11. EvilI like breaking arms and legs
Snapping spines and wringing necks
Now i`ll knife you in the back
Kick your bones until they crack
Evil, evil, evil, evil
Evil, evil, evil, evil
5 More YearsWho wants to work when the cash aint there
Who wants to get up where theres no where to stay!!!
Who wants a job when theres nothing about,
You can stuff employment, thats what we say
Sleeping all day, sitting up all night
poncing fags thats all right
We're on the dole and we're proud of it
A.C.A.B.hangin around with my mates one night
WE got in a little fight
Geezer come with a knife in his fist
i got cut along with the wrist said
All cops are bastards
ACABHangin around with my mates one night
WE got in a little fight
Geezer comes with a knife in his fist
I got cut along with the rest said
ChaosDo you remember in 1969?
Seeing all the skinheads standing in a line
Foaming at the mouth, Waiting for a fight
High boots, cropped hair, what a fuckin sight
Come back of the skinhead
come back of the boot
People that we don't beat up
Jack the ladHe'll do just about anything to get that bit of glory
He'll go out with his lads to make that headline story
The normal man in the clubhave no nees to worry
He'll make his name oh so quick make it in a hurry
Jack Jack Jack the lad they say he's mean
they say he's bad, Jack Jack Jack the lad
Low LifeLow Life
Live in a squat, with nothing to do
Don't pay the rent but pay for the glue
Know all the streets but nowhere to go
No sharpness left, the brain's going slow
Low life, low life
One Law For ThemGo to football, throw a brick,
Get no mercy, months in nick
Riot in the ghetto, red alert,
Guilty free, innocent hurt
We've been warned of rivers of blood
See the trickle before the flood
Pretend nothing happened, make no fuss
Plastic GangstersI come from south London I think I'm cool
I wear a cheap crombie and that's about all
I go down the pub with all the lads
Their wearing their chains that they got from their dads
But all I got was a rotten cheap chain
My wife's got in debt with the club book again
I'm a plastic gangster
SorryI won't say sorry for what i've done
I won't say sorry for having fun
I won't take the blame
No i ain't gonna be ashamed
Won't say sorry for what i've done
I don't say sorry to anyone