's fooling who here
as I'm watching your decay
We both know you could deflate
a 7 hurricane
Seems like you and your tribe
decided you'd rewrite the law
Segregate the mind
From Body From Soul
Bouncing Off CloudsBouncing off of Clouds we were
Is there a love Lost and Found
Make it easy
Make this easy
Boys for Pele - Mr. Zebrahello mr zebra
can i have your sweater
cause it's cold cold cold
in my hole hole hole
ratatouille strychnine
sometimes she's a friend of mine
with a gigantic whirlpool
that will blow your mind
Boys for Pele Blood Rosesblood roses
blood roses
back on the street now
can't forget the things you never said
on days like these gets me thinking
when chickens get a taste of your meat
chickens get a taste of your meat
Carnivali'll sing to the sun in the sky
i'll sing to the sun rises high
carnival time is here
magical time of year
and as the time draws near
dreams fill my heart
Caught a Lite SneezeCaught a lite sneeze caught a lite breeze
Caught a lightweight lightingseed
Boys on my left side
Boys on my right side
Boys in th emiddle
And you're not here I need a big oan
From the girl zone
Chicago - 05.11.2007 - 16 - Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
Chicago - 06.11.2007 - 19 - Code redSome say that I will and some say I won't
Victory is an elusive whore
She is as easily mine
as she is yours
Slip and slide my way through this charade
I know all the players and I must say
Do this long enough
ChinaCHINA all the way to new york
i can feel the distance
getting close
you're right next to me
but i need an airplane
i can feel the DISTANCE
as you breathe
Clearwater - 20.11.2007 - 16 - Never seen bluesome boy you are
to take me by the hand
through an elevator
got a little red line
that tells you, boy
where the razor's been
you said, girl if you think
Cloud RidersStanding on the edge of the cliff
Didn't think it would come to this
A dead calm before the storm
Not a sound from their engines
From the other side, saw a shooting star at 4:22 a.m
A warning shot from the rhythm demons
Or from the guitar preachers
Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
Cornflake GirlNever was a cornflake girl
Thought that was a good solution
Hangin with the raisin girls
Shes gone to the other side
Givin us a yo heave ho
Things are getting kind of gross
And I go at sleepy time
This is not really happening
CrazyNot sayin'
Not charmed at all
Not sayin'
That you weren't worth
The fall
And I was alone when
I knew it was real
Down the canyon
CrucifyEvery finger in the room is pointing at me
I wanna spit in their faces
Then I get affraid what that could bring
I got a bowling ball in my stomach
I got a desert in my mouth
Figures that my courage would choose to sell out now
I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets
Crucify MyselfВсе пальцы в комнате
Устремлены в мою сторону.
Я хочу плюнуть в их лица,
Но боюсь того, к чему это может привести.
У меня в желудке шар для боулинга.
У меня во рту пустыня.
Фигуры, что моя смелость выбрала бы, чтобы сейчас продать.
crucify.Every finger in the room is pointing at me
I wanna spit in their faces
Then I get afraid of what that could bring
I got a boling ball in my stomach
I got a desert in my mouth
Figures that my courage
Would choose to sell out now
CruelSo don't give me respect
Don't give me a piece of your presiousness
flaunt all sh'es got in our old neighbourhood
I'm sure she'll make a few friends
Even the rain bows down
Let us pray as you cock-cock-cock your mane
No cigarettes only peeled Havanas for you
I can be cruel
CrusifyEvery finger in the room
Is pointing at me
I wanna spit in their faces
Then I get afraid of what that could bring
I got a bowling ball in my stomach
I got a desert in my mouth
Figures that my courage would choose to sell out now
Curtain Callebony beauty
pass this shade
the looking glass reflects
then a voice calls me back,
"this is just circumstance it is not
personal", oh no it never is.
then you ram your hand in your bag
for a little friendly substance
Digital GhostIt started as a joke,
Just one of my lucks to see
If somehow I could reach you.
So I swam onto your shores
Through an open window
Only to find you all alone.
Curled up with machines,
Now it seems you're slipping
DixieGrab your coat and those things
Without any fingers, the peach ones
That keep you warm in the southern winter
Off I go window shopping with my mom
We’ll go whistling Dixie down the lane
So who cares, our purse is almost empty
I’m the richest girl in Dixie land
Look away, look again, she is still holding my hand
Dolphin SongMatthew bring in your fishing nets
Have you caught yourself a woman
Caught yourself a woman yet
Sometimes you call me Melusine
After the lady of the fountain in whose lake you took a drink
And boy I know I know that you burn
For your water spirit
Doughnut SongHad me a trick and a kick and your message
Well you'll never gain weight from a doughnut hole
Then thought that I could decipher your message
There's no one here dear
No one at all
And if I'm wasting all your time
This time
DragonDon't tell me
A woman did this to you
Candy lies
Candy lies
Candy lies
You touched my hand
I felt a force
Edge of the MoonHere on the edge of the moon
Running from our future
As I look back
Your heart grabs my hand
Asking me
To remember a vow you made
That would always take
Me to the edge of the moon
Famous lue raincoatIt's four in the morning, the end of December
I'm writing you now to see if you're better
New York is cold but I like where I'm living
There's music on Clinton Street all through the evening.
