2001 - Mack The KnifeOh the shark has pretty teeth, dear
And he shows them pearly white
Just a jack knife has MacHeath, dear
And he keeps it out of sight
When the shark bites with his teeth, dear
Scarlet billows start to spread
Fancy gloves though wears MacHeath, dear
2013-08-11-Mercedes-Benz-Arena, Stuttgart, Germany01-Hey Wow Yeah Yeah
02-Let Me Entertain You
04-Not Like the Others
05-Minnie the Moocher
07-Sin Sin Sin
A Man For All SeasonsOne eye on the shadows,
protecting his fellows,
From sun up till the moon on his back.
Send the villains to Hades,
a hit with the ladies
a stallion, in the sack.
You cant get your life back,
Advertising SpaceWhat was in your heart
When it stopped going
The whole world shook
A storm was blowing through you
Waiting for God to stop this
And up to your neck in darkness
Everyone around you was corrupted
angelsI sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate
And do they know
The places where we go
When we're grey and old
cos I have been told
That salvation lets their wings unfold
So when Im lying in my bed
- +
Visitors, engineering
All we need is a clearing
We dont know what to feed em
Or even if were really needin
Bag Full Of SillyYou al'right; how's it goin' man?
Yeah, fine, fine
Fine, fine!
Gloomy Manchester, always rainin'
Full of chippy, max entertainment
Groovy Manchester, June split the atom
O-1-6-1, England's Seattle
better manSend someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain
Give me endless summer
Lord, I fear the cold
Feel I'm getting old
Better Man шхНагради любовью одинокое сердце,
Мне так нужно в объятьях согреться,
Ты сохрани меня невредимым
В проливной дождь неутомимый.
Подари душе бесконечное лето,
Боже, как страшит внутри холод этот,
Ведь я чувствую, что старею
Beyond the SeaSomewhere beyond the sea,
Somewhere waiting for me,
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing.
Somewhere beyond the sea
She's there watching for me.
If I could fly like birds on high
Big BeefOn the road to Damascus
I met you and the task was thankless
We were carefree and classless
And then you changed
I'm nouveau rich
What can I do
You're legionnaires on a summer breeze
BlasphemyThe Egyptians built their pyramids
The Romans did what they did
Now everything’s come down to this
It’s just you and I our kid
We could send a million to the moon
But why can’t I get on with you
With cellophane around my mouth
Stops the anger seeping out
BodiesGod gave me the sunshine,
Then showed me my lifeline
I was told it was all mine,
Then I got laid on a ley line
What a day, what a day,
And your Jesus really died for me
Then Jesus really tried for me
Bongo bongMama was queen of the mambo
Papa was king of the Congo
Deep down in the jungle
I started bangin' my first bongo
Bongo Bong And Je Ne T'aime PlusMama was Queen of the Mambo
Papa was King of the Congo
Deep down in the jungle
I start banging my first bongo
Every monkey'd like to be
In my place instead of me
'Cause I'm the King of bongo, baby
I'm the King of bongo-bong
By All Means NecessaryCanned laughter for applause
You've opened doors
In and out of their wives
In and out of your smalls
It's not a BAFTA you're after
You want a million dollar lay
By all means necessary
You will get your way
Cameron Diaz give me a sign...Не, ну там все слова о том, как он, когда встретил эту мисс Jones, первым делом ей сказал, понимаешь, я тот человек, который всегда должен оставаться свободным, а потом понял, что когда ее видит, то у него перехватывает дыхание и он становится властелином земли и неба (в образном переводе)...и понял, что пока они оба живы, они будут вместе...
вопрос к тебе был с подвохом, конечно же :-))) - ты-то встретил уже такую мисс Jones?
Cheap Love SongTake your time, to unwind
You will find it's love you are living
Clear the space, find a place
You will see it's love you are giving.
