Apathy For ApologiesLast week you said you’d never do this to me
But now I’m sitting here wondering why I’m on the shelf again
I know you want to get closer to me
But I don’t want to go on if you really do not want this
I hate to sound so jaded
But it seems like nothing’s changing
CalculateRight now I'm in a daze
More than a little amazed
I'm fallin' I can't help it
When I'm with You I'm in heaven
And I just wanna stay
I feel my heart go
Boom, boom, boom, boom
Find Me TonightYesterday, I could not feel this
Today I’m sick of trying
To live like I can live on my own
This world around me is suffocating
Freshman YearТекст песни
Everyday Sunday - Freshman Year
(текст песни №1)
Once again the sunrise ends your day
I can't come over
All you want is silence anyway
But your tears are beautiful
From Me To YouGod only knows what's going on inside of me
This world revolves around everything that's not meant to be
These prison walls are closing fast
It's do or die, get me out of this past
There You stand with Your arms wide open
You're calling me to You
I know that Heaven's just one step away
Here With MeYou said that You hold the earth and moon
And I know that the morning bows to You
So when the water rushes over me
You'll be there to pull me from the deep
I believe that You are
Everything You say You are
I will follow You forever
I Won't Give UpYou know how sometimes you meet somebody
Who changes your life
But then after awhile you forget how you thought
About what changed everything
Tell me what's your reason
You find me in this treason
Live for You TonightConsumed my mind distracted all the time.
I can't figure out this world of lies.
She walks into her mind of aggravation.
She looks into the eyes of empty sad frustration.
Now I'm wandering around and I wanna be found,
but I don't wanna lose my sight.
I'm blind, I'm losing my mind, I'm getting behind,
it all keeps bringing me down.
Now You're GoneSummer skies to separate lives
Tell me how we let this go
I hate goodbyes, God knows I've tried
I've been staring at this phone
I just thought I'd let you know
All these things I did not show you
I've just got to let you know
Stand Up(Chorus)
I will stand up now,
I will not step down
I will do my best to wear this crown
But I need You as You guide me through today
I will stand up now,
I will not step down
Take Me OutI know that I don’t feel like talking right now
But I know that You still feel the same
So what do we do when this feeling is gone
What will we do when I realize I am wrong
Can you hear me now?
Take me out of this place
Tell Me You'll Be ThereHere we go, on this road
And we're not looking back, just looking ahead
I could see why You'd think
I'd want to be like You
And You know that it's hard
But I've never fallen too far
To escape to a place from Your love
The Best Night Of Our LivesI know you said it all would be just fine
And i know that changes come with time
So sometimes i don’t want the times to change
And i know that tomorrow you'll be gone
So i know tomorrow we'll move on
But maybe part of us will stay the same
Don't fall asleep
WaitТекст песни
Everyday Sunday - Wait
You're rushing, doing everything anything on the verge.
Not even thinking about what if you're doing is absurd.
I don't mean to be the one to cut in,
But you might want to stop and think about what you're doing.