I hear that you're building your little house deep in the desert
you're living for nothing now
I hope you're keeping some kind of a record
Father LuciferFather Lucifer
You never looked so sane
You always did prefer the drizzle to the rain
Tell me that you're still in love with that Milkmaid
How's the Lizzies
How's your Jesus Christ been hanging
Nothing's gonna stop me from floating
FearlessnessFearlessness blew in with the wind
Waking up to greet the sun
We sailed on like the ancient ones
Into the night underworld
We knew dangers would come
I had faith in both of us
Listen to your heart
FNX Radio 03.12.1999 - 06 - Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
From the choirgirl hotel - Cruelso don't give me respect don't give me a piece of your preciousness
flaunt all she's got in our old neighbourhood
i'm sure she'll make a few friends
even the rain bows down let us pray as you cock-cock-cock your mane
no cigarettes only peeled HAVANA'S for you i can be cruel
i don't know why
why can't my ba.ll.oo.n stay up in a perfectly windy sky
i can be cruel i don't know why
Ft.Meyers - 17.11.2007 - 15 - Seasideheard from the tv
of the latest bombing
the girls were dancing
she was coming of age
shells fired out
flowers mowed down
innocence targeted
Giant's Rolling PinBeth and Marlene's pies
with help from Caroline
after just one slice
you can uncover any lie
that's why the NSA
and now the FBI
want to be the ones who control
Beth and Marlene's pies
GirlFrom in the shadow she calls
And in the shadow she finds a way
Finds a way
And in the shadow she crawls
Clutching her faded photograph
My image under her thumb
Yes, with a message from my heart
Yes, with a message from my heart
GiveSo you heard I crossed over the line
Do I have regrets?
Well, not yet
There are some, some who give blood
I give love
I give
GodGod sometimes you just don't come through
God sometimes you just don't come through
Do you need a woman to look after you
God sometimes you just don't come through
You make pretty daisies pretty daisies love
I gotta find what you're doing about things here
A few witches burning gets a little toasty here
Hamburg 06.11.1998 - 02 - She's Your Cocaineshe's your cocaine
she's got you shaving your legs
you can suck anything
but you know you wanna be me
put on your makeup boy
you're your favourite stranger
and we all like to watch
so shimmy once and do it again
Happy PhantomAnd if I die today I'll be the happy phantom
And I'll go chassin' the nuns out in the yard
And I'll run naked through the streets without my mask on
And I will never need umbrellas in the rain
I'll wake up in strawberry fields every day
And the atrocities of school I can forgive
The happy phantom has no right to bitch
Happy WorkersCoughing from the smoke of a black roof chimney
Marching to the beat of a hot roof o'er me
Hey, ho, here we go
We're off to work again
Bells are ringing
We are singing
Joyous in our industry
Heart Of Goldi want to live
i want to give
i want to live
i want to give
i've been a miner
for a heart of gold
it's these expressions
i never give
Hello, mr. ZebraHello Mr. Zebra
Can I have your sweater
Cause it's cold cold cold
In my hole hole hole
Ratatouille Strychnine
Sometimes she's a friend of mine
With a gigantic whirlpool
That will blow your mind
Here, In My Head«Здесь, в моей голове»
Однажды, ты поселился в моей голове
И, сам того не желая
С тех пор преследуешь меня
Но я вижу, что сейчас
У меня есть больше
Чем я когда-либо хотела
Hey JupiterNo one's picking up the phone
Guess it's me and me
And this little masochist
She's ready to confess
All the things
That I never thought that she could feel
Hey Jupiter
HoneyA little dust never stopped me none, he liked my shoes I kept them on.
Sometimes I can hold my tongue, sometimes not,
When you just skip-to-loo, my darlin',
And you know what you're doin' so don't even...
You're just too used to my honey, now.
You're just too used to my honey.
HotelMet 'em in a hotel
Beneath ground
tell me that he's missing
tell me this is one for Lollipop Gestapo
you were wild where are you now
you were wild where are you now
give me more
I Don't Like MondaysThe silicon chip inside her head
Gets switched to overload.
And nobody's gonna go to school today,
She's going to make them stay at home.
And daddy doesn't understand it,
He always said she was as good as gold.
