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  • Текст песни 06.Eluveitie - Bloodstained Ground

    Исполнитель: 06.Eluveitie
    Название песни: Bloodstained Ground
    Дата добавления: 04.11.2018 | 05:15:30
    Просмотров: 8
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    На этой странице находится текст песни 06.Eluveitie - Bloodstained Ground, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
    What did I close in here?
    I can't remember ever shedding tears o'spite
    On this ground, cropping up the fatal frontline

    Like a soot-blackened palisade yet
    Impelled, void and abulic
    Legions delineate an omnious skyline

    As lifeless demons without soul
    These insentient hosts abide
    Engulfing war monger get away from here!

    Trod ye the path of vast deceit?
    Every piece of evidence was a lie
    The war, the threat's a hyping fake
    To move figures on the board!

    Stain Bibractes ground!

    What do you see in me?
    Do you breathe-in dreams?
    What spurred you to come here?
    An oneiric picture of beeing...

    Like disaffected legions taken, lure
    I wonder what lies, what threat or promise
    Persuaded them to leave their home so far away
    ...did they really know?

    As the carnyx roared aloud
    I quaked not, yet just asked myself
    How their hearts took the bait,
    These sweetened words of bitter essence

    Face to face with nameless foes
    Scorching words, unspoken lorn
    Unheard quests remain the ashes of the dead

    Forsooth we'll bear the brunt
    Upright in life or in death
    Yet still the countless cries echo
    In silenced caves of nothing

    Ещё одна песня о преданной галльской войне. Если опять-таки верить историкам, события развернулись в 58 г. до нашей эры, когда римское войско под предводительством Гая Юлия Цезаря развернуло войну против Галлии (война, которая не была ратифицирована римским сенатом; Цезаря мучила политическая дилемма, ему нужна была война из-за финансовой и политической составляющих). Всё произошло за Бибрактом, галльским городком (сейчас на его месте расположен Autun/Saone-et-Loire во Франции). Римское войско осадило кельтские кланы Галлии. Вопрос о том, как Цезарю удалось подчинить себе столь большое число легионов, несмотря на неодобрение данного предприятия римским сенатом, до сих пор открыт. Гельветы были наиболее богаты среди кельтских кланов, об их сокровищах ходили легенды. Разумеется, Цезарь пообещал щедрое вознаграждение в виде золота своим легионам за завоевание гельветов и объединённых кланов... иначе, их деньги никогда бы не достались римским легионам. Цезарь отсылал отчёты о Галлии в Рим, в которых расписывал обстоятельства в искривлённой манере, характеризуя Галлию, а в особенности гельветов, как серьёзную опасность Римской империи в надежде на благословление со стороны Рима его личной войны. В песне отражены мысли молодого галльского война, стоящего на полях Бибракты наряду с тысячами братьев-войнов, в ожидании римских легионов, видя их появление на горизонте. То ещё адское чувство, наверное.
    What did I close in here?
     I can't remember ever shedding tears o's
     On this ground, cropping up the fatal frontline

     Like a soot-blackened palisade yet
     Impelled, void and abulic
     Legions delineate an omnious skyline

     As lifeless demons without soul
     These insentient hosts abide
     Engulfing war monger get away from here!

     Trod ye the path of vast deceit?
     Every piece of evidence was a lie
     The war, the threat of a hyping fake
     To move figures on the board!

     Stain Bibractes ground!

     What do you see in me?
     Do you breathe-in dreams?
     What spurred you to come here?
     An oneiric picture of beeing ...

     Like disaffected legions taken, lure
     I wonder what lies or promise
     Away from home
     ... did they really know?

     As the carnyx roared aloud
     I quaked not yet just asked myself
     How their hearts took the bait,
     These sweetened words of bitter essence

     Face to face with nameless foes
     Scorching words, unspoken lorn
     Unheard quests remain the ashes of the dead

     Forsooth we'll bear the brunt
     Upright in life or in death
     Yet still the countless cries echo
     In silenced caves of nothing

    Another song about the devoted Gallic war. If, again, historians are to be believed, events unfolded in 58 BC, when the Roman army, led by Guy Julius Caesar, launched a war against Gaul (a war that was not ratified by the Roman senate; Caesar was tormented by a political dilemma; for financial and political components). Everything happened behind Bibrakt, Gallic town (now in its place is located Autun / Saone-et-Loire in France). The Roman army laid siege to the Celtic clans of Gaul. The question of how Caesar managed to subdue such a large number of legions, despite the disapproval of this enterprise by the Roman senate, is still open. The Helvets were the richest among the Celtic clans, there were legends about their treasures. Of course, Caesar promised a generous reward in the form of gold to his legions for the conquest of the Helvets and united clans ... otherwise, their money would never have gone to the Roman legions. Caesar sent reports of Gaul to Rome, in which he painted circumstances in a twisted manner, describing Gaul, and especially the Helvets, as a serious danger of the Roman Empire in the hope of blessing from Rome of his personal war. The song reflects the thoughts of a young Gallic war, standing on the fields of Bibrakty along with thousands of warrior brothers, waiting for the Roman legions, seeing their appearance on the horizon. That is a hellish feeling, I guess.


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