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  • Текст песни From Clip Azumanga - Walk Like An Egiptian

    Исполнитель: From Clip Azumanga
    Название песни: Walk Like An Egiptian
    Дата добавления: 12.08.2020 | 03:22:03
    Просмотров: 4
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    На этой странице находится текст песни From Clip Azumanga - Walk Like An Egiptian, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    All the old paintings on the tombs
    They do the sand dance don't you know...

    Пляшущие древние египтяне на гробницах-пирамидах
    Демонстрируют танец песка, неизвестный и непонятный...

    If they move too quick (oh whey oh)
    They're falling down like a domino

    Если они двигаются слишком уж быстро (о, е, о)
    То они падают друг за дружкой, как доминошки...

    All the bazaar men by the Nile
    They got the money on a bet

    Все эти базарные люди с Нила
    Любят разводить лохов на деньги

    Gold crocodiles (oh whey oh)
    They snap their teeth on your cigarette

    Золотые крокодилы (о, е, о)
    Так и наровят цапнуть зубами вашу сигаретку!

    Foreign types with the hookah pipes say...
    Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh...

    Иностранные типы, покуривая кальян, говорят так...
    о, е, о... о, е, о...

    Walk like an Egyptian!

    Ходите как Египтяне!
    (сойдете за своих)

    Blonde waitresses take their trays
    They spin around and they cross the floor

    Блондинки официантки берут подносы
    Они ходят с ними туда-сюда, вокруг и около...

    They've got the moves (oh whey oh)
    You drop your drink then they bring you more

    Они научились правильно ходить (о, е, о)
    Уже заглотил стаканчик? Счас они притаранят тебе еще...

    All the school kids so sick of books
    They like the punk and the metal band

    Все школьники устали от учебы
    Они любят панк-рок, металл и прочее дерьмо (рэп)

    When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh)
    They're walking like an Egyptian

    Когда звенит звонок на перемену (о, свобода!)
    Они ходят как Египтяне (ибо, круто!)

    All the kids in the marketplace say
    Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh

    Все дети на базаре говорят так...
    о, е, о... о, е, о...

    Walk like an Egyptian...

    Ходите как Египтяне!
    (сойдете за наших)

    Slide your feet up the street bend your back
    Shift your arm then you pull it back

    Двигайте ногами, задницу открячьте!
    Одна рука за спину, другая вперед!

    Life is hard you know (oh whey oh)
    So strike a pose on a Cadillac

    Жизнь трудна, вы это знаете (о, да...)
    Так попозируйте перед этим Кадиллаком (станет легче)

    If you want to find all the cops
    They're hanging out in the donut shop

    Жизнь заставила вызвать крупный наряд полиции?
    Они сейчас все болтаются в магазине, кушают пончики

    They sing and dance (oh whey oh)
    Spin the clubs cruise down the block

    Они поют и танцуют
    Побросав свои дубинки куда попало...

    All the Japanese with their yen

    Японцы со своей йеной...

    The party boys call the Kremlin

    Веселые русские парни со своим рублем...

    And the Chinese know (oh whey oh)
    They walk the line like Egyptian

    И китайцы знают секрет успеха (о, е, о)
    Они ходят строго по прямой, как Египтяне!

    All the cops in the donut shop say
    Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh

    Все полицейские, объевшись пончиков, говорят так... о, е, о... о, е, о...

    Walk like an Egyptian
    Walk like an Egyptian

    Ходите как Египтяне!
    (в целях собственной безопасности,
    чтобы мы могли отличить вас от преступников)
    All the old paintings on the tombs
    They do the sand dance don't you know ...

    Ancient Egyptians dancing on pyramid tombs
    Demonstrate a dance of sand, unknown and incomprehensible ...

    If they move too quick (oh whey oh)
    They're falling down like a domino

    If they move too fast (oh, e, oh)
    Then they fall one after another, like dominoes ...

    All the bazaar men by the Nile
    They got the money on a bet

    All these bazaar people from the Nile
    They like to breed suckers for money

    Gold crocodiles (oh whey oh)
    They snap their teeth on your cigarette

    Golden crocodiles (oh, e, oh)
    So they'll snatch your cigarette with their teeth!

    Foreign types with the hookah pipes say ...
    Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh ...

    Foreign types, smoking a hookah, say this ...
    oh, e, oh ... oh, e, oh ...

    Walk like an Egyptian!

    Walk like Egyptians!
    (pass for your own)

    Blonde waitresses take their trays
    They spin around and they cross the floor

    Blonde waitresses take trays
    They walk with them back and forth, around and around ...

    They've got the moves (oh whey oh)
    You drop your drink then they bring you more

    They learned to walk properly (oh, e, oh)
    Have a drink already? Wait they'll bother you again ...

    All the school kids so sick of books
    They like the punk and the metal band

    All schoolchildren are tired of studying
    They like punk rock, metal and shit (rap)

    When the buzzer rings (oh whey oh)
    They're walking like an Egyptian

    When the bell rings for change (oh freedom!)
    They walk like Egyptians (because, cool!)

    All the kids in the marketplace say
    Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh

    All the children in the bazaar say this ...
    oh, e, oh ... oh, e, oh ...

    Walk like an Egyptian ...

    Walk like Egyptians!
    (pass for ours)

    Slide your feet up the street bend your back
    Shift your arm then you pull it back

    Move your legs, turn your ass off!
    One hand behind the back, the other forward!

    Life is hard you know (oh whey oh)
    So strike a pose on a Cadillac

    Life is hard you know it (oh yeah ...)
    So pose in front of this Cadillac (it gets easier)

    If you want to find all the cops
    They're hanging out in the donut shop

    Life made you call a large police squad?
    They're all hanging out in the store now eating donuts

    They sing and dance (oh whey oh)
    Spin the clubs cruise down the block

    They sing and dance
    Throwing my clubs anywhere ...

    All the Japanese with their yen

    The Japanese with their yen ...

    The party boys call the Kremlin

    Cheerful Russian guys with their own ruble ...

    And the Chinese know (oh whey oh)
    They walk the line like Egyptian

    And the Chinese know the secret of success (oh, e, oh)
    They walk in a straight line like the Egyptians!

    All the cops in the donut shop say
    Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh

    All the cops, having gorged on donuts, say so ... oh, e, oh ... oh, e, oh ...

    Walk like an Egyptian
    Walk like an Egyptian

    Walk like Egyptians!
    (for your own safety,
    so we can distinguish you from criminals)


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