And he can see no reason
'Cause there are no reasons
I will always love you. I say this even if you do not hear.Hey, yes…
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel a-like I’m home again, oh, yes
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make, you make me feel like I’m whole again, oh, yes
Whenever I'm alone with you, uh-huh-es
I'm Not In Lovei'm not in love
so don't forget it
it's just a silly phase
i'm going through
and just because
i call you up
don't get me wrong
don't think you got it made
Icicleicicle icicle where are you going
i have a hiding place when spring marches in
will you keep watch for me
i hear them calling
gonna lay down
gonna lay down
greeting the monster in our easter dresses
IeeeWith your E's
And your ease
And I do one more
Need a lip gloss boost
In your america
Is it God's
Is it your's
Sweet saliva
IieeeWith your E's and your ease
And I do one more,
Need a lip gloss boost in your America.
Is it God's? Is it your's sweet saliva?
With your E's and your ease
And I do one more.
I know we're dying
Indian SummerIndian summer
Fresh mown grass
Girls in the attic
looking on them
Indian summer
call me back
Someone tell me there is another way
Indianapolis - 02.11.2007 - 03 - Sweet dreams"lie, lie, lies ev'rywhere," said the father to the son
your peppermint breath gonna choke 'em to death,
daddy watch your little black sheep run
he got a knives in his back ev'ry time he opens up
you say, "he got be strong if he wanna be a man"
mister i don't know how you can have
sweet dreams, sweet dreams
Invisible Boyyou are
are not just
an invisible boy
you could go under cover
make your great escape
go where only eagles dare go
without needing wings
Jackie's StrengthA Jackie, a-Jackie, a-Jackie's strength
A Jackie, a-Jackie, a-Jackie, hey
A Bouvier till her wedding day
Shots rang out the police came
Mama laid me on the front lawn
And prayed for Jackie's strength
Feeling old by twenty one
Jobs CoffinJob's coffin looks down
Job's coffin looks down
To see what mankind is gonna do
There is a grid of disempowerment
And forces are being called to dismantle this
As Job's Coffin looks down
Job's Coffin looks down
JosephineNot tonight, Josephine.
In an army strenght therein
Lies the denouement.
From here you're haunting me
By the Seine o so beautiful,
Only not to be of use — impossible.
So strange victory —
Lawrence - 09.11.2007 - 06 - Girl disappearing7 am
So it begings again
1-0 (zip) favoring familiar silhouettes
Left whips and chains
behind I’m boycotting trends
it’s my new look this season
Riding on backs of palominos
Leatherlook i'm standing naked before you
don't you want more than my sex
i can scream as loud as your last one
but i can't claim innocence
oh god could it be the weather
oh god why am i here
if love isn't forever
Liquid Diamondssurrender then start your engines
you'll know quite soon what my mistake was
for those on horseback or dog sled
you turn at the bend in the road
i hear she still grants forgiveness
although i willingly forgot her
the offering is molasses and you say
i guess i'm an underwater thing so i
Little Earthquakesyellow bird flying
gets shot in the wing
good year for hunters
and christmas parties
and i hate
and i hate
and i hate
and i hate elevator music
Livestream - 11.12.2009 - 07 - Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
London - 04.06.2005 - 11 - Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
London 29.10.1999 - 08 - Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
London 29.10.1999 - 23 - Silent All These Yearsexcuse me but
can i be you for a while
my DOG won't bite
if you sit real still
i got the anti-christ
in the kitchen
yellin' at me again
yeah i can hear that
Los Angeles - 25.04.2005 - 05 - Yes, Anastasiai know what you want the magpies have come
if you know me so well then tell me which hand i use
make them go
make it go
saw her there in a restaurant
poppy don't go
Los Angeles - 25.04.2005 - 18 - Twinklesure that star can twinkle
and you're watching it do
boy so hard boy so hard
but i know a girl
twice as hard
and i'm sure
said i'm sure she's watching it too
no matter what she's got in her right dresser
Losing My Religionme, me...
me in the corner
me in the spotlight
losing my religion
thought that I heard you laughing
thought that I heard you sing
I think I saw you try
consider this
lovesongHey yes.
Whenever I'm alone with you,
you make me feel like I'm home again.
Oh yes,
Whenever I'm alone with you,
You make, you make, me feel like I'm whole again. Oh yeah, hey.
Whenever I'm alone with you, ohah yes,
LustHey you gender nectar
Sifting through the grain of gold
Tripping at your door is that you.
