All the King's Horses
Excellency, by the time you read this I'll be gone.
Long gone.
Gone long.
No longer adorned in robes, nor the finest of armor.
Wayward grows a light exponentially beseeching me.
Bonfire of the ManateesAquatic fortitude!
Unscathed and witless, below the hopes and fears of robotic fixtures
Proposed to the fluent lovers, hopeless romantics enthralled in semantics
They'll flee the highlands, they'll flee their skin
Quick, under the cover of darkness!
Déjà vu and amnesia simultaneously
Haven't I been here before?
Human Bodies
This place, more orange nowadays.
The ashen badlands redeem.
Your face, through magnified glass, still draws me in.
Those big eyes draw me in.
Distrophy, stale again.
Pterodactyls in AmericaTerrified to change, terrified to lose with all of this on the line.
And why decide right now? In the ways we thaw.
In the ways we flaw. In the ways we stain.
In the ways we concede. In the ways we please and in the ways we rid.
We are all just as abandoned with our thoughts as we are with our own actions.
They'll say: "The truth is really amazing but we can never reach it again."
I guess that in some ways we never know the truth exists at all.
Substitute all of these myths for a fable.
Уйду и не вернусьКогда-нибудь ты все это поймешь.
Может вспомнишь все, может все вернешь.
Может быть не сможешь, может будет больно.
Ну что же все вот так? Ну все, с меня довольно.
Знаешь, как-то пусто, одиноко очень..
У меня бессонница, не уснуть мне ночью.
Знаешь, я не плачу, но тебя люблю.
Знаешь, существую, даже не живу.