05 The Other SideEvery day, every night
I see your face in my mind.
I will never hear your words again.
I know you left me but just for a while.
I feel as if you were in our home.
Death has taken you away from me.
I feel your touch when I'm alone.
I can't believe that you're gone, I don't agree.
06 The Last TearsSomething out of me flows...
Love so unrestrained flees.
Slowly becoming less
My tears turn into seas...
I tore down the wall,
Armed well my own heart
Banished grief and pain
10 WhyIn the purple glow of the fall,
In shivering chilled arms of the trees,
Struck with the very last breath
Our love like a dragonfly flees.
In the purple glow of the fall,
In shivering chilled arms of the trees,
Struck with the very last breath
Our love like a dragonfly flees.
A Single TouchWhy are you not here,
I’m waiting for you
the our is late
outside a full moon
I look in the closet
with all of my dreams,
hung on the hangers
are our memories
Blinced By HatredОслепленные ненавистью
Потерявшись между небесами и адом,
Они могли убить друг друга.
Только крики доносились из их ртов,
Только крики, что подобны тяжелому сну.
Потерявшись между небесами и адом,
Они могли убить друг друга.
Blinded By HatredLost between heaven and hell,
They were able to kill each other
Only screams were coming out of their mouth,
Only screams it was like a bad dream
Lost between heaven and hell,
They were able to kill each other
Only screams were coming out of their mouth,
Only screams it was like a bad dream
Bring Me To HeavenI don't want to hear the lies
I don't want to see the pain again
I don't want to think, I just wanna feel
Take me away from this place
I don't want to hear the lies
I don't want to see the pain again
I'm closing doors to my past
Keep your promise and bring me to heaven
Clinic for DollsShe ran to the door now impossible for her to pass.
Night as a guard on the other side of time.
She said: "It will pass after all. It must end".
She said: "I will return transformed with the power of places".
Time crumbled into grains of send. Traces of feelings.
How to remove the spell?
Closer To DeathI would like to know what it will be like
Tomorrow, in 10 years and longer
Together or alone, you and me
We will grow old someday
We will be close to each other,
When I'll breathe with my last breath?
My body will become ugly
We are closer to the point of death
DestinyI know nothing about life
All the wisdom is hidden deep in the heart
I am scared of the upcoming days
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way
My boat is cruising over there,
I want it and I know where
I am handling my life to destiny
Face the TruthI'm weakening
Something's wrong with me
I thought that I was to come first
I don't know what's true
I'm living with fear
From morning to night
I'm losing my passion for life,
HomeAlone I look for the way
hoping you’re waiting for me
where the hostile world has no say
that is where I always want to be.
Where my eyes want to follow
when I’m far away,
when life brings sorrow,
into silence I escape.
I CeasedI Ceased lyrics
I ceased to say what I feel
I didn’t stop feeling, did I?
It’s an eyesore to hear something real
Slowly faith also dies
Silence fails to bring salvation
Maybe there is none at all?
IndifferenceThere's a horned demon in my heart
Eyes, – they are pitch-black
The face in the mirror isn't really me
I'm walking the line between good and evil
There's a horned demon in my heart
Eyes, – they are pitch-black
Indifference is my queen
MemoriesI drown in the oblivion
In the grey ashes of my dream
Never looking back
I don't hear anymore the bitter words
Every night the nights moaning wakes me up
I hide my face in your hands
Save me please from my fears
MockersWhat was best,
Was fiercely crushed.
They killed the dreams,
And now they are gone.
Sneering smiles
Mocking looks
Pointing out sins,
They hide in their nooks.
Na KrawedziKiedy spadam w przepaść,
W Twoją głębi zaznajesz, czekam,
Gdy nadzieja umiera,
Ty jedyny przy mnie , pozostajesz
Ale to tylko krótka chwila,
To tylko moje urojenia,
Nie ma Nas, w sercu Twoim
Not enoughEmpty and strange, bad omens catch the rain.
Outside the wind howls.
All the years lost. Like fools we spent most of our lives,
You and me.
Not enough warmth, hell was too cold,
Shivering hands and dark.
On The EdgeI've changed my world
When you were away, I'm waiting...
That is my truth... without you
That is my escape
I close my eyes
You disappeared behind the doors of my heart
I can't listen to your lies
The Other SideEvery day, every night
I see your face in my mind
I will never hear your words again
I know, you left me but just for a while
I felt as if you were in our home
Death has taken you away from me
I feel your touch when I'm alone
I can't believe you're gone, I don't agree
TimeКогда дождь смоет кровь с земли,
Я пройду по тенистой тропе.
Когда ты громко заявишь о своём грехе,
Моя звезда засияет в небе.
Когда время решит убить,
Когда время закроет наши глаза,
Наши грехи испарятся в слезах,
Земля заглушит наши крики.
WhispersI'll give you all I've got to give.
It's never too late to say I'm sorry.
We have one life to live,
that'll be the beginning of a great story.
You are my Sun in the darkness of the night.
You are my ice land on the sea of memories .
You are my Sun in the darkness of the night
and be my eyes when I lose my sight .
Co dzień tonę w zapomnieniu
W szarym dymie moich snów
Nie oglądam się za siebie
Już nie słyszę gorzkich słów
Co noc budzi mnie wiatr cichym jękiem
Skrywam głowę w Twoich dłoniach
Ocal mnie przed moim lękiem
АнгелЯ твой белый ангел в негативе
Узнай же меня
Шатаюсь пьяный по своей квартире
Не замечая ни ночи, ни дня.
Холодной полосой лунного света
Я иду словно, по тропе.
Жду когда наступит то лето,
И найдутся все пути к тебе.
Умру за тебяКогда нибудь я проснусь
И увижу тебя рядом. Рядом со мной
Исчезнет грусть. Я стану живым.
Только будь. Будь рядом со мной.
Гори, моя звезда.
Не погасай.
Сжигай меня дотла.
Не забывай...