Daytrader все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
After-ImageGive me the wisdom of your tongue
The spirit of the ancient soul
Used to be gods in the leaves
In the trees and in the mountains and in the stars
If you look closely, you'll see the afterimage of an old philosophy
Give me the wisdom of your tongue
Heard It In A SongThe both of us are broken
It's why we fit together so well
Lacking purpose
We both know that life is so damn sad sometimes
Sad sometimes
And the papers keep bringing
Bars, bedrooms, and basements
Kill My CompassTake me back
Take me back to where
The ocean winds don't push and pull
And dull all the seasons
Where time doesn't crest and crash
But slowly pushes on
And say that you'll remember me
Lost Between The CoastsWe'll make it home
A thousand miles with more to go
A foreign town, a darkened road
With no place in the world to go
I measure time in miles
My sleep in minutes
But all my wealth and sense comes from a tome