Take you time to make things last
Love for the future, not the past
I can't change the way I am
Coffee, Tea And SympathyWith all the will in the world
Im still powerless
I found myself breaking the girl
The king is half undressed
coke and tearsJust because your dyslexic
Doesn't mean that your not fake
We know you're not that stupid
You'll marry someone rich
Bet you won't steal his watch
When your down by near his crotch
That'll explain the itch
You were such a lying bitch
come undoneSo unimpressed, but so in awe
Such a saint, but such a whore
So self-aware, so full of shit
So indecisive, so adamant
I'm contemplating, thinkin' about thinkin'
It's overrated, just get another drink and
Watch me come undone
cursedDig your polished nails into the dirt
Rip your skirts off, wipe the hurt off
You know it tears my heart out when you
Flirt with danger and any stranger
You're not as stupid as I look
Before I could read, you wrote the book
Dance With the DevilI danced with the devil, he told me a story
About all the love that he wished he could send
I said buy me a pint, it will be alright in the end
He don't like to fight cos he thinks he's too pretty
He's misunderstood and he just needs a friend
I said give me a light, it will be alright in the end
DeceptaconMicrowave yourself today
Save you for a rainy day
Hello Deceptacon
This will not be going away
From all of us there
To all over here
We wish you all of the best
Difficult For WeirdosWe’re the futurists in the bistro
Where the music is for weirdos
We like it different, we like it strange
In our own way, we haven’t changed
I got my eyes made up at the bus stop
By my girlfriend, and you know what
She likes me different, she likes me strange
In her own way, she’s just the same
Do Nothin' Till You Hear from MeDo nothing till you hear from me,
Pay no attention to what's said.
Why people tear the seams of anyone's dreams
Is over my head.
Do nothing till you hear from me,
At least consider our romance.
If you should take the words of others you've heard,
Don't Do LoveНе умею любить
Должно быть я был животным, много лет назад
И это может быть понятным, если это животное умело смеяться
Моя запутавшаяся душа никогда не позволит мне быть свободным
И это невероятно – я реально существую, ты видишь
Я не твой возлюбленный, крошка
Я не тот,
Don't Stop TalkingDon't
Don't stop talking
'Cause when you start again
It won't make sense
Don't stop breathing
You've got to carry on
Despite the evidence
E-mail From A VampireEmail from a vampire
Baby when you coming down
I can get to slum around you
If I got my talking?toping right
Maybe I’ll be someone who’ll do
When I met you should have told me
Ego a Go GoWhere were you when you stole my pride?
Did you ever get the feeling that someone died?
Hide away in your ivory tower
And cover me in your golden shower
Did I make you laugh when I played the clown?
And was I the dog that bit you when you put it down?
Break it nicely, break it slow
Ego AgogoWhere were you when you stole my pride
Did you ever get the feeling thatsomeone died
Hide away in your ivory tower
And cover me in your golden shower
Did I make you laugh when I played the clown
And was I the dog that bit you when you put it down
Break it nicely break it slow
Break it so I got no place to go
ElastikOh, oh, oh, oh
Ooh-wah, ba, ba, ba, ba
Ooh-wah, ba, ba, ba, ba
Ooh-wah, ba, ba, ba, ba
Ooh-wah, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba
I got this in my system
Takin' over
My imagination
eternityClose your eyes so you dont feel them,
They dont need to see you cry
I cant promise I will heal you,
But if you want to I will try.
I sing the summer serenade
The past is done, we've been betrayed, its true.
Someone said the truth will out
Everytime We Say GoodbyeEverytime we saygoodbye
I die a little
Everytime we say goodbye
I wonder why a little
Why the gods above me
Who must be in the know
Think so little of me
They allow you to go
feelCome on hold my hand
I wanna contact the living
Not sure I understand
This role I've been given
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
My head speaks a language
Freedom I wont let you down
I will not give you up
Gotta have some faith in the sound
Its the one good thing that Ive got
I wont let you down
So please dont give me up
Because I would really, really love to stick around, stick around
Get A Little HighYou wake up in the middle of
The thunder of a scream
And you realise that it was yours
You don't know what to tell them
'Cause you don't know where you've been
And you've been late so many times before
It's only natural to feel like you're sinking
Get The JokePut my hand on the Bible
Do me for liable
It's suing season,
And I am broke
Buy me some happy
Find me some passion
Will it ever happen?
Heaven knows
GhostsHere I stand victorious
The only man who made you come
When you cried, you cried for us
And when we died, you died alone
Gravity's calling
Don't go home
Where are we
Go GentleТихонько пройду
Ты жаждешь встречи с незнакомцами,
Добро пожаловать в зоопарк,
Горьких разочарований,
За исключение одного или двух,
Некоторые из них злы,
Некоторые из них противны,
GraceSometimes I feel like I am
Sailing on a sunken dream
I try to read the signs
But don't know what they mean
I know when I'm with you
I'm a rich man baby
Grace, I'm not yet born
Handsome ManHello. Did you miss me?
