Achilles RevengeAs time marches back to infinity
I behold in my eyes
That this land of serenity
Once was a furnace of fire.
At swords, were the gods of the heavens
For the plight of the city of Troy
And for years, did the warriors do battle
For the fight of the Helen of Troy
Beautiful EnglandThey come into our homelands with nothing but rags,
Millions of children and thousands of slags,
Bring new diseases and covered with louse,
Can't speak our language so build them a house.
Beautiful countryside, rivers and trees,
Pull them all up now to house refugees,
Say no to aliens that tear up the land,
Child of the DamnedYou made me see right past myself, well beyond
my fears, realized I'm synchronized, far beyond my years
I'm so geard unto them, I serve unto their souls
now that I'm addicted, my hunger only grows
I'm a child of the damned, I follow where I go
rigging to the cross, as holy as a whore
I'm just a child of the damned
Days of thunderAs I write this letter, there´s sadness in my heart
and it it makes you fell any better, the story I'm
About to start
Is a tale of a man who by his courage all his own
change the way see today so my friends x2
Fell the power
How did you fell when they kicked down your
Deliver Us From EvilDeliver us from all the wicked
Deliver us from the woe
Free, these chains of hell
And now's the time to strike the final blow
One by one, to the swords, to the guns!
Two by two, and away we go
Father and Son, heed the words we pray
Enemy MindLife, I know it so well
It's sorrow and tears and death
An abode of hell
My living hell . . .
Tomorrow I fear my breath
Will forever fail
Life, a moment in time
FatherFather, all I can be is a man
And all I can ask of you Father, my Father
How can I be in your plan?
Send me a sign from the heavens
In riddle or rhyme
Descend from the skies of forever
Pray give me a time
Lost And Lonely DaysShe came to me I thought I found her
The girl of all my dreams
And until then I did not know what
Happiness could bring
We laughed we cried side by side
The summers turned to years
But winter came the skies have grayed
From happiness to tears
Mrs VictoriaAs I laid my head to rest, my grandmother she said.
I have for you a fairy tale of a friend I knew so well.
The story that I tell you, is as close as you can feel.
So close your eyes and go to sleep, I'll make your dreams come real.
There was a boy just like you, a handsome lad he was.
He never played with the other children, he was the only son.
Rusted HeroEternal eyes watch de the city streets
I live in two worlds, I cannot sleep
As darkness falls, I see the kids in monsters clothes
Feel the hatred of the modern world as it opens up its jaws
Get in line
Save us...Good morning sir, can I talk to you about god,
do you know his son had dies for you (for you)
Now may we come inside and site down for a while
do you know we thinkwe have a place for you
Save us from those who would save us
Save us from those who would save us
Snow fellHey sat in a room,
in the square the colour of blood.
He´d rule the whole world,
if there was a way the he could.
He sit and he´d stare
at the minaretes on top of the towers.
For he was the beast
as he hatched his new plots to gain power.
The South will rise againGimme three steps and call me the breeze, Steve Gaines on guitar, Billy Powell on the keys. I feel the last rebel everywhere that I roam, gimme back my bullets, I'm coming home. On that october day southwest of mississippi, Ronnie van Zant left our hearts filled with pity, the street survivor had been taken away, the freebird had flown at the end of the day.
Flirtin with disaster with Danny Joe Brown, 3 guitars front make the southern rock sound. No glits, no glory, the unwritten law, the great Duane Roland won't boogie no more. But the south will rise again.
Stonewall Jackson Robert E. Lee, Nathan Bedford Forrest and his fight to be free. Gernal George Gordon had a much better plan, the confederate army evolved into the klan. Fires in the woods hear an alabamba town, men would gather round as the sun was going down. Hate them, carpet baggers, they'd show them who was boss, should have seen their faces as they set fire to the cross.
Flirtin with disaster with Danny Joe Brown, 3 guitars front make the southern rock sound. No glits, no glory, the unwritten law, the great Duane Roland won't boogie no more. But the south will rise again.
Theatre of WarDawns light ascends from the earth it's an ancient sight
As I stand here alone, I hear the bird song that marks
another day.
I can hear len thousand voices, all eager for the battle
that's been fought now many years ago.
I now share the hearts of men long since gone from here
that no one knows...