CalextoneCalextone, who was an earthly lady.
made such a sweet sacrifice to Jupiter
that he placed her, as his true wife.
high upon the throne and was very favourable unto her.
and then lovingly
he crowned her above all other women abundantly.
Then all the gods, as a token of esteem.
accepted her joyously and lovingly looked to her happiness.
Fire FireFire, fire, fire, fire.
Loe here I burne in such desire
That all the teares that I can straine
Out of mine idle empty braine
Cannot allay my scorching paine.
Come Trent, and Humber, and fayre Thames ;
Dread Ocean, haste with all thy streames :
And if you cannot quench my fire,
Follow Thy Faire SunneFollow thy fair sun, unhappy shadow,
Though thou be black as night
And she made all of light,
Yet follow thy fair sun unhappy shadow.
Follow her whose light thy light depriveth,
Though here thou liv’st disgraced,
And she in heaven is placed,
Follow Thy SaintFollow your Saint, follow with accents sweet ;
Haste you, sad noates, fall at her flying feete :
There, wrapt in cloud of sorrowe pitie moue,
And tell the rauisher of my soule I perish for her loue.
But if she scorns my neuer-ceasing paine,
Then burst with sighing in her sight, and nere returne againe.
All that I soong still to her praise did tend,