16 военных жёнSixteen military wives
Thirty-two softly focused brightly colored eyes
Staring at the natural tan
Of thirty-two gently clenching wrinkled little hands
Seventeen company men
Out of which only twelve will make it back again
Seargeant sent a letter to five
Military wives, his tears drip down to ten little eye
Апология песниДекабристы - Песня-апология
Стивен, я горько сожалею,
Но твой велосипед украли.
Я присматривал за ним для тебя,
До осени, когда ты должен вернуться.
Похоже, я не очень хорошо выполнил свою работу.
Вот почему мы сражаемсяCome the war
Come the avarice
Come the war
Come hell
Come attrition
Come the reek of bones
Come attrition
Гимн январяOn a winter Sunday I go
To clear away the snow
And green the ground below
April all an ocean away
Is this the better way to spend the day?
Keeping the winter at bay
Здесь я Мечтал я был архитекторомAnd here I dreamt I was a soldier
And I marched the streets of birkenau
And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
The carnival was ringing loudly now
And just to lay with you
кокс в коробкеGet the rocks in the box
Get the water right down to your socks
This bulkhead's built of fallen brethren bones
We all do what we can
We endure our fellow man
And we sing our song to the headframe's creaks and moans
Кран жена 1 и 2[1]
It was a cold night
And the snow lay low
I pulled my coat tight
Against the falling down
And the sun was all
And the sun was all down
Летняя песняRambling, where to begin?
I tasted summer on your peppery skin
Been saved, the warm of the waves
I felt a slip into a watery grave
My girl, linen and curls
Lips parting like a flag all unfurled
She’s grand, the bend of her hand
Лето ПришлоHere's a hymn to welcome in the day
Heralding a summer's early sway
And all the bulbs all coming in
To begin
The thrushes bleating battle with the wrens
Disrupts my reverie again
Pegging clothing on the line
Штык-ОмереканецSoldier: Heart carved tree trunk, Yankee bayonet
A sweetheart left behind
Girl: Far from the hills of the sea-swelled Carolinas
That's where my true love lies
Soldier: Look for me when the sun-bright swallow
Sings upon the birch bow high
Эл,мальчик БарроуEli, the barrowboy, you're the old town
Sells coal and marigolds and he cries out all down the day
Below the tamarac she is crying
Corn cobs and candlewax for the buying, all down the day
Would I could afford to buy my love a fine robe
Made of gold and silk arabian thread
She is dead and gone and lying in a pine grove
Это было прошлым летомЭто было прошлым летом
Или в декабре,
Может, на другой планете,
Может, в том дворе.
Повстречал пацан девчонку
И влюбился наяву,
Но она ответила ему :