4-Day Weekend
i don't care much for tradition
and i know you'll be leaving one day
i cant promise that i'll ever be the one
but if you love me til monday
lets seran wrap for the weekend
and see who comes up for air first
Bluetonicwhen i am sad and weary
when all my hope is gone
and i can't put my finger on the time things first went wrong
i have a little secret i like to tell myself
Colorado BeetleI shan't close my eyes tonight,
I'm gonna look at you instead,
And when at last you sleep my love,
I'm gonna smash your lying head.
Everything you touch you tarnish,
Everything you've broken was mine,
Been standing right in front of me,
Emily's PineThat's where we used to go
Come rain or shine or even snow
Even in snow
She shared her secrets there
She shed her clothes and skin and hair
Her beautiful hair
That's when I made her mine
I carved our names in Emily's pine
Head On A SpikeHmmm there's a light spilling under the door
mmm there's a phone comin up through the floor
I know you've explained all the rules to the game
mmm but I don't wanna play any more
I'm losing my days I'm losing my nights
Hope and JumpIn the shadow of these black suburban hills
Dreamt by architects who've given up their will
There's an emptiness that never can be filled
Have you ever known the world to be so still
Have you ever heard a silence be so shrill
As you rise to smell the air before a kill
In the absence of distraction or a thrill
If...If you
Get out
Before September
That I'm
Still inside
But I'm dry
I'm dry
Liquid LipsUgly hyena
Your misdemeanor,
Reveals the truth beneath your veneer
Filthy quizling, empty changeling
Marblehead JohnsonTonight I'm wound tighter than a watchspring
Tonight you owe my patience quite a debt
Tonight we're not gonna solve anything
I might say something that we both regret
And now the pressures on, the heat is rising
PersuasionMy supermarket trolley
Glides around the shelves
Of frozen foods
My supermarket trolley
Glides around the shelves
Of pre-packed goods
It rattles an accompaniment
To the droning from the speakers
Sleazy Bed TrackI know it's getting late,
But if you'd like to talk a little more,
Well that's alright with me,
I'm feeling kinda tired,
But it ain't exactly beating down my door,
Now just why could this be?
And I know I shouldn't say,
Slight ReturnWhere did you go
when things went wrong for you,
when the knives came out for you?
Where did you go?
All you needed was a friend.
You just have to ask and then.......
Turn It Up What's that sound?
Like an aeroplane coming down
Like every banshee in every hill
Uniting in one diabolical yell
They said we're eight miles down
And we're eight miles down
We don't know much but we know what we like
Woman In LoveLife is a moment in space.
When the dreams are gone,
it's a lonelier place.
We kiss the morning goodbye,
but down inside
you know we never know why.