A Waning SolaceNothing that breathed disturbs this enclave
As the monolithic cosmic millstone
Grinds ever onwards
Crushing meaning beneath cold stone
It is here that I lie
At one with the darkness
Where timelessness breeds tranquillity
A Witness To The Passing Of AeonsUncoiling amongst the stars, my spirit-fight is endless,
I abandoned the prison of flesh millenia ago,
Parted my veins to shred the last veil,
Shrugged aside the chains that anchored me.
Left the shattered shell of my corporeal form to descend,
Into the blackness of this malicious earth,
And as my being merged with the very fabric of this withered planet
As Buried Spirits StirAnd I watched the sun cross the sky
A thousand thousand times,
From within this tomb of earth,
Waiting patiently for the sign,
To be called by those who would summon us forth to wander once more,
Under the waning moon across the bleakness of the fens.
AshbringerMoving amongst the many pathways of the aether
The silent one, the harbinger of woe
The oracle of sorrows yet to be
The unnamed foreshadowing
Like the carrion-crow that circles the charnel-field
Life promises only death.
And thus I am again sentenced to solitude,
In silent contemplation, a vision framed in grey
Falls upon world-weary eyes and brings torpor.
Carrier of EchoesKeening...
A reflection of all that was
The bell tolls...
Throughout the perpetual passage of infinity
I was born long ago
My form fashioned from the primordial rock
Storm-winds seared the umbra and my verdant spirit
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Colossal VoidsLet these waves take me away,
Let this tide pull me away.
Let these waves take me away,
Let this tide pull me away.
These ashen waters swallow the grey skies,
In this tumultuous churn I gasp and thrash,
Human driftwood torn and flung,
Exile's JourneyA brutal banishment,
A condemnation unfeeling,
Compels me to wander,
In dreadful isolation
Why must I leave behind all that once was mine?
Ahead lies only an eternity of vacuum
No life awaits here amongst the forlorn soils of the Malediction Fields.
Gathering the StonesHere... Down within the dead pile
Down amongst the dead
"Down within the dead pile
Down amongst the dead"
Calling... Nameless... Rootless
Currents, ply thy lash
Ghosts of the FloodThe chaos of life
Calling in the twisting veins
Where lifeblood pumped and the children came to drink
Now blackened and dry
The husk of our existence
Lies parched and cracked on this barren land
Half-Light EternalIllumination wavers in the strengthening grip of dusk
Darkness summoned something more than dreams and empty promises
Every blade and bole turns towards the fading light
And all freeze to capture this moment in eternal clarity
Around and around the centuries thunder
Revolutions of earth and stone, oceans rise and fall
The waves of life flow high tide and beyond
Lashed By StormFlayed by the driving rain, of black clouds scud across the sky,
The world roars with rage and the very ground trembles.
I watch as lightening spears the darkness,
The stark outline of the trees stripped bare by winters ravaging chill.
Wind screams, cutting the knives of sharpened frost,
As I raise my arms to embrace the assault,
All that lives cowers in the shadow of elemental wrath,
MiracleMiracle, you gazed upon us
Two kids walking along the road one night
The moon I can remember
Clouds had circled in
Miracle, you aimed along the stars and you got us between
No, I don’t think we can ever see again what we have seen
Of Wilderness And RuinMany have been those who walked before me
But few now remain on these blasted paths
Where once we stood and gathered as one
Fragmented now are those of the unbound
We stood and watched as the sky turned to fire
And the sacred hollows of old were sundered
Eclipsed by the dawn of a new era
The Dying StarsFrom the utmost depths
In blackest earth-flesh entombed
I have arisen agian.
The bedrock cracked by celestial vengeance
Mountains cleft in twain
Forests cindered by starfire
Stir me from this great slumber
The Gibbet ElmsWe have stood for centuries
Sentinels that frame the sky
We have felt the exhalations
Of souls passed under us
We have trembled in the cold winds
That lash the soils of death
We have drawn upon the poisoned strength
В поступь этой душиМузыка, слова - Н.Носов
Свет рассказал мне легенду о воине –
Певце и поэте, что в музыке лир
Красоту и любовь, пробуждая, что во сне
В песнях творил он под звездами мир.
И когда в поступь светлой души
Расцветали в лучах,
Виктория БоняКогда я начинаю,
Когда я начинаю писать,
В меня вселяется демон,
У твоего друга миллионера,
Закапала с конца,
Ты кривая шлюха,
Голос ветраМузыка/слова - Н.Носов (2008)
Am F C
Шелест звёзд и шепот моря
Вновь зовут меня
Am F C
Дорога домойМузыка, слова - Н.Носов (2009)
Куплет 1
Уносят мечты
Познать красоты
Смотря с высоты
Музыка зимней ночиМузыка, слова - Н.Носов (2013)
Вьюга в ледяную ночь
Запоет мне о любви.
Я не в силах ей помочь.
- Прости, ты душу мне не рви.
О морозной тишине,
Снежной бархатной степи,
Я приду за тобойМузыка/слова - Н.Носов (2009)
Стен непрошенных тлен
Стены брошенных в плен
Сталь хоронит завет
В памяти прошлых побед
Мир застыл под луной
Ветер плыл надо мной