Broomstick BitchShuddersome hell-spawned hag, horrid % sex hungry
At midnight, into your room on a broomstick she flies
She wants your seed to beget goblins & night-gaunts
Between her legs you will find a cunt brimming with teeth
Morbid black-hearted bitch lurking by the midnight moon
The witch hunts for your mortal soul & your manhood too
If Hell ExistsI want to see the world burn
I am filled with hate and Disgust
Sick of it all, my sanity is metal
and its starting to rust...
I have no soul
No conscience
Live ForeverDo you want to live forever? Join us for eternity
We are Satan's children
And when he rises we shall be free
Whore nun
Cunt of Christ
Give us your soul
Invert the cross you hold
Stoned to the GraveShunned out in the street, like a horrid wretched dog
Townsfolk castigate you, say your hair is far too long
Denim and black leather shroud you, shining with such filth
To deflect the stones they fling at you, their glances set to kill
Metal, punk, comic books, and horror vhs
Nothing else to live for so you might as well obsess
Discovering books of power on the arcane and occult
Swamp SpellsUnder the fullmoon, into the swamp you lurk...
In search of the horrid secrets of HELL
To the house made of Virgin's bones hides
The abode of the witch, of whence home return...
Moss hangs from the roof like a corpse's hair,
Cypress roots stick through the scum like fingers.
Even reptile horrors do shrink in FEAR from it.
Witch HouseThis house is cursed
My dreams have died
Replaced with somnabulism
And infanticide
The sealed loft above my room
From wence the impending horror looms
The violet light that heralds slumber