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Another Pill To TakePull me inside a silver lake
And just throw away all thats left to vary
Swimming deep and I won't escape every breath I take is not enough to carry the weight of all that I want to say
And I'm bound to break, hoping the rope saves me
Should I stay and just leave to fate
Is it my mistake thinking I could be set free
I can't stop wondering now
She CriesWith a stop of the clock you know time is hiding from you
And you’re waiting to cross but the line moves further from you
Take a second to unwind and feel you lungs expand inside of you
Take a second to decide and change your eyes from seeing gray and blue
And oh but it isn’t enough
She cries, she cries
ЛабиринтТемная ночь - минуты отчаяния
Я закрываю глаза и смотрю
Как тьма из глубин мироздания
Меня поглощает пока я сплю
В лабиринте теней, где царит пустота
Я ищу себя вновь, но теряю следы
Сердце бьется в груди, пистолет у виска