Lascia chio piangaLascia ch'io pianga la cruda sorte,
E che sospiri la liberta!
E che sospiri, e che sospiri la liberta!
Lascia ch'io pianga la cruda sorte,
E che sospiri la liberta!
Il duolo infranga
queste ritorte
Messiah, Every Valley Shall Be Exalted0:00 Orchestral ritornello.
0:20 Voice alone. Ev’ry valley
Orchestra imitates voice.
Ascending rapid notes on exalted. Ev’ry valley shall be exalted, and ev’ry mountain and hill made low, the crooked straight, and the rough places plain.
0:54 High tone on mountain.
Low tone on low.
Wavy melody on crooked.
Legato melody on plain.
Messiah, For unto Us a Child is Bron0:00 Strings, ritornello.
0:13 Sopranos. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given,
Tenors imitate.
Sopranos, rapid notes (born) against tenors (unto us a Son is given). Altos, basses, rapid notes (born) against altos (unto us a Son is given).
Messiah, Hallelujah ChorusOrchestral introduction.
Chorus joins, homophonic, quick exclamations. Hallelujah!
0:23 Monophonic, longer notes. for the lord God Omnipotent reigneth;
Homophonic, quick exclamations. Hallelujah!
Monophonic, longer notes. for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth;
Homophonic, quick exclamations. Hallelujah!
0:44 Longer-note melody against quick exclamations, polyphonic.
No. 45. I know that my Redeemer livethI know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
And though worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.
А я знаю, Искупитель мой жив, и Он в последний день
восставит из праха распадающуюся кожу мою сию, и я во плоти моей узрю Бога.