Marillion - Misplaced Childhood 1985 все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
(с альбома "Потерянное детство", 1985)
Помнишь нарисованные мелом сердца, тающие на стене детской площадки?
Помнишь рассвет, сбежавший из омытых луной залов колледжа?
Помнишь цветение вишни на рыночной площади?
08.Blind CurveA) vocal under a bloodlight
Last night you said I was cold, untouchable
A lonely piece of action from another town
I just want to be free, Im happy to be lonely
10.White FeatherWhen I hit the streets back in '81
With a heart and a gown and a poet's crown.
I felt barbed wire kisses and icicle tears,
Wearing at me for all these years.
I saw political intrigue, political lies.
Going to wipe those smiles of self-satisfaction from their eyes
I will wear your white feather,
I will wear your white flag,
11.Lady NinaYou pick out your credit cards and check into the night
A dozen tequilas and you're feeling all right
So you swim to the disco, out of your depth jaded gigolo
Your lucky charms are tarnished so you leave alone
But there's one place left to go before the taxi home
After all you've made your marks
One night you'll play elizabeth taylor