Aristea Forgiveness is the time of tears
The days of yesterday's sorrow
Forgiveness is the hidden part
Of dying hate and love
Come and forget insensible shiver
Go and remember the worming of your heart
Eternal Merciless ruthless barbarian
His fame is lasting forever
The greatest hunter immortal existence
Death for love revenge is comming
One aimless death became the beginning
Of many years of madness
Her tragic life for million lifes
Lost Desires I don't believe in devils
Watching up on me,
Shepards of souls,
Guards of dreams.
I don't believe in angels
Watching down on me,
Shepards of souls,
Pray for StrenghtOh, hear my pray
One single sign
Will stop my pain
Will keep my life
Oh, hear my pray
Show me your might
One misery
Rise of Resurrection Grant them eternal rest
And let perpetual light
Shine upon them
Thou shalt have prise
To thee let the vow be paid
Heed my prayer
All mankind must come
Before thy Judgement- seat
Sacred WhisperСвященный шепот"
Шепот огня зовет меня,
Мое ледяное тело
Жаждет его тепла.
Его чистый разум
Искушает меня.
Я чувствую как он приближается...
Upadle AniolyWygnańcy niebios
Upadłe anioły
Wzgardzone przez Boga
Wyklęte przez ludzi
Ukryci w ciemnościach
Chowamy oblicza
Błądzimy pomiędzy
Valley of Fear I will built the tower
Taller than a mountain
I will sing my song
Louder than a wind
I will keep my head
Higher than a tree
I will feel the taste of victory
When I Die The night is coming
I'm getting away
I see what has been
And I see will be end
I see...
I see the starlight
It's showing me how