AriseHagioi, apologeite peri tou pistos dia tou logou Theou
Saints arise
This ones for the brethren
Who've not won one soul yet
Let me ask you what are you doing, with your time
I speak of Grace not debt
Before The TimeFollow Me, let the dead bury their own dead
Have not fear, I Am here, this is what He said
When He had come unto the other side
They cried out, gripped in fear knowing the time line
Swept away, by the terror that a man should have
Learn from demon forces this lesson and
You will be, if you see, one among the wise
Beheaded[G. Rodgers / R. Martinez]
And I saw the beast rise
And the dragon gave him his power
And the world followed him
And it was granted him to make war
With the siants and to overcome them
Bishop Of SoulsAlleluiah, God - you are worthy of all praise
Righteousness and honor are your's all the day
As for me, words can't express what my spirit knows as grace
Your mercy, how it strengthens me, in mercy I exist
What am I that you should mind, yet you've redeemed us by your hand
And who can challenge you in battle, they're crushed to dust on your command
You are the shepherd and also our High Priest
BurnBurn, Satan, burn
Burn, Satan, burn
The separations coming, the sheep from the goats
There are only two sides, no inbetweeners hope
For all our friends that you've got hold
And made them slaves they don't know
Countless CorpsesIn "Out of the will" we looked at the mercifulness of God
And here we have the second half, for those who repent not
In Nahum, after Jonah had long since then come and gone
Assyria, had turned it's back on our Almighty God
When God speaks, He does not lie, and this is what He's said
If you heed not His warning, here's what you will get instead
Furious in Vengeance, in the whirlwind and the storm
He will pour His wrath out, and you'll wish you'd not been born
Cut Into PiecesHis hands were ripped right from the limbs, t'was dagon
His head was broke off his torso, this false god
You'll find that great destruction comes from Gods hand
As it will across the earth, deniers beware
Cut into pieces
In the days, when there was no king in Israel
Fatal Delay[L. Farkas / R. Martinez]
Violence and terror, a world that's filled with hate
And nuclear warfare, that will not annihilate you
Destruction of the flesh leaves the spirit to live on
There will be no escaping it the time is almost gone
The tribulation, will come to earth
Fill This Place With Blood[R. Martinez]
Fill this place with blood and that of no other
Than the Lord Jesus Christ
I am what I am, if it were not for mercy
I too would be damned, but by the grace of God
I stand in His righteousness, not of my own
To Him who worketh not but believes in Him alone
From The Dead[L. Farkas / R. Martinez]
The chief priests required the tomb to be secured
The Pharisees were with them, Pilate was assure
There would be no rising, as He had said
On the third day, from the dead
Now after the Sabbath, first day of the week
Frontal LobotomyFalse prophets speak empty words of deception
They promise you freedom, but are slaves to corruption
Scripture is given for reproof and correction
Untaught people are their own destruction
Frontal lobotomy
Those who do not confess Christ has come in the flesh
He Don't Own NothingSo you've been told, that satan owns, a contract to your soul
Or perhaps that he will have a kingdom and a throne
Well now it's time to realize, that none of this is true
He will not be taking any spoils, into his torment doom
The only thing that he can do is steal, since he's a thief
But when God brings the hammer down, this also will cease
He will not be heading up an army of satanic fiends
This idea that he'll have raging power, is just a pile of beans
Herod's Violent DeathThis Herod he was troubled, when he first learned of Christ
Like so many of today, who neglect salvation life
And do not give the Lord Christ Jesus, the glory due his name
They try by their own righteousness, to enter Heavens gate
Herod's violent death
Another killed John the Baptist, for some wicked chick
Human Dark PotentialWhy?
What is it that makes them snap?
Where was the line crossed at?
To see the face looking so docile
As they walk to their sentance of death
Human Sacrifice[G. Rodgers / R. Martinez]
deity's blood, spilled for you
For indeed Christ was our passover
Hanging on a bloodied cross
A bloodied cross
Human sacrifice
I Love Hating Evil[D. Theime / R. Martinez]
I know it's forthright, to tell you now this way
Just what the Bible says and leave no shadows gray
For all the time I'm here I will and pull back not a punch
I know that deep inside you, you've got this nagging hunch
Whether we're for real and if we mean what we say
Instruments Of DeathGiven the time to repent they fail to reply
To the just and Holy one they now await to die
God's enemies will lick the dust, a fact they fully deny
He holds them in derision, in vain they rage against the Christ
Instruments of death
They set their face against His way, inward they are destruction
Lest You Be JudgedI've heard enough of what you claim is sane
The lie you live is not a game
Reality it stays the same
They're your own words you've not been framed
Like Moses striking the second blow
The heart of God you do not know
And by your words you drive others away
Out Of The WillThere I was, a Prophet of God
I didn't want to go explain to them Gods mercy
I had my reasons
I said, hey man have you got a ticket to Tarshish
That was the first mistake
I was spending my money on something God didn't want me to
It all boils down to disobedience you know
RaegoulIn a split second of time, I realize it is over at least that is this life
And in my mind, where ever it was, I rolled it over
How had I lived? And what had I done with my life in Christ?
Just then a smile came in, to the half that was not fried
The smile looked at me and whispered, "Well done", "by the way, my name is
Raegoul, now to wonder
ThanatosLying in the death trance, just before you die
Silent screams of horror, as you realize
Life on earth was not forever, as some how it seemed that way
You're true friends were we the Christians who tried to warn you of this day
We are the deathless, although the flesh will go, this is not the end of us,
Onward we flow
Come to the light child and you will see, the kingdom of peace, forever free
The Wrath To ComeThere is a point, that is very clear
A wrath is coming, in judgement near
7 Seals and 7 Trumpets
7 Bowls in the Prophecy
You are on a crash course with Eternity
We persuade you, be reconciled
The sons of disobedience
Warfare"Our Father which art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory
For ever and ever
White Throne[G. Rodgers / R. Martinez]
Mid, post, pre-tribulation that will not matter here
Pre, post or a-millenal, the stand will fall to tears
To cause division for the things that will not obtain
The righteousness of God, imputed by His name
THere will be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
You Can't Stop ItFrom the dust, where you've come from to the dust you will return
From there to the judgement seat, enter the kingdom, or to burn
This is not some story line, from Greek mythology
As deceptive hypocrite fallen angels, would have you to believe
We have the fact's, in light that truly darkness has descended
Ignorant shallow, no scholarship, a ship that's sunk and yet defended
I just don't understand the point, they mock, yet it's they who are in deep water
While drowning in the act, death with a proud face, satans slaughter
You Will Be HatedNation will raise against nation
Earthquakes, pestilence and disease
These are just the beginnings of sorrows
Take heed that no one deceives you
Multitudes of people begin to bind in a frame of mind
They come to hate you because you stand for the truth of Christ
You Will BowLet's think about
Let us now think, for a moment about we of Israel
And are you one of us, here is how you can tell
In your life, if you daily to the throne do bring
Your living sacrifice, and allegiance to the King
More than just some word, and perfect I know far from we are
But yet you desire to be in His will, and His word and to Him