I know I'm hard to resist
Y'all can come and help me
Pick the sweet corn out of this
It's hard to be humble
When you're so fuckin' big
Did you ever meet a sexier
Male chauvenist pig?
Heart and II hope there’s a golden age
I pray for my sanity
Where we don’t have to answer to anyone ’bout anything
This is not like a brochure
Flying cars and sex machines
We are all so compliant
’cause eveything is what it seems
Heaven From HereKnow no fear I'll still be here tomorrow
Bend my ear I'm not gonna go away
You are love so why do you shed a tear
Know no fear you will see heaven from here
I'll shelter you make it alright to cry
And you'll help too cos the faith in myself
Has run dry
Hello, Sir
Hello Sir, remember me?
Здравствуйте, сударь, ну что, узнали?
I'm the man you thought I'd never be.
Пред вами человек, которого Вы от меня никогда не ждали.
Hot FudgeYeeee-haaaa!
Queen Bitch - eat the rich
I'm on the second course today.
I'm not the first
And I won't be the worst
You done most of LA.
Can't find a virgin
How do you rate the morning sunHow do you rate the morning sun?
After a long and sleepless night
How many stars would you give to the moon?
Do you see those stars from where you are?
Shine on the lost and loneliest
The ones who can’t get over it
And you always wanted more than life
How PeculiarI am all of the above babe
Johnny long strokes to the grave
Saving all the stamps in
Spend it on a kettle
Rub me rub me up right lovely
If you lick it then lick it battery
Good and properly all night if you want
I Love My LifeTell them it's all to me
I will never let go completely
One day our hands will be
Strong enough to hold me
I might not be there for all your battles
But you'll win them eventually
I'll pray that I'm giving you all that matters
I tried loveIs the Richard Gere gerbil story true?
Who came third in World War II?
Did Sooty sleep with Sue
These things I think about
When I’m out with you
What are the holes in biros for?
Which one’s which in The Corrs?
I'm loving angels insteadI sit and wait
does an angel contemplate my fate
and do they know
the places where we go
when we re grey and old
cos I ve been told
that salvation lets their wings unfold
so when I m lying in my bed
If It's Hurting YouPlease don't think of me
If you do you gotta block it
I got chills tonight
And you can't be here to stop it
I'm not a parasite
It's just a lonely night
Into The SilenceWhen karma reaches you I wanna be there just in case I need to
You made me be so cruel to myself
But I'm a fowl of the power of love
You need him
When karma reaches you I wanna be there to catch that fall
Get down beside you and watch you crawl
How does it feel to be alone?
It's Only UsAnd they want us to grow up
But we don't want to get a job
We all need a decent rock
Where it's all kicking off
Baby, it's alright, baby, it's alright
You don't need to cause a fuss
Baby, it's alright, baby, it's alright
It's only us
Jesus In A Camper VanOoh we've got a live one, featherweight icon
Heroes let 'im down so he sleeps with the
Light on
And there's nothin' left to do but kneel down
And pray
Sail away with Caesar if you're a non believer
Everybody get high if you're a
Diamond geezer
Karaoke StarDid you do that girl that was in that soap
..... Did ya
Will you save the whale,
Will you be Bob Hope.... Will ya
I'll tell you about my Pepsi deal if you like
A celebrity village bike with a mike
I get more press when there's a war on
Karma KillerAre cut up
Or do you easily forget
Are you still around
Why haven't you managed to die yet
You could prob up the bar in hell
How do sleep You've nerve loved
Why was I never good enough
Killing MeI don't mind the abuse
It fills in time
When I'm not much use
But it's killing me, killing me slowly
They all say
I'm too restless
But words cut deep
King of Bloke and BirdWhat you do speaks so loud I can't hear
What you say
Cept for the occasional word
So fates a sentimental sign it bothers me
No longer king of bloke and bird
All of my life
Searching heart
King Of The BongoMama was queen of the mambo
Papa was king of the Congo
Deep down in the jungle
I started bangin' my first bongo
Last Days Of DiscoStand by me,
I've been stood by you for ages.
