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  • Текст песни Undertale the Musical - Your Best Nightmare

    Исполнитель: Undertale the Musical
    Название песни: Your Best Nightmare
    Дата добавления: 17.06.2018 | 18:15:12
    Просмотров: 140
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Undertale the Musical - Your Best Nightmare, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    Lyrics by Lindsay Bolin
    While you had a pow-wow,
    I was feeling so proud,

    Finding the means to an end,
    While you're making your friends,

    Now their souls are mine, too,
    And it's all thanks to you,

    ‘Cause you took up his time
    Gave me room for my crime!

    Snuck right up to the king,
    Then slaughtered him, cackling!

    There’s no more time to cry!
    Toodle-oo, kiddo! DIE!

    (Spoken) Huh? WHY am I still doing this? Don't you get it? This is all just a SHOW. And we're playing parts!

    I will destroy you
    shatter your worldview
    crush your pathetic dreams

    'Cause I am smarter
    you're just a martyr
    now let me hear you scream!

    (Spoken) You’ll die for nothing! Tearing you apart… what fun that’ll be!

    Cry all you want, kid!
    I'll just enjoy it
    making you twist and squirm

    I took your save file
    I'll make you watch while
    Everything you love burns

    Why are you still fighting?
    Don't you know I've won?

    Come back every time, then,
    I've only just begun!

    I can’t feel anything!
    No sense of empathy!

    So yell at me, waste your time,
    Fall before my entropy!

    You can never make me whole
    You helped me achieve the goal!
    Now at last I have the souls!
    Now at last I’m in control!

    Everyone said I’m insane,
    Everybody dies in pain,
    But now I’ve become a god!
    In this world, I finally reign!

    Spoken: You have no idea what this is like! (maniacal laughter) I can feel the human souls wriggling inside me! They're screaming in pain, just like you! Want to hear, want to HEAR!!?

    Listen, they're shrieking
    What little weaklings!
    Dance to my puppet strings!

    I'll use their power
    this final hour
    Service to their new king!


    Am I too vicious?
    Oh, how delicious!
    Let's try another game!

    The rules are simple
    it's kill or be killed
    fight back or you'll be maimed!

    I tried to warn you
    just a glance, and I knew
    You'd be my chance to change the game
    You and me, we are the same!

    Meeting my damnation
    The power to reset all
    Stolen by your stupid fall!

    That's okay; was kinda tired
    all that DEATH, so uninspired
    At least you’re amusing
    Even though you’re losing!

    (Spoken) What’s the matter? Did you fall dooooown? No no no… DON’T GET UP!

    Clipping at the seams
    of your hopes and dreams
    unstitch the tapestry

    There's no "bigger story"
    only the glory
    of my calamity

    I’ve got the power,
    The world I’ll devour,
    Then make it all anew

    Endless destruction,
    That is my function,
    And it’s all thanks to you!

    This game is ending,
    Timelines I am rending!

    Everything that I’ve done
    Culminates in this run!

    But when everything’s through,
    I could not predict you!

    Time for celebration,

    Ending this oration
    With your extermination!

    I’ll be filled with such joy
    When everything’s destroyed!

    (Spoken) Don’t worry, kiddo! This’ll only hurt the first million times! *Laugh*


    (Spoken) Wait, what’s… what’s going on? S-stop! Stop calling for help! N-nobody’s gonna come! I’m the god of this world, you hear me?! H-how are you… What’s going on? Where are my powers? The souls… WHAT ARE THEY DOING? No! NO!!! You can’t do that! You’re supposed to obey me! STOP! STOP IT! STOOOOOOOOP!


    Hear our refrain
    as we sing again
    we'll write a new symphony

    Lost in the silence
    used in his violence
    We’ll keep you company

    Green, Cyan, Blue Souls: He lost his way long ago

    Yellow, Orange, Purple Souls: We'll punish him, even so!

    What is this?
    You broke from my hold!?
    I'll gain back control!

    I'm your god, your king
    You can't do anything

    Orange Soul: Fight with DETERMINATION!

    Cyan, Purple Souls (OVER):

    Stop this madness!
    If you don't, you'll end up
    falling down!

    Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green Souls (UNDER):

    You've had your fun
    but now we're the ones
    who hold the DETERMINATION

    We've got the power
    now , little flower
    Thanks to this human!

    No, this isn't right

    Yellow, Blue Souls (OVER):
    Stop this rampage!
    We will fight you, we swear
    stop this now!

    Orange, Cyan, Purple, Green Souls (UNDER):

    Freed from that dark cage
    We'll stop your rampage
    Protect the Underground

    This is our last chance
    we'll do one last dance
    now that we are unbound!

    You will all submit
    I will NEVER QUIT!

    Orange, Green Souls (OVER):

    You can't win this
    Show your courage here and
    we'll forgive

    Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Purple Souls (UNDER):

    Your hold has been snapped
    Now, we've got YOU trapped
    giving the human an opening

    Blow after blow
    your HP will lower
    Now dance to OUR puppet strings!

    FLOWEY: (Spoken... well, screamed) YOU CAN'T DO THIS! I WON'T LET YOU!!

    Yellow Soul (OVER):

    That was
    your last chance to
    turn your back on this path
    and repent

    Orange, Cyan, Green, Blue, Purple Souls (UNDER):

    This game is over
    we can get closure
    for our empty deaths at his hands

    It will suffice
    to put you on ice
    before we must all disband

    Yellow Soul (OVER):

    at your weak spot
    They won't miss; 3, 2, 1

    Orange, Cyan, Green, Blue, Purple Souls (UNDER):

    It's up to you now
    determined human
    you've got the final blow

    Unleash your power
    on that flower
    3, 2, 1, LET'S GO!
    прекрати это сейчас!

    Оранжевый, голубой, фиолетовый, зеленый души (ПОД):

    Освободившись от этой темной клетки
    Мы остановим ваше буйство
    Защити Подземелье

    Это наш последний шанс
    мы сделаем один последний танец
    теперь, когда мы не связаны!

    Вы все отправите
    Я никогда не выйду!

    Апельсин, зеленые души (ПЕРЕВЕРНИТЕ СТРАНИЦУ)

    Вы не можете выиграть это
    Покажите свое мужество здесь и
    мы простим

    Голубые, голубые, желтые, фиолетовые души (ПОД):

    Ваш захват был сломан
    Теперь мы получили вас в ловушку
    давая человеку возможность

    Удар за ударом
    ваш HP понизится
    Теперь танцуй на НАШИХ кукольных струнах!

    FLOWEY: (говорит ... ну, закричал) ВЫ НЕ МОЖЕТЕ ЭТО СДЕЛАТЬ! Я не позволю тебе !!

    Желтая душа (более):

    Что было
    ваш последний шанс
    отвернись от этого пути
    и покаяться

    Оранжевые, голубые, зеленые, синие, фиолетовые души (ПОД):

    Игра окончена
    мы можем получить закрытие
    за наши пустые смерти в его руках

    Этого будет достаточно
    поставить тебя на лед
    прежде чем мы все должны распустить

    Желтая душа (более):

    в твоем слабом месте
    Они не будут скучать; 3, 2, 1

    Оранжевые, голубые, зеленые, синие, фиолетовые души (ПОД):

    Теперь решать вам
    решительный человек
    у тебя последний удар

    Раскрой свою силу
    на этом цветке
    3, 2, 1, ПОЙДИТЕ!


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