Alpha in her blood
And when the woman lies
You don't believe her
Rolling and unrolling
Coiling emerging
Maids of Elfen-merethe Maids of Elfen-mere
watch over the boy with chestnut hair
and as he dreams about his love for them
they make a vow to protect him
spinning their song
sung by a happy corpse
foreseeing a pretty girl drawing
her arrow
Maryeverybody wants something from you,
everybody want a piece of mary
lush valley all dressed in green
just ripe for the picking
god i want to get you out of here
you can ride in a pink mustang
when i think of what we've done to you
Mary JaneThen he said, "Mom I want to forni...
I mean formulate and discover the realms of the unknown
with Mary Jane
After all you'll be away for the weekend
Just please consent
I need a friend"
I admit your puberty was somewhat strange
Me and a Gun5am Friday morning Thursday night far from sleep
I'm still up and driving can't go home obviously
So I’ll just change direction cause they'll soon know where I live
And I wanna live
Got a full tank and some chips
It was me and a gun and a man on my back
And I sang "holy holy" as he buttoned down his pants
Midwinter Graces - 01 - What Child, NowellWhat child is this who, laid to rest
On Mary's lap, is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
While shepherds watch are keeping?
This is winter's gift
This is what begins
Midwinter Graces - 03 - A Silent Night With YouThe radio plays my holiday faves
It takes me back to when our love was new
Young lovers pass me by with their glow
That used to be us not so long ago
You said then
"I just want to spend a silent night with you"
With you
A silent night with you
Midwinter Graces - 05 - Holly, Ivy And RoseLo, how a Rose e'er blooming
From tender stem hath sprung!
Of Jesse's lineage coming
By ancient sibyls sung
A rose doth bear a flower
All in the cold midwinter
And at the midnight hour
Midwinter Graces - 06 - Harps Of GoldI'll show you how it's done
You'll smile through the pain
Sweetly singing
Over the plain
In excelsis deo
Midwinter Graces - 07 - Snow AngelWhen the bell brought in Midwinter
I waited for a sign
A shadow, of a wing
This has always been
The children know this,
That she will come to them
To them
Midwinter Graces - 08 - Jeanette, IsabellaBring your torches
Bring your torches
With every candle raised
With every lantern [fly?]
Light after light in every village
Welcoming home every friend
Midwinter Graces - 09 - Pink And GlitterDawn Roses, that is what you call
All the girls in the world
Even the thorns
You're surrounded by an army of two
Who adore you.
Our joy isn't about a present
Or a grown-up .....?
Midwinter Graces - 10 - EmmanuelO come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel
Long ago the earth lay sleeping
Midwinter Graces - 11 - Winter's CarolA winter's carol
First song of the robin
A winter's carol
I go through the land
And I can hear it
Ringing out
Ringing out
Midwinter Graces - 12 - Our New YearGlasses raised, we all say cheers
Could this be the one?
Our new year
Even after all this time
I don't know why
Why you went away
Lately I'm sure it's you there, waving
Midwinter Graces - 13 - Comfort And JoyThe bagel man said, “T, what will you have,
and where is that husband?”
I paused, “In London”
“When’s he coming back?”
“Tomorrow he lands”
“When I was a lad, a Christmas I had
was in Londontown surrounded by singing”
Milan 17.12.2001 - 16 - Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
Mothergo go go go now
out of the nest it's time
go go go now
circus girl without a safety net
here here here now don't cry
you raised your hand
for the assignment
tuck those ribbons under your helmet
Mr. Bad ManHe's a bad man
Mr. Bad Man
And she had enough of him
So the wolves try to dry her eyes
'cause the bad man made her cry
But everyday I know that
I may just be closer
Mr. ZebraHello Mr. Zebra
Can I have you sweater
Cause it's cold cold cold
In my hole hole hole
Muhammad My Friend feat. Maynard James KeenanMuhammad my friend, it's time to tell the world.
We both know it was a girl back in Bethlehem.
And on that fateful day when she was crucified,
She wore Shiseido Red and we drank tea by her side.
It's sweet... sweet... sweet... it used to be so sweet to me, well.
Muhammad my friend, I'm getting very scared.
Teach me how to love my brothers, who don't know the law.
Nashville - 12.11.2007 - 11 - The power of orange knickersThe power of orange knickers
The power of orange knickers
The power of orange knickers
under my petty coat
the power of listening to what
you don't want me to know
Can somebody tell me now who is this terrorist
Nashville - 12.11.2007 - 16 - Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
Night of Hunters - 01 - Shattering SeaThat is not my blood on the bedroom floor
That is not the glass that I threw before
He gets his power from tide and wave
The grains of sand are my domain
His tempest surged and angry flesh
And through my arms formed a sea of glass
Northern LadHad a northern lad
Well not exactly had
He moved like the sunset
God who painted that
First he love my accent
How his knees could bend
I thought we'd be ok
Me and my molasses
Not David Bowievultures in my garden
figures that I know them
and it is what it is
you were good once
now you�re filled with bitterness
and it is what it is
I cannot forget
Not Dying TodayThere was a gambler and a cleaner and a puppeteer
only the puppet could explain just what he was
All on a bus we were hopin' to pass the time
plug my piece in boys
then we can drink the wine
drink the wine drink the wine--
music, good friends,
I'm not din' today.
