2.Instrumentum Diaboli“Whosoever will be saved, before all things
Is it necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith
Which Faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled
Without doubt he shall perish everlasting” (Credo)
“better for a hundred innocent people to die than for one heretic to go free”
El veritas liberait vos
5.I Bring You FearImposition, understood as fulfilling and
Applying to commandements or truths by
“preaching”, is apart from intimidation the
Essence of religion. Fear itself dominates, as
A part of the “leash” on the way to
“salvation”. Fear mainly paralyses the common-sense
And rational thinking, and
Therefore it’s a perfect tool of authority.
Eyes Of The Blind Lamb“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
To receive power and riches and wisdom
And strength and honor and glory and blessing!” (Revelation 5:12)
Whiplash, laughter of guards
Another drop of bloody sweet falls upon the slippery pavement
Thorns driven into temple
Shivering body desiring rest
Gnosis“That Light, He said, am I, thy God, Mind, prior to Moist Nature which appeared from
Darkness; the Light-Word (Logos) [that appeared] from Mind is Son of God.”
“Know that what sees in thee and hears is the Lord’s Word (Logos); but Mind is Father-God.
Not separate are they the one from other; just in their union [rather] is it Life consist.”
“So, understand the Light [He answered], and make friends with it.”
(The Corpus Hermeticum/Poemandres, the Shepherd of Men)
In My Flesh I See GodMy thoughts years away from my body
My mind shivering from cold
Leucoma, nobody’s sight
I touch the smoke of burning carcass
I hear the smell of burning
Naked limbs plaited with hurricane of fire
Skin, a desert shell
Lord Shall Be RevealedEven until now lives a settled conviction, that salvation can be bought here, on the Earth, by praying the so called “offering” to the “priest” of grace. For centuries the human naivety has been used by the Catholic Church to debauch its stomach and magnify its fortune. Bargaining the salvation is just another hypocrisy of the Catholic Church, and since money is the “instrumentum daiboli”, where really hides the Beast?
“And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:17)
I cleanse my body in the blood-red crystal sea
Bestial amok lasts
Pure soul, pale flesh, ice-cold breath
Red Blood RunningI'm waiting for the power of redness
I'm waiting for the sweetness of blood...
I'm running away from the day
so I can love at night
so I can taste the redness of blood
to learn immortality
and give freedom
Sin Is The LawAware of my own body
Aware of it’s being
Within me lies verify
Cognition of truth is the sin
My body serves the truth
My body serves the Law – the law of sin
Sin is the Law!
Who Can Be Against UsWhoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process
He does not become a monster. And when you look long into
An abyss, the abyss also looks into you. (Nietzsche)
It was I who received the weapon of Mitum
It is I who rule the heavenly power