Stay calm and carry on,
maybe nothing is wrong.
Is it the comfort of
this information or
is it the freedom that you feel.
Lazy DaysLazy Days
Calling to you
Come out to play
The future lies with you
Now you can be sure
Love is the cure
What we're searching for
Is to have
Let Love Be Your EnergyOut of a million seeds
Only the strongest one breathes
You made a miracle mother
I'll make a man out of me
Daddy where's the sun gone from the sky?
What did we do wrong, why did it die?
And all the grown ups say 'sorry kids we got no reply'
Let Me Entertain YouHell is gone and heaven's here, there's nothing left for you to fear
Shake your ass, come over here, now scream
I'm a burning effigy of everything I used to be
You're my rock of empathy, my dear
So come on, let me entertain you
Let me entertain you
Life Thru a LensWake up on Sunday morning
Everything feels so boring
Is that where it ends
With your life thru a lens
Hair is the new hat, brown is the new black
She shouldn't wear this, he shouldn't wear that
Pleasure at leisure make mine a double measure with friends
LolaI met her in a club down in old Soho
Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola
C-O-L-A, cola
She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
And when I asked her her name, in a dark brown voice she said, "Lola"
L-O-L-A, Lola
Lo-Lo-Lo-Lo Lola
Lonestar RisingBah-um, bah-um, bah-um, bah-um, bah-um
Sun is shining, so why am I feeling the cold?
Bah-um, bah-um
Not surprising, something has fallen from the fold
Bah-um, bah-um, bah-um
Lonestar rising, God only knows where I'll go
Bah-um, bah-um
Long Walk HomeBaby
You can pack away the moon
And pour away the ocean
You can take apart the sun
And run from everyone
You can blow out all the stars
But I know the day will come
LouiseWhen he saw her getting of the bus
It seemed to wipe away the years
Her face was older, just a little rough
But her eyes were still so clear
He drank his coffee and he hurried out
Across before she walked away
Then he approached her like a little child
Too scared for what he had to say
Love My LifeTether your soul to me
I will never let go completely.
One day your hands will be
Strong enough to hold me.
I might not be there for all your battles,
But you'll win them eventually.
I pray that I'm giving you all that matters,
Love SomebodyAlways and forever, is forever young
Your shadow on the pavement, the dark side of the sun
Got a dream the dream all over and sleep it tight
You don't wanna sing the blues in black and white
LovelightWhat am I supposed to do
To keep from goin under?
Now you're making holes in my heart
And yes it's starting to show
I've been holding back
Is it any wonder?
Since you walked right into my life
And interrupted my flow
Mack The KnifeOh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear
And he shows 'em, pearly white
Just a jack knife has Macheath, dear
And he keeps it, keeps it way out of sight
When that shark bites with his teeth, dear
Scarlet billows, they begin to spread
Fancy white gloves though has Macheath, dear
Man for All SeasonsOne eye on the shadows protecting his fellows
From sun up to the moon on his back
Sent the villains to Hades
A hit with the ladies
A stallion in the sack
You can't get your life back
When right follows left Jack
The more you see the less you know
Man MachineSitting in the cheap seats underneath the stars
I'm heading back to base, I'll drop you off at Mars
I'm sure I know your face or what star you're from
I try to make conversation but I'm too far gone
I'm a man machine
Drinking gasoline
Super human being
Me and My MonkeyIt was me and my monkey
Him with his dungarees and rollerblades
Smoking filter tips reclining in the passenger seat of my supercharged jet black Chevrolet
He had the soft top down
He liked the wind in his face
He said ‘Son, you ever been to Vegas?’ I said ‘No’ he said ‘That’s where we’re gonna go, you need a change of place’
And when we hit the strip with all the wedding chapels and the neon signs he said
‘I left my wallet in El Segundo’ and proceeded to take two grand of mine
MilleniumWe've got stars directing our fate
and we're praying it's not too late
Some say that we are players
some say that we are pawns
but we've been making money since the day that we were born
Got to slow down,
Millenium в парах замедленнаяWe've got stars directing our fate
And we're praying its not too late
Some say that we are players
Some say that we are pawns
But we've been making money since the day that we were born
Then slow down before we fall down
MillenniumWe've got stars directing our fate
And we're praying it's not too late
Some say that we are players
Some say that we are pawns
But we've been making money
Since the day that we were born
Got to slow down
MissunderstoodTryin' to be misunderstood
But it doesn't do me any good
Love the way they smiled at me
Held their face for eternity
Now let them all fly off
When it comes down
It all comes down
MisunderstoodTrying to be misunderstood,
But it doesn’t do me any good,
Love the way they smiled at me
Held that face for eternity
Now let them all fly off,
When it comes down,
It all comes down,
And you will not be found,
MonsoonI've sung some songs that were lame
I've slept with girls on the game
I've got my Catholic shame
Lord I'm in purgatory
Basically, it's all come on top for me
I wasn't me when we met
You haven't lost my respect
Morning SunHow do you rate the morning sun
After a long and sleepless night
How many stars would you give to the moon?