Not The Red BaronNot the Red Baron
Not Charlie Brown
Think I got the message figured
Another pilot down
And are their devils with halos
In beautiful capes
Taking them into the flames
Ocean to OceanOcean to ocean, tales of the sea
Tales deeply troubling
Stay with me until we
Unravel this fishing net
Ocean to ocean, queen of the sea
Warning of these needless killings
Stay with me until we
Unravel this fishing net
Oh Susanna improv - Eugene, Oregon, 13.09.1998said, i come from alabama
a banjo on my knee
and i'm bound for louisiana
my true love for to see
it did rain all night the day he left
the weather was bone dry
though the sun was so hot, i drove myself
Only live version - Numbnesshe knows
a light won't stay heard
the lion's flown the nest
for his love is gone
that he gave her
there's always one drop left
but you forget
i'm not your daughter
Operation Peter Panhola, rojo, 'morning to you
you always helped me chase demons away
don't know what i'll do without you
so Pan is the name of the plane
second to the right
straight on 'til morning
that's where i'll be waiting
OpheliaOphelia your secret is safe
Ophelia you must break the chain
some girls will get their way
some fathers will control from the grave
Ophelia you must remember
Veronica's America is not like--
is not like Charlotte's, one to savor
Original SinThere was a garden
in the beginning
Before the fall
Before Genesis
There was a tree there
A tree of knowledge
Sophia would insist
Original SinsualityThere was a garden
In the beginning
Before the fall
Before Genesis
There was a tree there
A tree of knowledge
Sophia would insist
Our New YearGlasses raised, we all say cheers
Could this be the one
Our New Year?
Even after all this time
I don't know why
Why you went away
Lately I'm sure it's
Oystersso can these shoes take me to
who I was before
I was stabbing my sticks into
a vulnerable earth
and I can almost out run you
and those stalking memories
did I somehow become you
without realizing
PancakeЯ не уверена, кто здесь кого обманывает.
Я смотрю на то, как ты опускаешься.
Мы оба знаем, что ты мог опровергнуть тот факт,
Что ураган достиг силы в 7 баллов.
Кажется, что ты и твоё племя
Решили заново написать закон,
Отделить ум от тела и души.
Pandora's Aquariumpandora
pandora's aquarium
she dives for shells
with her nautical nuns
and thoughts you thought
you'd never tell
i am not asking you to believe in me
ParasolWhen I come to terms to terms with this
When I come to terms with this
When I come to terms to terms with this
My world will change for me
I haven't moved since the call came
Since the call came I haven't moved
I stare at the wall knowing on the other side
The storm that waits for me
Paris - 13.06.2005 - 05 - Snow Cherries from Francei knew a boy who would
not share his bike
oh, but he let me go sailing
i swore that i
could survive any storm
oh then he let me go
"can you launch rockets from here?"
Paris - 13.06.2005 - 06 - Marys of the SeaHey I am not in your way
Hey no need to push me again
I know it s your day in the sun
Last time I checked
he came to light the lamp for everyone
relax Love
he said before he left
Pass the MissionI don't believe I went too far
I said I was willing, willing, willing
She said she knew what my books did not
I thought she knew what's up
Past the mission behind the prison tower
Past the mission I once knew a hot girl
Past the mission they're closing every hour
Peeping TommiLooking past branches
Past fresh mown grass
Dirt licking my elbows
I watch his hand move
Up up up her dress
Don't run away from me now
Don't run away from me now
Philadelphia - 13.10.2001 - 02 - Sirenand you know you're
gonna lie to you
in your own way
know know too well
know the chill
know she breaks
my siren
Philadelphia - 13.10.2001 - 03 - Rattlesnakesjodie wears a hat although it hasn't rained for six days
she says a girl needs a gun these days
hey, on account of those rattlesnakes
on account of those rattlesnakes
she looks like eva marie saint
in on the waterfront
she reads simone de beauvoir
Phoenix - 11.12.2007 - 16 - Black swanride on, ride on
friends of the black swan
ride on, ride on
do you know where she's gone?
gumdrops and saturdays, did eric call by the way?
he knew, he knew, and he knew where the pillow goes
ride on, ride on, friends of the black swan
Pink Christmas improv - 21.12.2002, San FranciscoHere we go
here we go
here we go
there's no snow
but there's something here
I'm sure I know
here we go
pink is the color this year
Playboy MommyIn my platforms I hit the floor.
