Сми ♡ ♡ ♡
Отмазки стегают меня, словно кнутом,
Сказал: "Точно зайду, но когда-нибудь потом..."
И вот я сижу каждый день его жду,
Мне Сминт обещал переставить винду,
Ведь он отказать никому бы не смог,
Выдувая из легких веселый дымок.
666 - знак зверяI left alone my mind was blank
I needed time to get the memories from my mind
What did I see can I believe that what I saw
that night was real and not just fantasy
Just what I saw in my old dreams were they
reflections of my warped mind staring back at me
Братья по кровиAnd if you're taking a walk through the garden of life,
What do you think you'd expect you would see?
Just like a mirror reflecting the moves of your life,
And in the river reflections of me
Just for a second a glimpse of my father I see,
And in a movement he beckons to me.
And in a moment the memories are all that remain,
Впустую потраченные годаFrom the coast of gold, across the seven seas
I'm travelling on, far and wide
But now it seems
I'm just a stranger to myself
And all the things I sometimes do
It isn't me but someone else
I close my eyes and think of home
Две минуты до полуночиKill for gain or shoot to maim
But we don't need a reason
The golden goose is on the loose
And never out of season
Some blackened pride still burns inside
This shell of bloody treason
Here's my gun for a barrel of fun
For the love of living death.
КавалеристThe Trooper
© Iron Maiden
You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket but I'll
run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
НаёмникThe Mercenary
(Gers, Harris)
Pay to kill, die to lose
Hunted, hunter which are you
Diablo come again
To make trophies out of men
НаследиеTell you a thing
That you ought to know
Two minutes of your time
Then on you go
Tell tala of the men
All dressed in black
That most of them
Последний рубежI'm stranded in space, I'm lost without trace
I haven't a chance of getting away
Too close to the sun and surely will burn
Like Icarus before me or so legend goes
I'm taking my life, reliving the past
There's nothing but wait til' my time comes
I've had a good life, I'd do it again
Maybe I'll come back some time, my friends
Потраченная любовьWasting Love
Maybe one day I'll be an honest man
Up till now I'm doing the best I can
Long roads, long days, of sunrise, to sunset
Sunrise to sunset
Сильный рабInto the Abyss I'll fall - the eye of Horus
Into the eyes of the night - watching me go
Green is the cat's eye that glows -
In this Temple
Enter the risen Osiris - risen again.
Tell me why I had to be a Powerslave
СолдатYou'll take my life but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket but I'll
run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand there's
no turning back.
The Bugle sounds and the charge begins