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  • Текст песни Queen - Radio Gaga - Радио Гага

    Исполнитель: Queen
    Название песни: Radio Gaga - Радио Гага
    Дата добавления: 10.01.2019 | 19:15:07
    Просмотров: 36
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    На этой странице находится текст песни Queen - Radio Gaga - Радио Гага, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.

    Кто круче?

    Radio - radio
    I'd sit alone and watch your light
    My only friend through teenage nights
    And everything I had to know
    I heard it on my radio

    You gave them all those old time stars
    Through wars of worlds - invaded by Mars
    You made 'em laugh - you made 'em cry
    You made us feel like we could fly

    So don't become some background noise
    A backdrop for the girls and boys
    Who just don't know or just don't care
    And just complain when you're not there
    You had your time, you had the power
    You've yet to have your finest hour
    Radio - radio

    All we hear is radio ga ga
    radio goo goo
    radio ga ga
    All we hear is radio ga ga
    radio blah blah
    Radio what's new ?
    Radio, someone still loves you

    We watch the shows - we watch the stars
    On videos for hours and hours
    We hardly need to use our ears
    How music changes through the years

    Let's hope you never leave old friend
    Like all good things on you we depend
    So stick around 'cos we might miss you
    When we grow tired of all this visual
    You had your time - you had the power
    You've yet to have your finest hour
    Radio - radio

    All we hear is radio ga ga
    Radio goo goo
    Radio ga ga
    All we hear is radio ga ga
    Radio goo goo
    Radio ga ga
    All we hear is radio ga ga
    Radio blah blah
    Radio what's new ?
    Someone still loves you

    Radio ga ga (ga ga)
    Radio ga ga (ga ga)
    Radio ga ga (ga ga)

    You had your time - you had the power
    You've yet to have your finest hour
    Radio - radio

    Бывало я сидел один и созерцал твой свет,
    Мой единственный друг подростковых ночей,
    И все, что мне нужно было узнать,
    Я слышал по своему радио.

    Ты предоставлял эфир
    всем тем звездам прошлых лет,
    В войнах миров, оккупированных Марсом.
    Ты заставлял их смеяться,
    ты заставлял их плакать,
    Ты давал нам ощущение полета,

    Так не становись неким фоновым шумом,
    Чем-то второстепенным
    для девчонок и мальчишек,
    Которые просто не разбираются
    или которым наплевать,
    И которые жалуются, когда тебя нет.
    Было твое время, ты обладал властью,
    Еще должен пробить твой звездный час,
    Радио, радио.

    Все, что мы слышим, это:
    Радио га-га,
    Радио гу-гу,
    Радио га-га,
    Все, что мы слышим, это:
    Радио га-га,
    Все, что мы слышим, это:
    Радио бла-бла,
    Радио, что новенького?
    Радио, кто-то по-прежнему любит тебя!

    Мы смотрим шоу, мы смотрим звезд
    По видео часами напролет,
    Нам едва нужно напрягать слух,
    Чтобы понять, как музыка меняется с годами.

    Будем же надеяться, старый друг,
    что ты никогда не исчезнешь,
    Мы зависим от тебя, как от всего хорошего.
    Так что будь поблизости,
    ведь мы будем скучать по тебе,
    Устав от всей этой визуальщины.
    Было твое время, ты обладал властью,
    еще должен пробить твой звездный час,

    Радио, радио.
    Все, что мы слышим, это:
    Радио га-га,
    Радио гу- гу,
    Радио га-га,
    Все, что мы слышим, это:
    Радио га-га,
    Радио гу- гу,
    Радио га-га,
    Все, что мы слышим, это:
    Радио га-га,
    Радио бла-бла,
    радио, что новенького?
    Кто-то по-прежнему любит тебя!
    Радио га-га,
    Радио га-га,
    Радио га-га,
    Было твое время, ты обладало властью
    Еще должен пробить твой звездный час,
    Радио, радио.
    Radio - radio
    Watch your light
    My only friend through teenage nights
    And everything I had to know
    I heard it on my radio

    You gave them all those old time stars
    Through wars of worlds - invaded by Mars
    You made 'em laugh - you made' em cry
    You made us feel like we could fly

    So don't become some background noise.
    A backdrop for girls and boys
    And just complain when you're not there
    You had your time, you had the power
    You have yet to have your finest hour
    Radio - radio

    All we hear is radio ga ga
    radio goo goo
    radio ga ga
    All we hear is radio ga ga
    radio blah blah
    Radio what's new?
    Radio, someone still loves you

    We watch the shows - we watch the stars
    On the videos for hours and hours
    We hardly need our ears
    How music changes through the years

    Leave friend
    Like all the good things
    So stick around 'cos we might miss you
    When we grow tired of all this visual
    You had your time - you had the power
    You have yet to have your finest hour
    Radio - radio

    All we hear is radio ga ga
    Radio goo goo
    Radio ga ga
    All we hear is radio ga ga
    Radio goo goo
    Radio ga ga
    All we hear is radio ga ga
    Radio blah blah
    Radio what's new?
    Someone still loves you

    Radio ga ga (ga ga)
    Radio ga ga (ga ga)
    Radio ga ga (ga ga)

    You had your time - you had the power
    You have yet to have your finest hour
    Radio - radio

    I used to sit alone and contemplate your light,
    My only friend of teenage nights
    And all I needed to know
    I heard on my radio.

    You provided air
    all those stars of the past
    In the wars of the worlds occupied by Mars.
    You made them laugh,
    you made them cry,
    You gave us the feeling of flying,

    So don't become some background noise,
    Something secondary
    for girls and boys
    Who just do not understand
    or who don't give a damn
    And who complain when you are not.
    It was your time, you had the power,
    Still have to break your finest hour
    Radio, radio.

    All we hear is:
    Radio ha-ha,
    Radio gu-gu,
    Radio ha-ha,
    All we hear is:
    Radio ha-ha,
    All we hear is:
    Radio blah blah
    Radio, what's new?
    Radio, someone still loves you!

    We watch the show, we watch the stars
    On the video for hours on end,
    We barely need to strain the ear
    To understand how music changes over the years.

    Hopefully, old friend,
    that you will never disappear
    We depend on you as from all that is good.
    So stay close
    we will miss you
    Tired of all this visuals.
    It was your time, you had the power,
    still have to break your finest hour

    Radio, radio.
    All we hear is:
    Radio ha-ha,
    Radio go-go
    Radio ha-ha,
    All we hear is:
    Radio ha-ha,
    Radio go-go
    Radio ha-ha,
    All we hear is:
    Radio ha-ha,
    Radio blah blah
    radio, what's new?
    Someone still loves you!
    Radio ha-ha,
    Radio ha-ha,
    Radio ha-ha,
    It was your time, you had the power
    Still have to break your finest hour
    Radio, radio.


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