Do you see those stars from where you are?
Shine on the lost and loneliest
The ones who can't get over it
You always wanted more than life
Mr. BojanglesI knew a man Bojangles and he’ll dance for you
in worn out shoes.
With silver hair, a ragged shirt and baggy pants,
he would do the old soft shoe.
He would jump so high - jump so high, and then he would lightly touch down.
He told me of a time he worked with, With the Minstrel shows,
travelling throughout the south,
Mr.BojanglesI knew a man Bojangles
And he'd dance for you
In worn out shoes
With silver hair a ragged shirt
And baggy pants
He would do the old soft shoe
nan's songYou said when you'd die that you'd walk
with me everyday
And I'd start to cry and say please don't talk that way
With the blink of an eye the lord came
and asked you to meet
You went to a better place but He stole you
away from me
Never Touch That SwitchSize of which is paradoxic the only way you're gonna stop this
In the vessel there's a switch in the middle
You really shouldn't fiddle cause its toxic
Listen up 'cause it's a red light
And the pressure's blowing up tight
There's a schism in the time mechanism
There's a schism in the time mechanism
Never touch that switch
No regretTell me a story
Where we all changed
And we'd live our lives together
And not estranged
I didn't lose my mind
It was mine to give away
Couldn't stay to watch me cry
No RegretsTell me a story where we all changed
And we'd live our lives together
And not estranged.
I didn't lose my mind,
It was mine to give away.
Couldn't stay to watch me cry,
You didn't have the time,
So I softly slip away.
No Regrets Без СожаленийРасскажи мне историю, где все мы другие,
И мы проживаем наши жизни вместе,
И не отстранены
Я не терял свой рассудок, это как, я отдал его.
Не смогла остаться, чтобы наблюдать, как я плачу,
У тебя не было времени,
И так, я плавно удаляюсь…
Nobody Someday(Is it recording?)
I'm a gigolo, I'm Joseph
I'm a satellite of song
I'm everybody that I know
I'm being known for being wrong
If I'm not mistaken
This is my heart breaking
I'm the man who threw it all away
Northern TownIn a Northern Town
In a Northern Town
We were getting down
In a Northern Town
We were getting down
Having good times
Having good good times
Not Of This EarthNot of this earth
You've changed places with the sun
I know that you're the one
I love what we've become
Not of this earth
I wear you like a shroud
I know I'll make you proud
Часто, я не вижу что не прав
И Боже, был ли я не прав
Часто, мне что-то ненужно пока не потеряю
Но нужно когда этого больше нет
Часто, я делаю неправильный выбор
Говорю это прекрасно, но знаю, это не так
Old Before I DieShe's taking me places
I should never have been
She's showin' me faces
I should never have seen
Well these are strange days we're livin' in today
Cest la vie I say
I hope I'm old before I die
One fine dayI like to reminisce about a time I've never had,
a book that no one read,
a film that never made me sad
and you remind me of a place I've never been
and something no one said,
when I was seventeen.
One fine day,
One For My BabyIt's quarter to three
There's no one in the place
Except you and me
So set 'em up Joe
I got a little story
I think you should know
We're drinking my friend
To the end
One of God's Better PeopleYou're one of God's better people
And you don't know
That's why you're special
And I cry so I can talk like this
From my downbeat existence
And I know that you can make my wish
If my wish is pure
Only You Know Me венский вальс If a man could be his own fancy,
Then to only breed in captivity is pointless.
