Beyond Her GardenYou try your best but it's not quite there
You kick a hoof and say it's just not fair
A simple mare living simple dreams
A rumour that's not quite as it seems
Carrot top, go beyond us
You're a late star, time to fool us
Keep your friends close, they're what drive you
Daring MareYou've got to break through
You keep your eyes peeled cause they're after you
You can't turn back now
Get your eye on the prize and wipe the the sweat from your brow
You're a brave and daring mare
Your job ain't easy, but you're gonna get there
So don't look away
Fruits Of Her Labour[WoodenToaster]
Sun is shining down on this country land,
time is right the sun is bright the growth at her command
Dig every hole place every seed to grow the orchard strong
water carefully and nothing will go wrong
Pinkie's LiePinkie! R’up wup’to… Welcome to spring!
You’ll see! R’up wup’to… Welcome! (4x)
When I was a little filly and the sun was going down.
The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown.
Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall, learn to face your fears.
You’ll see that they can’t hurt you, just laugh to make them disappear. (2x)
Rainbow FactoryEnglish:
Now a rainbow’s tale isn’t quite as nice
As the story we knew of sugar and spice
But a rainbow’s easy once you get to know it
With the help of the magic of a pegasus device
Let’s delve deeper into rainbow philosophy
Far beyond that of Cloudsdale’s mythology
Радужная ФабрикаEnglish:
Now a rainbow’s tale isn’t quite as nice
As the story we knew of sugar and spice
But a rainbow’s easy once you get to know it
With the help of the magic of a pegasus device
Let’s delve deeper into rainbow philosophy
Far beyond that of Cloudsdale’s mythology