Across The QlipothAcross the qlipha burst and break
Descend into formation ye inverted
Crack and shatter what lieth ye ahead
Pour forth as blind madness to bind the flesh
Piece by piece, come ye forth
Ye angels of ecstasy/demons of revelation
To unmask the innermost face of the word unuttered
Anti-Flesh NimbusBuild in me, O LORD! and
once again grant me Light, to
fill this human void, Yes,
chasten me with Sight! I
speak wounds, and my blood
is a tune of Death, and my
word shall devour flesh.
Circle of EyesCircle of eyes, ball of judgement
Doomed to seek these broken lands
Circles...wheels of dry eyes
Released to embitter the sweetest of secrets
Lead me to those drowning and I shall bring water
You cannot fail, nor can you win,
Funeral MistLike risen from the nothingness
Clouds of demonic mist - freezing cold
Dismal black and filled with purest hate
Eternal shadow - eternal grief - endless destruction
The funeral mist
Pure darkness will appear
Death lies in the air
Holy PoisonShine through me Satan
Yes, live now through this tool of yours
Live through me, O seditious star,
and like a thousand suns shall I spread thy light
Like a thousand plagues
A thousand wars
In Manus TuasIn manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum.
Redemisti me, Domine Deus veritatis.
Dele iniquitatem meam.
Amplius lava me ab iniquitate mea, et a perrato mes munda me.
Quoniam iniquitatem meam ego cognosoo, et peccatum meum contra me est semper.
Tibi soli peccavi, et malum coram te feci.
Tibi soli peccavi,
Nightside PhantomTemped into the darkness the moaning night
The nightside phantom is calling
With its sighs, I can't resist the drawning it is too strong
I must unite with the black shine where the phantom dwells
A Wind of purest evil licks my skin
And took me beyond all light and into the Nocturnal
Embraced by the shades of night
Sun of HopePanic, hysteria, infernally raging chaos
Salvation through destruction
Cold black sun of hope
Your star lies cold
Blood and ash, be my crystal