I've been doing what I like,
When I like, how I like, it's joyless.
Only you know me.
What a waste of war this peace,
Baby steps and two more sleeps,
Pam Pam PamSave me from drowning in the sea
Beat me up on the beach
Fm B
What a lovely holiday
G7 Csus C
Thereґs nothing funny left to say
Party like a Russian[Intro]
[Verse 1]
It takes a certain kinda man with a certain reputation
Phoenix From The FlamesSilence shields the pain
So you say nothing
Feel they've rigged the game
And you're done with lovin'
Only you can see the darkness in the northern lights
Phoenix from the Flames
We will rise together
Please Don't DieLet me lie down
Please don't wake me
Nothings sacred
And no-one save me
In my black eye
I can feel it
Pretty WomanHey pretty woman I wanna take you out
I know a place we can move our feet downtown
Ease into the rhythm when I hear that sound
My momma told me and I do not back down
Hey pretty woman I love the way you move
Winding down low to that bassline grove
The way you're dancing got me in the mood
Pretty WоmаnHey pretty woman, I wanna take you out
I know a place, we can move our feet downtown
Easy to the rhythm when I hear that sound
My momma taught me and I do not back down
Hey pretty woman, I love the way you move
Wind it down low to that baseline groove
Oh hey, your dancing got me in the mood
puttin' on the ritzhave you seen the well-to-do
up on lenox avenue
on that famous thoroughfare
with their noses in the air
high hats and arrowed collars
white spats and fifteen dollars
spending every dime
on a wonderful time
RadioHe's chosen my attic
I feel it in the static
He lives in my basement
And I can hardly face it
My performance is easy
I am the god of romance
And in my confusion
I have the right to reign
Random Acts of KindnessFor those about to die we salute you
For those of about to cry we love you
For those of us who live in fear
Of Happy Christmas and New Year
I raise a toast to you
And if it hurts to be so blind
Why don't you try being kind
Don't fight the feeling, relax
Oh child the knot's in your back
'Cause you've been holding on
I feel you when you're reaching out
I'll talk you through memories
Road To MandalaySave me from drowning in the sea
Beat me up on the beach
What a lovely holiday
There's nothing funny left to say
This sombre song would drain the sun
But it won't shine until it's sung
No water running in the stream
Rolling Stone25 and I've come alive
21 was the time to come undone
Doesn't everyone
Very young and very ape
I'm gonna drink and stay up very late
And hate the sun
Rude BoxRudebox
Do the rudebox, Shake your rudebox x4
Ok then back to basics grab your shell toes and your fat laces
A little hand clap for some funk faces and make your body move in the following places
goes up your back and then down your spine and when it hits your head…
Ok then back to baseheads dance like you just won at the special Olympics I got the rudebox of the back of a spaceship, so sick I just had to take it
The R.U.D.E.B.O.X. up yer jacksy, split yer kecks sing a song of semtex, pocket full of durex body full of mandrex. Are we gonna have sex (yes) will you wear your knee socks (ohh) back to the rudebox
Rudebox(Do the rudebox
Shake your rudebox
Do the rudebox
Shake your rudebox)
OK then, back to basics
Grab your shell toes and your fat laces
A little hand clap for some funk faces
Run It WildYour mother’s downtown and there's no one at the station
Steal your daddy’s money and pick a destination
Run it wild, run it wild
Take the money and run it wild
It’s another chance for another generation
When you kicked up your heels, you picked a vocation
Run it wild, run it wild
Like we used to, run it wild
SensationalYou've been sensational
You really did your bit
It's been emotional
You know I love that shit
You look incredible
Even from afar
I think you're sexy and you're funny
And I love you 'cause you love me
SensitiveI can't analize like that love
Cause you turn the beat to thunder
You're 25 below
Gonna make you wonder why
Let's get it on, and on, and on, and on
Let's get it on, and on, and on
Let's get it on, and on, and on, and on
Ser MejorLlevame la vida, dame tranquilidad,
calma el temporal que hay en mi piel,
dame primaveras para disfrutar,
dias que se van, no han de volver,
puede ser que la voz ,de tu paz,
y el amor, me ayuden a cambiar ,
y me hagan ser mejor.
Sexed UpLoose lips, sunk ships.
I'm getting to grips with what you said.
