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  • Текст песни Marilyn Manson - Spade

    Исполнитель: Marilyn Manson
    Название песни: Spade
    Дата добавления: 15.10.2014 | 23:25:42
    Просмотров: 44
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Marilyn Manson - Spade, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    The beauty spot was borrowed and
    Now my sweet knife rusts tomorrow.
    I'm a confession that is waiting to be heard.

    Burn your empty rain down on me
    Whisper your deathbeat so softly
    We bend our knees
    At the altar of my ego

    You drained my heart
    And made a spade
    But there's still traces of me
    in your veins
    You drained my heart
    And made a spade
    But there's still traces of me
    In your veins

    All my lilies' mouths are open
    Like they're begging for dope
    And hoping
    Their bitter petal chant,
    "We can kick, you won't be back."

    I'm a diamond that is tired
    Of all the faces I've acquired
    We must secure the shadow
    Ere the substance fades

    You drained my heart
    And made a spade
    But there's still traces of me
    In your veins
    You drained my heart
    And made a spade
    But there's still traces of me
    In your veins
    And we said 'til we die
    And we said 'til we die

    Пиковая карта
    Мушка была заимствована,
    Теперь мой любимый ножичек заржавеет завтра.
    Я - исповедь, которая ждёт, чтобы её услышали.

    Выжги свой пустой дождь на меня,
    Нашепчи барабанную дробь смерти* так нежно.
    Мы склоняем колени
    На алтаре моего эго.

    Ты выпила до дна моё сердце
    И превратила его в пики.**
    Но всё ещё есть мои следы
    В твоих венах.
    Ты выпила до дна моё сердце
    И превратила его в пики.
    Но всё ещё есть мои следы
    В твоих венах.

    Все мои лилии открыты,
    Как будто они просят допинг
    И надежду.
    Их горькие лепестки поют:
    "Мы можем выгнать, ты не вернёшься назад".

    Я - бриллиант, который устал
    От всех лиц, что приобрёл.
    Мы должны обеспечить тень,
    Прежде чем вещество исчезнет.

    Ты выпила до дна моё сердце
    И превратила его в пики.
    Но всё ещё есть мои следы
    В твоих венах.
    Ты выпила до дна моё сердце
    И превратила его в пики.
    Но всё ещё есть мои следы
    В твоих венах.
    И мы говорили до самой смерти,
    И мы говорили до самой смерти

    * Барабанная дробь с нарастающей силой, означающая приближение победы и смерть врага
    ** Имеется в виду превращение из червовой масти в пиковую
    The beauty spot was borrowed and
    Now my sweet knife rusts tomorrow.
    I'm a confession that is waiting to be heard.

    Burn your empty rain down on me
    Whisper your deathbeat so softly
    We bend our knees
    At the altar of my ego

    You drained my heart
    And made a spade
    But there's still traces of me
    in your veins
    You drained my heart
    And made a spade
    But there's still traces of me
    In your veins

    All my lilies' mouths are open
    Like they're begging for dope
    And hoping
    Their bitter petal chant,
    & quot; We can kick, you will not be back. & quot;

    I'm a diamond that is tired
    Of all the faces I've acquired
    We must secure the shadow
    Ere the substance fades

    You drained my heart
    And made a spade
    But there's still traces of me
    In your veins
    You drained my heart
    And made a spade
    But there's still traces of me
    In your veins
    And we said 'til we die
    And we said 'til we die

    Mushka was borrowed ,
    Now my favorite knife rust tomorrow.
    I - a confession that is waiting to hear it .

    Burn out your empty rain down on me ,
    Nashepchi drumroll * death so gently .
    We bow our knees
    On the altar of my ego .

    You drank to the bottom of my heart
    And turned it into peaks . **
    But there are still traces of my
    In your veins .
    You drank to the bottom of my heart
    And turned it into peaks .
    But there are still traces of my
    In your veins .

    All my lilies open
    As if they ask for doping
    And hope.
    Their bitter petals sing :
    & quot; We can kick , you will not return back & quot ;.

    I - a diamond that is tired
    From all those that purchased .
    We need to provide shade ,
    Before a substance disappears.

    You drank to the bottom of my heart
    And turned it into peaks .
    But there are still traces of my
    In your veins .
    You drank to the bottom of my heart
    And turned it into peaks .
    But there are still traces of my
    In your veins .
    And we talked to the death ,
    And we talked to the death

    * Drum roll with increasing force , which means the approach of victory and the death of an enemy
    ** This refers to the conversion of the Hearts suit in peak


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