2005-Mission X01-Mission No x
03-Mean Streets
04-Primecrime On Primetime
05-Eye Of The Eagle
06-Shell Shock Fever
07-Stone Hard
08-Breaking Down The Borders
02-The Wrong Side Of Midnight
03-The Instigator
04-One Lone Voice
05-We Do For You
06-Walker Of The Dark
07-Master Of Disaster
08-Tears Of A Clown
2009-Dominator01-The Bogeyman
03-Black And White
05-Heavy Metal Heaven
06-Doom Ride
07-Stillness Of Time
08-Devil's Rendezvous
2011-Rev raptor01-Rev-raptor
04-I gave as good as i get
06-Rocknroll soldiers
Animal HouseMorning is breaking with death on the street
Driving downtown in a red corvette
The daemons and satans are creeping around
LA nights are madhouse nights
The murderers – are heroes
They're speeding all over the town
And justice – is drunken
Animal InstinctAnimal Instinct
I don't wanna be another retro-man
I don't wanna be no part of your plans
I don't wanna be no diamond king
I just wanna pull the detonation pin
I won't give up a life of sin
Backstreet LonerI lit another cigarette
She did a little pirouette
No friend of mine - a dollars fine
A cruel world - when you cross this line
The masquerade is over
The mask - it fades away
Like a backstreet loner
Bad LuckI have to tell a story - about a man
Never in the mood - to change his life
Nobody wants to help him - as he spirals down
But one day the wrong decision - hit him overnight
No more cocktail parties - champagne's run dry
No company take-overs - stock markets high
No more hand-jobs in the boardroom - sex is history
Black And WhiteEyes Of Fire – Heart Of Ice
Angel Dreams – Devil’s Vice
Said The Spider To The Fly
One More Move And You Will Die
Hard And Mean – Cold Desire
You’re The One To Give Me Light
You Don’t Even Whet My Appetite
Black And White – Black And White
Blind eyesNothing - is easy
Don't play the part of the fool
Told me - didn't listen
I know I played it too cool
This is how I should be
Turn the key and be free
A turn around - don't play the game
Born To RunКакая жизнеутверждающая вещь.!!! Когда поздняя осень, холодно, зимно и слякотно, когда весь больной и впереди тяжелый трудовой день, едешь в страшной пробке среди серых улиц и слушаешь «Your born to run» - сразу становится легче.
Cry Soldier CryCry Soldier Cry
Cold wind in the morning
A telegram arrives
Arriving with no warning
Another mother cries
Husbands, sons and brothers
Cry soldier сryCold wind in the morning
A telegram arrives
Arriving with no warning
Another mother cries
Husbands, sons and brothers
Hailed the call to war
Blinded by the others
Cut me outNight after night
Day after day
Hours and seconds to go
Dying of fright
Nothing to say
Ive got no money to show
Desperate BallsYou always tried to be so nice
But always got it wrong
Day by day you played your games with me
But there's no way you'll win
But the time has come
I'll start another light
And now I'm gonna stand
Devil's diceJesus Christ was born like me in a stable
His mom and dad did all that they were able
How did they know which way he'd turn
Didn't want to get their fingers burned
To take which path from right or wrong
He picked right and I picked wrong
I see myself swinging in the gentle breeze
Die Sonne Und DuHeiße Sommernächte
sanfter Wind weht durch dein Haar
Deine Blicke machten mich verrückt
Aus der Ferne hörten wir ganz leise die Musik
die verliebte Herzen glücklich macht
Wir gehör'n zusammen wie die Sonne und das Meer
Eye Of The EagleMother nature comforts us
Embraces to her breast
Fields of gold and icy plains
We feel her great caress
Cocooned by earthly majesty
A cosmic jewel in time
Surrounded by a giving sun
Free or RebellionBlood Is Pumping Heavy
Energy's On High
Raw Power For The Hungry
It's Time To Live Or Die
Maniacal Mayhem
Iron Studded Storm
Metal's The Religion
Hate stingerFor All Of Time We Had A Man
Who Had A Frozen Heart
He’s Standing On A Hill
And Sees The Morning Come
Fear And Rage - Destruction
He Made A World Of Pain
Hate And Sin - Confession
He Craved A Senseless Crime
Heart Of GoldHe is a man forced to live with the rats
But he is dying for a smile from you
He is a man without a home in his life
Is that a reason to walk on the line
It's like a game – don't mess around
Don't be a fool so just go on
Heavy RainNothing could prepare me for the truth
How could I believe, I hope I was of use
Didn't realise I'd played the fool
You were the devil in disguise
Your poison made me die
Your like heavy rain
Always feels the same
Ich war noch niemals in New YorkIch war noch niemals in New York
Und nach dem Abendessen sagte er
Laß mich noch eben Zigaretten holen gehn.
Sie rief ihm nach, nimm dir die Schlüssel mit
Ich werd inzwischen nach der Kleinen sehn.
