BridgesСтарые мосты, падающие
Стены, которые мы заполнили своими собственными сомнениями
Это выгорает
Помните, мы говорили, как
Наступает время для невинности
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RunIt's run and...
It's run and…
It can't be easy
Holding fast to our dreams
City to city
Moving at the same speed
SecretsYou're quiet like the ocean, oh
Your treasure hidden down below
As silent as they come, I know
Should I be scared if you stay or go?
Tell me am I insecure?
Just overly emotional?
Set FreeThey say I'm living in my own reality
Throwing everything that bites me, even money
I wanna sit back, and set myself free
Set myself free, set myself free
And it's a bit cold
We live in a sick world
And it's a bit bold
SinnerOh, you're a little bit of everything
You can be truths
Or you can be lies
Today who are you?
You're a little bit of nothing
You can be right
But you can be wrong
StrangersOh, there's something I've been waiting to find
Oh, tell me something I'll keep inside
Oh, oh, we're more than just strangers tonight
Oh, let me find your hidden side
We're more than just strangers tonight
We're more than just strangers tonight
With WouHold me, closer, want me better
Hold me, closer, let it echo
Hold me, closer, make it stronger
Hold me, closer, want this better
One chance to let you in
Only with you, I fall like this
One dance and it begins