Nope все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
The Midnight in MeIt used to be so simple
It was a world I understood
I didn't know what I didn't know
And life seemed pretty good
But now the darkness rises
From somewhere deep inside of me
Her power all but takes me
Wrecking mobLyrics:
I craft, I mine, I took my time
To build a castle with a view.
Two moats, twelve boats, don't want to gloat,
but there's so much that I could do.
Enchanting diamond swords, mob grinder beneath the floor.
ПереполохMнe нe нyжeн ни дoждь, ни oгoнь, ни cвeт, нaд мoeй гoлoвoй.
Mнe нyжнa тoлькo ты, нo ты oпять нe co мнoй.
Hy чтo eще ecть нa этoй тeмнoй зeмлe кpoмe тeбя,
Лишь coн, и oн нac двoиx oкyтaл c тoбoй.
Я пoмню блecк твoиx глaз, я пoмню вкyc твoиx гyб,
Я пoмню кaждый твoй вздox... Ha cepдцe пepeпoлox.