No it's not in my head,
I can't awaken the dead
Day after day.
Why don't we talk about it?
Why do you always doubt that there can be a better way?
She is the oneI was her she was me
We were one we were free
And if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
We were young we were wrong
She's madonna mixOh, Madonna, Madonna...
I don't miss you
Just who
You used to be
And you don't bring true
So please
Stop calling me
She's The One"She's the One"
I was her she was me
We were one we were free
And if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
Shes MadonnaOh, Madonna, Madonna
I don't miss you
Just who
You used to be
And you don't ring true
So please
Stop calling me
Shes The OneI was her she was me
We were one we were free
And if there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
If there's somebody calling me on
She's the one
We were young we were wrong
Shine My ShoesAnother dawn, another day, another dollar to be made
I got a pocket in my soul,
Where a little rock a little roll assimilate
And I don't care what you think you know
'Bout who I am and how it goes
I made it easy to be me so yeah,
It's easy to be me
And it's why I say
Sin Sin SinDon't let your eyes tell the brain
You should feel ashamed
Everyone needs it baby
And I feel the same
Didn't quite catch your name
Hush, hush, hush don't say a thing
Lets see what the night will bring
It might be everything
Singing For the LonelySinging for the lonely
You're not the only one who
Feel this
So scared of what I'm doing
All the time
Here comes wasted head-space
Something BeautifuYou can't manufacture a miracle
the silence was pitiful-that day
and love is getting too cynical
passion's just physical-these days.
You analyse everyone you meet
but get no sign the-loving kind
every night you admit defeat
and cry yourself blind.
something beautifulYou can't manufacture a miracle
The silence was pitiful that day.
A love is getting too cynical
Passion's just physical these days
You analyze everyone you meet
But get no sign, love ain't kind
every night you admit defeat
and cry yourself blind
Somewhere Beyond the SeaSomewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waitin' for me
My lover stands on golden sand
And watches the ships that go sailin'
Somewhere beyond the sea
She's there watchin' for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Song 3Come join the band
Come shag the damned
God I blow them away
A heart of chrome
A broken home
I got plenty to say
Who ya doin'
South Of The BorderI know a freaky young lady
Name of Cocaine Katie
She makes my temperature freeze
She's got a blood red powder
When she gives a shout
She'll bring you to your knees
Well, we were being clever playing God games forever
Spread Your WingsI used to live 'round here
I was the boy with the flash clothes
She was the girl with the acid stare
I saw her at the place
You knows she knows you know
How she shakes
When she jacks her body
To the sounds of Oran Juice Jones
Stand Your GroundStand your ground
You're big enough
Stand your ground
You know too much
Today drifts into tomorrow
And you can almost taste the sorrow
Stand your ground
You've had enough
StarstruckYou laugh at us, we're different
We laugh 'cause you're all the same
By the look on your face baby
We've been enjoying ourselves again
I know that you cried
I know why you tried so hard
У меня изо рта воняет тысячей сигарет.
Когда я пьян, я танцую как отец.
Я стал одеваться как он.
Каждое утро, когда я просыпаюсь, я похож на групу Kiss,
Но без грима.
Sleep sleep feel the deep get away from the death of it all
Don’t you wanna see what you could have won
Bittersweet your defeat baby I’m much sicker than you
All you are is colours and your colours run
Isn’t it genius that you can’t deny
You just keep on doing harm
SupremeOh it seemed forever stopped today
All the lonely hearts in London
Caught a plane and flew away
And all the best women are married
All the handsome men are gay
You feel deprived
Yeah are you questioning your size?
The Heavy Entertainment ShowGood evening, children of cultural abandon
You searched for a saviour, well here I am
And all the best ones are dying off so quickly
While I'm still here, enjoy me while you can
Welcome to the Heavy Entertainment Show
The charisma's non-negotiable
Welcome to the Heavy Entertainment Show
The Lady is a trampShe wined and dined on mulligan stew, and never wished for turkey
And she hitched and hiked and grifted too, from maine to albuquerque
Alas, she missed the beaux arts ball, and what is twice as sad
She was never at a party where they honored noel ca-ad (coward)
But social circles spin too fast to see
Her "hobohemia" is the place to be
She gets too hungry for dinner at eight
The PostcardI don't remember receiving your postcard
I never got much post
So it shouldn't have been too hard
You were on holiday with your school
In some French town
And while you were away
I took Debbie to the crown
The Road To MandalayMandalay
by Rudyard Kipling
By the old Moulmein Pagoda, lookin' lazy at the sea,
There's a Burma girl a-settin', and I know she thinks o' me;
For the wind is in the palm-trees, and the temple-bells they say:
"Come you back, you British soldier; come you back to Mandalay!"
