programme 7 text 2 все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
in luck диалогTerry I hear you've got a transfer to the new/ office in Rome for a few months, Steve. How did you manage that? Who pulled strings for you?
Steve No one. I was just lucky. I happened to be in Mr. Barrett's office when he was talking to the big boss from the States about it. They said they wanted to send someone who could get by in Italian, so I mentioned that I had picked up a bit on holiday in Italy and learned some more at night school, and finally they said I could go.
Terry When will you be setting off?
Steve On Monday morning. But I'm taking two weeks' holiday before starting work. I'll be spending a few days in Germany and a week in the Alps near Mont Blanc with a friend. We'll be doing some skiing together.
Terry Will you be travelling by air?
Steve No, I'm taking the car. I'll be staying Sunday night in London at the Victoria Palace Hotel, picking up my friend at Victoria Station on Monday morning and then making for the Dover-Ostend ferry.
Terry Roll on Monday then!
Steve Yes! Just imagine, at this time on Monday I'll be heading across the Netherlands on my way to Germany, the Alps and the sunny Mediterranean...