I fell face down, didn't help my brain out.
And then the baby came before I found the magic how to keep her happy.
I never was the fantasy of what you want- wanted me to be…
Don't judge me so harsh little girl, so you got a playboy mommy.
But when you tell 'em my name and,
You wanna cross that bridge all on your own.
Little girl they'll do you no harm, 'cause they know your playboy mommy.
Pretty Good Yeartears on the sleeve of a man
don't want to be a boy today
heard the eternal footman
bought himself a bike to race
and greg he writes letters and burns his cds
they say you were something in those formative years
hold onto nothing as fast as you can
well still pretty good year
PromiseTori: Promise not to say
Tash: that you told me so
Promise not to say
Tori: that I'm getting too old
Tash: Promise not to take
Purple PeopleWell hey do you do Judo
when they surround you
A little mental yoga
will they disappear
It's grim but never dubious as motives go
One thing she'll always promises
promises is a show
Putting The Damage OnGlue
Stuck to my shoes
Does anyone konw why you play with an orange rind
You say you packed my things
And divided what was mine you're off to the mountain top
I say her skinny legs could use sun
But now I'm wishing
For my best impression
Raining BloodTrapped, in purgatory, a lifeless object, alive
Awaiting reprisal, and death
I said, she said, death will be their, acquisition
The sky is turning red, return to power draws near
Fall, onto me, onto er er er hour
Fall, onto me, the sky's crimson tears
Raspberry SwirlI am not your senorita
I am not from your tribe
in the garden I did no crime
I am not your senorita
I am not from your tribe
if you want inside her
boy you better make her raspberry swirl
RattlesnakesJodie wears a hat, although it hasn't rained for six days.
She says a girl needs a gun these days,
Hey, on account of those rattlesnakes, on account of those rattlesnakes.
She looks like Eve Marie Saint in "On The Waterfront."
She reads Simone de Beauvoir in her American circumstance, hey...
She's less than sure if her heart has come to stay in San Jose.
And her never-born child haunts her now as she speeds down the freeway;
Real MenTake your mind back - I don't know when
Sometime when it always seemed
To be just us and them
Girls that wore pink
And boys that wore blue
Boys that always grew up better men
Than me and you
What's a man now - what's a man mean
Riot PoofYou know what you know so you go break the terror of the urban spell
This alliance you say 'I'm on the threshold of greatness girl' so you burn
Your pagoda through the congo till there's a broken bond
On the birth of the search white trash
My native son
It will all find its way in time
Blossom riot poof
You know what you know so you go chain her to your flow
Rose Doverif you see Rose Dover
that's her secret name
she would meet 3 others
to keep the forest safe
she says "my reality was soon called
Make Believe, imagination's funeral
killed by the teenage me"
you don't have to throw it away
Scarlet's Stories - 02 - A sorta fairytaleI think that there is a place where she realizes that people come in and out of your life, sometimes for one day, sometimes for longer, and all of them make you what you are. You can't separate these people out of you. They form who you are, even the ones that you kind of say, "Well, you know, I don't know if I wanna be formed by them anymore." But you are in some way... you are, that's why maybe you don't have to look at them so harshly because they have affected you. At the end, though, you know, it's... us as individuals... with our... hmm... with our love for the land, for something untangible that, when soulmates come and go, you're never alone even when you're standing just you and your shoes, because she carry them with you.
Scarlet's Stories - 12 - I can't see New YorkShe thinks she's got it all figured out, and then she goes to Boston airport, and that is when the thread leaves her and follows another woman on a different plane. And Scarlet takes a little plane, and she gets into New York, and she gets into New York City, where she sees this plane tht this other woman is on, that the thread followed and tied itself to. She sees this plane uh, crash, above New York City. And the thread comes back to her while she's on the ground, and then the panic and the chaos that happens. She's able to see and hear what this woman went through before she died. So she takes that thread with her. And she doesn't want to leave New York, I think it's almost like um... feeling a friend that's wounded, not wanting to leave their side. At a certain point, though, she goes. It's time for her to go.
Scarlet's Walkleaving terra
leaving terra
if you're a thought
you will want me
to think you
and I did
SelkieSelkie unzips her skin finally determined
through a window in the dark
there he sits all alone
I've been waiting on the love of my life to find
he's been waiting on his Selkie to come back
he said "I know these shores are not like yours
but will you make your home in my arms?"
Selkie battled tide and wave just to gaze upon his face
SirenAnd you know you're gonna
Lie to you
In your own way
Know know too well
Know the chill
Know she breaks
My siren
Sleeps With Butter FliesAirplanes
Take you away again
Are you flying
Above where we live
Then I look up a glare in my eyes
Are you having regrets about last night
I'm not but I like rivers that rush in
So then I dove in
Smell Like Teen SpiritLoad up on guns
and bring your friends
It's fun to lose
And to pretend
She's overbored
And self assured
Oh no, I know a dirty word
Snow AngelКогда колокол оповещает о середине зимы, я ожидаю знак,
Которым всегда была тень крыла.
