A Hit SongVerse 1:
This song is gonna be a BIG HIT
Everybody's dancing to the RIGHT BEAT
Cans of beer are lying down ON THE FLOOR
Someone made a big hole IN THE DOOR
Bad HabitsOnce there was a guy who drank so hard - SO HARD
He was not very old, not very smart - NOT SMART
He drank all through the day
He drank all through the night
And now he doesn't drink -
He died at thirty-nine.
Once there was a guy who smoked a lot - A LOT
Ballet DancerVerse 1:
You wake up every morning
With pain through all your body
And ask yourself just what for
You're torturing yourself
A flash flies through your minding:
Brain ManipulatorVerse 1:
Turn on the screen
Turn your brain off
For what you will see
You don’t need it at all
There are no reasons for thoughts or regrets
Castle of FearVerse 1:
Look – there it stands at the top of the mountain
Alone in the darkness with no one inside
You can come in but beware of the countless
Things that can make you willing to hide
Bridge 1:
Change of SeasonsVerse 1:
The sky is turning to the grey
And Earth's becoming cold again
The autumn came and sunny days
Are changed with long and heavy rains
What's happened with us? I can't understand it
Crying Out For LoveVerse 1:
Lost in the swirl of opportunities
Not knowing which way to go
Longing for sense of a unity
Keeping her head very low
Distant WavesVerse 1:
As we sail through the dark
And follow the stars
Only water surrounds our ship
And we know that one day
We’ll moor to the land
Don't Give UpVerse 1:
He doesn't care what's going on
He just wants to play his songs
Now his life is broken apart
Now he's gonna have a new start
Through the grief the loss and the pain
Endless FightVerse 1:
Something is wrong I don't know why
Everything fails whatever I try
This never changes It's always the same
I feel like a puppet in somebody's game
So many problems need to be solved
Eternal SorrowVerse 1:
When the stars shone so brightly
They prepared for attack
He had no chances
You’ve been fooled this time
A sniper’s bullet right between the eyes
You know he won’t come back
Fiamme AltiVerse 1:
Sogno spesso
Di volare
Sopra la città
Sul mare.
Vedo chiaro
Specchio d'acqua,
ImperfectVerse 1:
No one is perfect
I don't think it's worth it
To try to follow
The rules that they made
It is not easy
Inner PainVerse 1:
Again and again
You're screaming with pain
That comes from within of your heart
Trying to fight
Trying to get over
Kick The ChairVerse 1:
Another sad picture when you look around
Another dead body that lies on the ground
Seventeenth floor and no turning back
A plunge into darkness, fading to black
Alone in the world
LifetakerVerse 1:
Can you tell
What is this you see
In my eyes
When you look at me?
It is hate
Paying the PriceVerse 1:
Every day and every night
Everything seems so bright
You've got money, you've got things
You've got everything you need
But there's something troubles you
Ready to HateVerse 1:
There's something wrong with everything around
And all our dreams are tamped into the ground
Nobody cares about anything
Hate is here we have a closed ring
Chorus 1:
Serpentine RoadVerse 1:
Мы спешим куда-то, забывая близких и друзей
Словно сновидение, прошлое является нам
Не дать остановиться себе и добиваться чтоб
Проблемы и заботы заглушали подступающую боль
Chorus 1:
Today a Reader - Tomorrow a LeaderVerse 1:
I don’t see really why I need to spend my time on it
Reading is not so much fun as watching the TV
I’d rather go partying all night
I’d better be on the town
I only wish to get the books
VisionVerse 1:
I see it in my head
A vision of people lying dead
And so it seems that no one left besides me
A nightmare that will never end
They weren't prepared to die
Насилие в семьеУ! Йе! Насилие в семье.
Скучна жизнь на планете.
Скучают взрослые, скучают дети.
И чтоб не утонуть в трясине серых дней,
Приходит к нам на помощь насилие в семье.
Батя пьяный устроил мордобой -
ПитерКуплет 1:
Питер - плеск Невы,
Ветер, белая ночь,
На берегах гранитные львы.
Питер, не гони меня прочь!
В дымке город неспешный.