My Love Is A MountainMy love is a mountain
Glittering white with snow
And no one can mine it
It’s stone
Could I be the one you wanted
A diamond in the coal
But no one could find it
siberiaI don't pretend, I just get out
This is siberia, no joke, all trembling white
I love the pull of the train in the middle of the night
When you don't have to talk.
The city is grey but the sun is out.
There's nothing but time to forget about
All the techno-media mania
The words keep getting caught in my mouth
Sun Kissed SlashesUnder the bridge fires punctuate the darkness
Salvaged my mast from a fire sale in Queens
The city blows up, trembling in the water
And I holler, innocent and free
Floating downstream, somewhere in Indiana
Counting the silos and singing La Marseillaise
Stealing corn and weaving wild flowers
SwingSwing, baby, swing
You’re a bulb on a wire
Alone and apart
In the heart of the crowd
The chaos here it takes you to countries
That just get hotter.
And laugh, baby, laugh,
Til your face feels the smile
You Fade AwayColored lights and clapboard cheap motels and starlight
Restaurants glow like a string of oiled pearls
As the smoke pours up through manholes in shimmering spirals
Curling up the walls to rooms with rooftop views
Under the wings and in the hollows little pockets filled with secrets
Oh yeah we run
Through the bridges and the tunnels throwing boots that catch on wires
We’re gonna run
Особый резонПо перекошенным ртам, продравшим веки кротам,
Видна ошибка ростка.
По близорyким глазам, не веря глyпым слезам,
Ползёт конвейер песка.
Пока не вспомнит рyка, дрожит кастет y виска,
Зовёт косая доска.
Я y дверного глазка, под каблyком потолка.