Дети всегда знают, что она придёт к ним
Снежный ангел, она придёт и останется на некоторое время
Space Dogway to go mr. microphone
show us all what you don't know
centuries secret societies
he's out commander still
space dog
so sure we were on something
your feet are finally on the ground he said
SparkShe's addicted to nicotine patches
She's addicted to nicotine patches
She's afraid of the light in the dark
6:58 are you sure where my spark is
Star 98.7 Radio 28.11.1999 - 03 - Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
Thought I knew you well
Thought I had read the sky
Thought I had read a change
Strange Little GirlOne day you see a strange little girl look at you.
One day you see a strange little girl feeling blue.
She’d run to the town one day, leaving home and her country fair.
Just beware, when you’re there, strange little girl.
She didn’t know how to live in a town that was rough.
(I'm done thanking you, I'm done thanking you.)
It didn’t take long before she knew she'd had enough.
Strong Black VineShut your mouth
I'm spinnin' it tight down south
I'm on raid
tie you down cause boy I can
save you from that evil faith
Eagles serve yeah uhhuh Mother first
they turn you into predator but boy I can
save you from that evil faith
SuedeSuede you always felt like suede
There are days I feel your twin
Peekaboo hiding underneath your skin
Jets. are revving yes revving
And this. Has power over me.
Not because you feel something
Or don't feel something for me
But because. Mass. So big.
SugarDon't say morning's come
Don't say it's up to me
If I could take 25 minutes
Out of the record books
Sweet Dreams"Lies everywhere"
Said the Father to the son
You're peppermint breath
Gonna choke him to death
Daddy, watch your little black sheep run
He's got knives in his back
Every time he opens up
You say "He gotta be strong if wou want to be a man"
Sweet The Sting"Sweet The Sting"
With a strut into the room
With his hat cocked sure defiantly
He said "I, I have heard
That you can play the way I like it to be played."
I said, "I can play, anyway that you want.
But first I want, I want to know
Take Me With YouIn and out on this same path that I followed for years
Can't I look around and ask how could we still end up here
I can't just hold tight
Wait for them to cut us to ribbons
If the sharpest thing where you come is a blade of grass
Oh take me with you
I don't need shoes to follow
Take to the SkyThis house is like Russia
With eyes cold and grey
You got me moving in a circle
I dyed my hair red today
I just want a little passion
To hold me in the dark
I know I've got some magic
Buried deep in my heart, yeah
Talulacongratulate you
said you had a double tongue
balancing cake and bread
say goodbye to a glitter girl
you don't want to lose her
Taxi RideLily is dancing
On the table
We've all been
Too far
I guess on days
Like this
You know who your
Tear In Your Handall the world just stopped now
so you say you don't wanna stay together anymore
let me take a deep breath babe
if you need me, me and neil'll be
hangin' out with the DREAM KING
neil says hi by the way
i don't believe you're leaving cause
Teenage HustlingYou think you can come around here
All up in his face
All up in my world
You better know you better know you better know
I'm at your door I'm at your door I'm at your door
You better know you better know you better know
I'm at your door I'm at your door I'm at your
That's What I Like Mickcheese and onion sandwiches and derby chinaware
fiddles and jigs, and wogie my dog and aunty vi having a swear
taking my dad for a pint or two on a sunday morning stroll
licorice pipes and baggy suits, glen hoddle scoring a goal
catching a pike and riding me bike, old wooden wheels and a bowl of eels
yes... that's what i like, boy
that's what i like
The WaitressSo I want to kill this waitress
She's worked here a year longer than I
If I did it fast, you know it's an act of kindness
But I believe in peace
I believe in peace, bitch
I believe in peace
Thoughtsthoughts right now
i picked up a magazine
ooh here we go
fifteen hundred years
fifteen hundred years
right here burning
Unrepentant GeraldinesMatthew, Mark, John, and Luke
(this is the day of reckoning)
mamma looks to you for truth
(with the heart of St. Catherine)
no need to apologize
(for the gypsy madonna )
truth is not always kind
(jesus hosanna )
Upside Down god i love to turn my little blue world upside down
god i love to turn my little blue world upside down
inside my head the noise
chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter
you see i'm afraid i'll always be
still coming out of my mother
upside down
Velvet RevolutionFeeling radical in Cotton
Purified in my Satin
But the bomb of the season
is a Velvet Revolution
I look at the sky
and feel the tears of the
Prophets crying
Venus. Still orbiting - 05 - Girlfrom in the shadow she calls
and in the shadow she
finds a way finds a way
