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  • Текст песни We Came As Romans - To Plant A Seed

    Исполнитель: We Came As Romans
    Название песни: To Plant A Seed
    Дата добавления: 06.09.2020 | 00:52:41
    Просмотров: 6
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    На этой странице находится текст песни We Came As Romans - To Plant A Seed, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.

    Кто круче?

    We've planted a seed, an ever growing wonder to a beautiful tree grow!
    Мы посеяли семя - бесконечно растущее чудо, и из него выросло чудесное дерево.

    Each branch outstretched and different from the last
    Все ветви раскинувшиеся и не похожие друг на друга.
    Where the old have broken off, some easier than the last
    Там, где старые отломились, растут более гибкие, чем раньше,
    The right ones have grown in to fill in the gaps
    Как раз там, где нужно заполнить пустоту.
    And all are equal in love and trust
    Все они одинаковы в любви и доверии,
    And all are a part of something so much bigger than this
    И каждая из них является частью чего-то большего, чем есть сейчас.
    Through the trials our tongues are tied to trying times,
    Испытания сковывают наши уста в трудные времена,
    So many unsaid lines, so many unsaid lines
    Поэтому многое остаётся недосказанным, слишком многое...

    Our lives were over at so many moments,
    Наши жизни заканчивались столько раз,
    So many moments
    Столько раз!
    And now they're all just beginning, and now they're all just beginning
    А сейчас всё только начинается, только начинается.
    Our lives were over at so many moments!
    Наши жизни заканчивались столько раз!

    I have never been so consumed and I have never loved it more
    Я никогда не был так увлечён и мне никогда не нравилась сильнее
    To be devoted to letting all see what it is to live in the love of others
    Приверженность открывать всем глаза на то, что значит жить в любви ближних,
    To live in the love of my brothers
    Что значит жить в любви моих братьев,
    And spilling back all that anyone has ever spilled for me
    В ответ проливая всё то, что кто-либо когда-либо проливал за меня,
    To show that to those who have never seen
    Чтобы показать это тем, кто никогда раньше не видел.
    Four years ago we planted a seed
    Четыре года назад мы посадили семя
    Found that foundation that we need
    И нашли опору, в которой нуждались;
    Strived for the perfect balance,
    Стремились к идеальному балансу,
    To show love and show compassion
    Чтобы показать всем любовь и сострадание.

    And our vision for this world will not die when we are dead when we are dead
    И наше виденье этого мира не изменится даже после нашей смерти,
    And our vision for this world will not die when we are dead when we are dead
    И наше виденье этого мира не изменится даже после нашей смерти,
    When we are dead!
    Даже после нашей смерти!

    My future started with the first note I ever played
    Моё будущее началось с первой сыгранной мной ноты,
    The first note that was ever sang
    С первого спетого мной слова.
    My future started with the first note I ever played
    Моё будущее началось с первой сыгранной мной ноты,
    The first note that was ever sang
    С первого спетого мной слова,
    The first note that was ever sang
    С первого спетого мной слова.

    When we started living with purpose and writing with meaning
    Когда мы начали жить с целью и писать музыку со смыслом -
    This is what we were made for
    Это то, для чего мы были созданы.
    Every day I live this future
    Каждый день я живу этим будущим.
    We've planted a seed, an ever growing wonder to a beautiful tree grow!
    We sowed a seed, an endlessly growing miracle, and a wonderful tree grew out of it.

    Each branch outstretched and different from the last
    All branches are spread out and not similar to each other.
    Where the old have broken off, some easier than the last
    Where the old ones have broken off grow more flexible than before,
    The right ones have grown in to fill in the gaps
    Right where the void needs to be filled.
    And all are equal in love and trust
    They are all the same in love and trust,
    And all are a part of something so much bigger than this
    And each of them is part of something larger than it is now.
    Through the trials our tongues are tied to trying times,
    Trials hold our lips in hard times
    So many unsaid lines, so many unsaid lines
    Therefore, much remains unsaid, too much ...

    Our lives were over at so many moments,
    Our lives have ended so many times
    So many moments
    So many times!
    And now they're all just beginning, and now they're all just beginning
    And now everything is just beginning, just beginning.
    Our lives were over at so many moments!
    Our lives have ended so many times!

    I have never been so consumed and I have never loved it more
    I have never been so passionate and I have never liked more
    To be devoted to letting all see what it is to live in the love of others
    A commitment to open everyone's eyes to what it means to live in the love of others,
    To live in the love of my brothers
    What does it mean to live in the love of my brothers
    And spilling back all that anyone has ever spilled for me
    In return spilling everything that anyone has ever spilled for me
    To show that to those who have never seen
    To show it to those who have never seen it before.
    Four years ago we planted a seed
    Four years ago we planted a seed
    Found that foundation that we need
    And they found the support they needed;
    Strived for the perfect balance,
    Strive for perfect balance
    To show love and show compassion
    To show everyone love and compassion.

    And our vision for this world will not die when we are dead when we are dead
    And our vision of this world will not change even after we die,
    And our vision for this world will not die when we are dead when we are dead
    And our vision of this world will not change even after we die,
    When we are dead!
    Even after our death!

    My future started with the first note I ever played
    My future began with the first note I played
    The first note that was ever sang
    From the first word I sung
    My future started with the first note I ever played
    My future began with the first note I played
    The first note that was ever sang
    From the first word I sang
    The first note that was ever sang
    From the first word I sung

    When we started living with purpose and writing with meaning
    When we started living with purpose and writing music with meaning -
    This is what we were made for
    This is what we were created for.
    Every day I live this future
    Every day I live this future.


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