Come you back to Mandalay,
The Road To Mandalay pam pa damSave me from drowning in the sea
Beat me up on the beach
What a lovely holiday
There's nothing funny left to say
This sombre song would drain the sun
But it won't shine until it's sung
No water running in the stream
The Trouble with MeYou see the trouble with me
I'm a basket case
I don't think I can love, love, love
You see the trouble with you
Is your in love with me
What a strange thing to do
What a brave place to be
ThingsEvery night I sit here by my window (window)
Starin' at the lonely avenue (avenue)
Watching lovers holdin' hand 'n' laughin' (laughin')
And thinkin' 'bout the things we used to do
(Thinkin' of things) Like a walk in the park
(Things) Like a kiss in the dark
(Things) Like a sailboat ride
Time on EarthWhat's behind your eyes makes you a star
I want to take my time on earth
And give it meaning
They say you get what you deserve
I know the feeling
Those dumb looks only get you so far
What's behind your eyes makes you a star
Sticks and stones may break my bones
but words can burn a happy home
It's true
I've got words for you
The past is gone it's gone forever,
Don't tell me my pain is pleasure
TrippingFirst they ignore you
Then laugh at you and hate you
Then they fight you, then you win
When the truth dies, very bad things happen
They're being heartless again
I know it's gone and there's gonna be violence
I've taken as much as I'm willing to take
Ugly LoveУбогая любовь
Ты была всегда легка
Я был всегда каменный
Ты знала, что я был легкомысленным
Поэтому я никогда не звонил
Так почему ты удивилась
Что я был пьян в день нашей встречи
Viva Life On MarsI just wanna be [x4]
I lost all faith in what I know
The future doesn't need me
So I kick a bo agen a wo and head it till it don't hurt no more.
Use my cuts and lacerations, feed myself a new sensation woah woah
Take a ride on your high horse
Walk this sleighPeace on earth see two old men
We're gonna get boozed up again
I'm an actor, pope, messiahs
Roastin' oats on open fires
Pushed to find three wise men
You definitely won't find a virgin
It ain't my rounds, so I'll be cheering
When I was seventeenWhen I was seventeen,
It was a very good year
It was a very good year for small
town girls and soft summer nights.
We'd hide from the lights on the village green When I was seventeen
When I was twenty-one,
It was a very good year
Win some lose someWe didn't think it'd last beyond summer
I met her father she met my mother
We didn't have anywhere else to go
She said to me when we grow older
Will we still need young love on
Our shoulders
Does it just fade away
Will we ever know?
Won't Do ThatIn this bag of stuff I brought to you
You didn’t mind sorting it through
You would never be the trouble and strife
If I made you my Swiss army wife
I could give this up, I could walk away
It doesn’t fill me up, it didn’t anyway
I won’t do that to you, won’t do that to you,
You Know MeIf a man could be his own fantasy then to only breed in captivity
Is pointless
I've been doing what I like
When I like, how I like it's joyless
Only you know me
What a waste of war this peace, baby steps and two more sleeps
'Til I get to say sorry
I get hysterical, historicals, of love it's just chemical
Пам пам пам па ра рам пам пам...Save me from drowning in the sea
Beat me up on the beach
What a lovely holiday
There's nothing funny left to say
This sombre song would drain the sun
But it won't shine until it's sung
No water running in the stream
Пошли мне кого-то, кто полюбит меня...Лучший человек
Пошли мне кого-то, кто полюбит меня
Я так хочу отдохнуть в руках
Которые будут оберегать меня от опасности
И проливного дождя
Подари мне бесконечное лето
Господи, я так боюсь холода
признать любовь позволь себе.....Oh it seemed forever stopped today
All the lonely hearts in London
Caught a plane and flew away
And all the best women are married
All the handsome men are gay
You feel deprived
Yeah are you questioning your size