and in the shadow she CRAWLS
clutching her faded photograph
my IMAGE under her thumb
yes with a message for my heart
yes with a message for my heart
Venus. Still orbiting - 06 - Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
Venus. Still orbiting - 12 - The Waitressso i want to kill this waitress
she's worked her a year longer than i
if i did it fast you know that's an act of kindness
but i believe in peace
i believe in peace, bitch
i believe in peace
VirginiaIn the lush Virginia hills
They kept her as long as they could
'Cause they knew when the white brother found
White shell beads wrapped around her
Skin –
A life giving river –
Her body open as will his hand
And with a "goodbye" there she goes
Wallingford 02.12.1999 - 11 - Hey Jupiterno one's picking up the phone
guess it's me and me
and this little masochist
she's ready to confess
all the things that i never thought
that she could feel and
hey jupiter
Weathermanhe is not a weatherman
but his bride lies with the land
and she will whisper to him
I'll be dressing up in snow
cloaked in echo it's almost
as if only Nature knows
how to bring his wife to life
and breathe her into form
Wedding Daythe deafening sound of silence
Silence the siren between us
now I drink back the past
back to our wedding day
we'd hang onto every
word the other would say
Wednesday.Nothing here to fear
I'm just sitting around
being foolish when
there is work to be done
Just a hang-up call
and the quiet breathing
of our Persian we call
Cajun on a Wednesday
Welcome to Sunny Florida 2003 - 05 - Sometime, Cornflake Girlnever was a cornflake girl
thought that was a good solution
hangin with the raisin girls
she's gone to the other side
givin us a yo heave ho
things are getting kind of gross
and i go at sleepy time
this is not really happening
Welcome to Sunny Florida 2003 - 07 - Concertinaclouds descending
i'm not policing what you think and dream
i run into your thought from across the room
just another trick
can i weather this
i've got a fever above my waist
you got a squeeze box on your knee
Welcome to Sunny Florida 2003 - 12 - Coolingmaybe i didn't like hear
but i still can't believe speed racer is dead
so then i thought i'd make some plans
but fire thought she'd really rather be water instead
and peggy got a message for me, from jesus
and i heard every word that you have said
and i know i have been
Welcome to Sunny Florida 2003 - 15 - Father Luciferfather lucifer
you never looked so sane
you always did prefer the drizzle to the rain
tell me that you're still in love with that milkmaid
how's the lizzies
how's your jesus christ been hanging
nothing gonna stop me from floating
Welcome to Sunny Florida 2003 - Past The Missioni don't believe i went too far
i said i was willing
she said she knew what my books did not
i thought she knew what's up
past the mission
behind the prison tower
past the mission
Welcome to Sunny Florida 2003 - Precious Thingsso i ran faster
but it caught me here
yes my loyalties turned
like my ankle
in the seventh grade
running after BILLY
running after the rain
West Lafayette 31.10.1998 - 02 - Muhammed My Friendmuhammad my friend
it's time to tell the world
we both know it was a girl back in bethlehem
and on that fateful day
when she was crucified
she wore shiseido red and we drank tea
by her side
Why do we Crucify ourselves Every dayEvery finger in the room
Is pointing at me
I wanna spit in their faces
Then I get afraid of what that could bring
I got a bowling ball in my stomach
I got a desert in my mouth
Figures that my courage would choose to sell out now
Wild WayI hate you
I hate you
I do
I hate that
you're the one who can
make me feel gorgeous
with just just a flick of your finger
it is that easy
WinterSnow can wait, I forgot my mittens
Wipe my nose, get my new boots on
I get a little warm in my heart when I think of winter
I put my hand in my fathers glove
I run off where the drifts get deeper
Sleeping beauty trips me with a frown
I hear a voice you must learn to stand up for yourself
Yes, AnastasiaI know what you want the magpies have come
If you know me so well then tell me which hand I use
Make them go
Make it go
Saw her there in a restaurant
Poppy don't go
I know your mother is a good one
But Poppy don't go
You Belong To Mesee the pyramids along the nile
watch the sunrise on a tropic isle
just remember, darling, all the while
you belong to me
see the marketplace in old algiers
send me photographs and souvenirs
just remember when a dream appears
You Show Me Things Improv - Oklahoma City, 30.10.1996You been around
two hundred years, little girl
said, you been everywhere
in Germany and Lapland
You been to kings
you been to little me
you been to boys in the backseat
you been everywhere, little girl
Zero PointI found out at Zero Ground
I found out at Zero Point
I found out at Zero Ground
I found out at Zero Point Libra
Nikolai said it.
will we be abandoned again