Animatronics songI'm working in this pizzeria as a night security guard.
Checking the monitors to make sure nothing
happens is not that hard.
But later in the night the animatronics aren't in place which is not right, no.
They seem to move a lot around this place, looking straight into my face, oh.
Why did I even do this job it's spooky here and so underpaid.
I've got to do these nights, I'll have to stay here so alone and afraid.
Proxy SongI woke up in Oakside Park,
after searching in the dark
There was a tunnel up ahead,
and some things that I have read
I went in there and looked around,
a lot of containers is what i've found.
A lift I have been looking for,
but the power had to be restored.
SCP 966 songWalking through the corridors of the heavy contaiment zone.
Must find a fast way out of here, but it's hard just on my own.
And here's another SCP, does he attack or will it flee?
I must get in and then we'll see.
Opening the keycard locked door.
I heard a sound,
But there's no one in, just some goggles on the ground
SCP-035 songA keter w hite porselain comedy mask.
At times it will change to tragedy
If one sees him in his room than he will ask.
Open the door is all he wants so he can flee.
A strange liquid seeps from the eye and mouth holes.
Very corrosive like you see so don't get close
SCP-049 song(Greetings)
A humanoid appearance 1.90 tall
Waiting for victim in his very own hall
When you meet him he may salute (hello)
In his traditiona plaguel doctor's suit
Mindless zombies are the result of surgery
SCP-066 songLook at that there rolling over the ground
The cafeteria is the place where it is much around
So cute & weird
gentle but feared
An anomalous braided thread
It will come close when it has you in sight
Then will produce some notes and even loves to dim the light
SCP-939 songThis is the storage that you'll reach with these elevators
They lead you to some keter pack-based predators
It's like they are guarding this place
If you get to close then they will chase
Is there something that their looking for
Besides these two, are there roaming some more?
The skin of 939 is permeable and red
SCP-970I encountered something which is not normal.
It's spatial and very phenomenal.
Is there an end to this you never know.
Endless doors and rooms, it's unbelievable.
Used to housing class-d personnel
but later on they broke out of their cell.
The same rooms and doors is all what I have seen.
SCP-970 songLyrics: I encountered something which is not normal. It's spatial and very phenomenal!
Is there an end to this?
You never know.
Endless doors and rooms it's unbelievable!
It used to house Class-D personnel...
but later on they broke out of their cell!
The same rooms and doors is all that I have seen. I
t's a cell block right in Sector-19!
The SCP-914 songRough, coarse, 1:1, fine and very fine
it handles almost anything without using energy
rough, coarse, 1:1, fine and very fine
it's propably the most interesting, usefull SCP
yeah there are 5 options to choose, let's see what you can use
Rough (rough) dismantles or destroys your stuff
Coarse (coarse) dismantles and refines of course