Illuminandi все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Hymn of All Creation
Music: J. Trębacz & Illuminandi
Lyrics: Psalms: 93, 95 and 96
Come, let us sing together to our Lord;
Come, let us shout to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before him and give him thanks,
Praise him with our music and our song.
JezdziezMusic: J. Trębacz & Illuminandi
Lyrics: J. Liebert – 1930
Uciekałem przed Tobą w popłochu,
Chciałem zmylić, oszukać Ciebie –
Lecz co dnia kolana uparte
Zostawiały ślady na niebie.
The BetrayalMusic: A. Kozioł & Illuminandi
Lyrics: A. Kozioł (based on the New Testament)
Lord, your face somehow’s changed today;
There’s a thorn deep inside your heart.
And your eyes sad as silent rain…
Tell us, Lord, what we do not know.