In The DarknessWhy am I here now
What have I done
Running on empty
I got nowhere to run
Can't get an answer
Can't get it right
Just try to make it
Let Me OutI hear some voices
Out of the dark
They start to wisper
It's getting bloody hard
My blood is boiling
No way to hide
My heart is pumping
Man A King RulerHey, This Is Mine, You Listen
Another Broken Lie
I've Really Had Enough Now
Of Human Parasites
With No More Room For Honour
Burned And Bloody Raw
The Fuckers And The Scumbags
Defended By The Law
Mean MachineThe horror of a mad dog
Is chilling my blood in my brains
The lights disappearing
The cloud getting pregnant with rain
There's a rumor going round that
The master of darkness will come
They say he'll come from the sky
Metal EaterIt slits you up– deep inside
It hits you here right between your eyes
It's somehow evil– red-hot and weird
A dangerous feeling– you never want it
It turns you inside out
Don't know why I can't beat it
It feels like burning steel
Metal Maniac Master MindYou sense his picture without a clue
You feel his presence, You think, it's true
Somehow we know, we have to pay
For all the things, we didn't do or say
He is here, calling for You
Don't turn away, get down on your knees and pray
Seven days, seven secrets he had
Ride The StormThunder roads in action
Horizon's all the same
That's the big attraction
Come on join the game
Brothers out of time
'n' chasing down the line
Mighty eagles rage into the sky
Scream KillersThere are secretes better left alone, like Pandora's Box
Throw away the master key, high-tech fantasies
And the mystery of our history, strories been untold
Some words have been classified, hide the danger code
The scream to stop they silence, they're working on to win
Shadows Come AliveI See The Fear In Your Eyes
It Comes As No Surprise
They Are Lonely Inside – So Lonely Inside
You’re Scared Of The Night
And Fear Is Not Right
It’s So Lonely For You – So Lonely For You
Shell Shock FeverWe hit your mind
We hit your soul
One of a kind
Always more and more
Thunder above
Lightening below
We're overhead
Nowhere else to go
Speed DemonManifold Is Boiling
Exhausts Are Spitting Flames
Miles Of Cubic Inches
And Petrol In Their Veins
Fire In Their Bodies
Vibrations In The Air
Forbidden Rules Are Fingered
Danger – They Don’t Care
Sweet Little ChildDarkness - and yet another day slips away
So lonely - lifes just like an empty room
Where is the answer, when out love was so sweet
I wish I could hold you tonight
Tears Of A ClownAll His Life He Did His Best For All
And The Crown Of Laughter
Hanging Low
The Spotlight In The Ring,
The Choruses That Sing
The Paint And Masquerade
Was Just A Show
The BogeymanWhat's that shadow on the wall?
And did you hear that noise?
That painful sound of nails on glass
The trembling of the toys
The whispers of the trees outside
The rustling underneath
The room it seems to come alive
Very hard to breath
The HealerCan you feel the morning light
Wanna make the sunrise mine
Been wandering from dusk to dawn
So many sleepless nights
Can't seem to get it right
So many memories in my mind
The InstigatorWho Would You Have
Beside You On The Rack
Who Is The One Who
Justifies Attack
Who Is The One Who
Lights The Evil Spark
Who Is The One Who's
Planning In The Dark
The Land Of The Midnight SunEnter the land of the iceman
A place where the sun never sets
Where the vains of the land are strong and crystal clear
Under the spell of darkness
The roots of the land grow deep
And the sight of the eagle soaring on the wing
Eternal nation - for evermore
They Want WarThey are young and they're kids
And believe what they see
To do what they've been told
And so they walk away with open eyes
Some are eight or nine or ten
And they die like a fly, and no one knows
Who they are, they're smaller than the gun they load
Trainride in RussiaПоезд по России
Поезд по Росси Идет и идет
Поезд по России –сто грамм и вперед
Перестук колес Необятна даль
Поезд нас увез к началу всех начал
Я расскажу вам историю
Two faced womanTwo Faced Woman
(Dirkschneider, Kaufmann)
Miles From Home
So Many Things Go ‘Round
So Far - The Fight In Me’s So Strong
Years Of Pain
I’ve Suffered All The Same
Unspoken WordsMy thoughts are going back - back to the time
When I was young to live a life
A life of lies - full of lies
Then you came into my life
And you've changed so many things
That I've done before - that I've done before
Whispers In The DarkThe Silent Times – They Are The Worst
So Still And Unforgiving
You're All Alone – You Fear The Words
The End And The Beginning
They're Calling You – They Call Your Name
And Then You've Got To Answer
Is Nowhere Safe – No Way To Hide
With a vengeanceWith A Vengeance
Now I'm back with a vengeance
Didn't want to stay - to stay away from you
No illegal fun - you had me hypnotised
Cheap and on the run - a bad reputation
Now the time has come - to take the blame away
Поезд по РоссииПоезд по России - идёт и идёт
Поезд по России - сто грамм и вперёд
Перестук колёс - необьятна даль
Поезд нас унёс - к началу всех начал
Here I tell my story
Believe what I have seen
And nothing had prepared us