Caramel Camel все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Cry a ClownA year-round, midnight circus’s coming to town
There’s a clown
Windows open up and down
While the sound of things around are low
Underneath the bridge
The light’s sparkling below
Time keeps passing by but no one’s desire
In the distant silence a clown
Ghetto LoverTwo is free like a lovemate
Made from two but the third can’t wait
We are one ‘til the fourth came in
Life is wonderful, Get something
Dig your dreams
Your fantasy
With hope i’ll dream
How Beautiful the Songs in the SunbeamIf you have a beautiful mind. Then you could Make yourself hide
underneath the purple sky
Watch all useless brains walking straight into the
big apple pie.....
All the singers all the writers all the leaders are
joining here together
And i will do nothing just keep an eye on you
when you’re over
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